/* * Created by: * Thomas Buck <xythobuz@xythobuz.de> in March 2016 * * Licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- //translate([-31.784, 42.247, -18.25]) // import( "/Users/thomas/Downloads/turnigy_3d_fabrikator_y-axis_fan_cheese_fan_bracket.stl"); // ----------------------------------------------------------- top_height = 5; bottom_height = 2; distance = 10; motor_width = 28; arm_width = 2; holder_nub = 1; hole = 22; $fn = 25; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Test rendering of motor /* #translate([holder_nub, arm_width, 0]) cube([motor_width, motor_width, motor_width]); */ // ----------------------------------------------------------- module arm(dir = "left", h) { cube([motor_width + holder_nub, arm_width, h]); translate([0, (dir == "right") ? -holder_nub : 0, 0]) cube([holder_nub, arm_width + holder_nub, h]); } module clamp(h) { arm("left", h); translate([0, motor_width + arm_width, 0]) arm("right", h); translate([motor_width + holder_nub, 0, 0]) cube([arm_width, motor_width + (2 * arm_width), h]); } module part() { clamp(bottom_height); translate([0, 0, distance + bottom_height]) clamp(top_height); translate([motor_width + holder_nub, 0, 0]) cube([arm_width, motor_width + (2 * arm_width), top_height + distance + bottom_height]); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- difference() { part(); translate([motor_width + holder_nub - (arm_width / 2), (motor_width / 2) + arm_width, 4]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(d = hole, h = 2 * arm_width); }