/* * Inspired by the "TinyBoy / Fabrikator mini Cam holder" * by "andy_a": * http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1434698 * * Created by: * Thomas Buck in April 2016 * * Licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Share alike license. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- bodyHeight = 7; wallSize = 3; lipSize = 3; fullSize = 28; gap = 5; length = 35; bottomOff = 5; holeDist = 23; holeSize = 3.3; $fn = 15; // ----------------------------------------------------------- module holder() { // lower body cube([wallSize, fullSize - wallSize, bodyHeight]); // upper border translate([0, fullSize - wallSize, 0]) cube([(2 * wallSize) + gap, wallSize, bodyHeight]); // upper lip translate([wallSize + gap, fullSize - (2 * wallSize), 0]) cube([wallSize, wallSize, bodyHeight]); // lower border translate([wallSize, 0, 0]) cube([lipSize, lipSize, bodyHeight]); } module mount() { difference() { cube([bodyHeight, length, wallSize]); translate([bodyHeight / 2, bottomOff + (holeSize / 2), -1]) cylinder(d = holeSize, h = wallSize + 2); translate([bodyHeight / 2, bottomOff + (holeSize / 2) + holeDist, -1]) cylinder(d = holeSize, h = wallSize + 2); } } module whole() { translate([0, 0, wallSize]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) #holder(); translate([0, -length, 0]) mount(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- translate([0, 0, bodyHeight]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) whole();