123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255 |
- /*
- * Based on "Y-Axis Bracket" by "daveth26":
- * http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1104535
- *
- * Recreated and modified by:
- * Thomas Buck <xythobuz@xythobuz.de> in March 2016
- *
- * Licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license.
- *
- * This part has been modified to use a 25mm fan instead of
- * a 30mm fan. This can be set in the parameters, but beware
- * of any problems, I have not tested any other sizes.
- *
- * The Fabrikator Mini V1.5 include a new bracket that prevents
- * the old design from sliding fully onto the stepper motor.
- */
- // -----------------------------------------------------------
- height = 28.5; // [14:26]
- // default for 25mm fan: 23
- fan_hole_diameter = 23; // [26]
- // default for 25mm fan: 20
- fan_screw_distance = 20; // [22]
- // default for 25mm fan: 3
- fan_screw_diameter = 3; // [1:5]
- fan_hole_angled = "true"; // [true, false]
- arm_inward_angle_left = 4; // [0:5]
- // -----------------------------------------------------------
- /* [Hidden] */
- right_wall_size_modifier = 1.75; // [0:2]
- bottom_arm_height = 2;
- bottom_arm_gap = 8;
- back_support_depth = 2;
- mid_left_cutout = 9;
- wall_size = 4;
- fan_angle = 10;
- nub_size = 1;
- nub_depth = 2;
- motor_width = 28.3;
- motor_depth = 27;
- cut_out_depth = 10;
- cut_out_height = 5.5;
- $fn = 25;
- fan_screw_pos = fan_screw_distance / 2;
- fan_screw_neg = -fan_screw_pos;
- fabrikator_mini_v15_height = 20;
- mid_left_cutout_height = 6;
- base_height = 5;
- arm_inward_angle_right = 0;
- top_fan_extra_layer = 0.8;
- heat_sink_cutout = 24.4;
- // -----------------------------------------------------------
- module ellipse(w, l, d) {
- cube([d, l - w, w]);
- translate([0, 0, w / 2])
- rotate([0, 90, 0])
- cylinder(d = w, h = d);
- translate([0, l - w, w / 2])
- rotate([0, 90, 0])
- cylinder(d = w, h = d);
- }
- module left_arm() {
- // bottom left arm
- translate([0, 0, bottom_arm_gap])
- cube([motor_depth + nub_depth, wall_size, bottom_arm_height]);
- // bottom left nub
- translate([0, 0, bottom_arm_gap])
- cube([nub_depth, wall_size + nub_size, bottom_arm_height]);
- if (height > fabrikator_mini_v15_height) {
- // top left arm
- translate([0, 0, fabrikator_mini_v15_height + 1])
- cube([motor_depth + nub_depth, wall_size, height - fabrikator_mini_v15_height - 1]);
- // top left nub
- translate([0, 0, fabrikator_mini_v15_height + 1])
- cube([nub_depth, wall_size + nub_size, height - fabrikator_mini_v15_height - 1]);
- }
- // left back support
- translate([motor_depth + nub_depth - back_support_depth, 0, 0])
- cube([back_support_depth, wall_size, height]);
- // mid left support
- translate([nub_depth + mid_left_cutout, 0, 10])
- cube([motor_depth - back_support_depth - mid_left_cutout, wall_size, height - fabrikator_mini_v15_height + mid_left_cutout_height]);
- if (arm_inward_angle_left != 0) {
- // connecting piece for angled arm
- translate([motor_depth + nub_depth - back_support_depth, 0, 0])
- cube([1.5 * back_support_depth, wall_size, height]);
- }
- }
- module right_arm() {
- difference() {
- union() {
- // right wall
- translate([0, motor_width + wall_size, 0])
- cube([motor_depth + nub_depth, wall_size - right_wall_size_modifier, height]);
- // right nub
- translate([0, motor_width + wall_size - nub_size, 0])
- cube([nub_depth, wall_size + nub_size - right_wall_size_modifier, height]);
- }
- translate([24 - wall_size, 28, 3])
- rotate([0, 0, 90])
- ellipse(7, 20, 8);
- if (height > 23) {
- translate([24 - wall_size, 28, 13.5])
- rotate([0, 0, 90])
- ellipse(7, 20, 8);
- }
- // cut off a small nub at the top to fit the Z-axis rod holder
- translate([0, motor_width + wall_size - nub_size, height - cut_out_height])
- cube([cut_out_depth, wall_size + nub_size, cut_out_height]);
- }
- if (arm_inward_angle_right != 0) {
- // connecting piece for angled arm
- translate([motor_depth + nub_depth - back_support_depth, motor_width + wall_size, 0])
- cube([1.5 * back_support_depth, wall_size, height]);
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------
- // stepper motor
- %translate([nub_depth, wall_size, 0])
- cube([motor_depth, motor_width, height + 1]);
- // heat sink
- %translate([nub_depth + motor_depth, ((2 * wall_size) + motor_width - heat_sink_cutout) / 2, 1.5 * top_fan_extra_layer])
- cube([10, heat_sink_cutout, heat_sink_cutout]);
- difference() {
- // left arm
- translate([0, 27 * sin(arm_inward_angle_left / 1.5), 0])
- rotate([0, 0, -(arm_inward_angle_left / 1.5)])
- left_arm();
- // cut off small ledge
- translate([0, -1, -base_height])
- cube([motor_depth + nub_depth + wall_size, 1, motor_width + base_height + wall_size]);
- }
- difference() {
- // right arm
- translate([35 * sin(arm_inward_angle_right / 1.5), -27 * sin(arm_inward_angle_right / 1.5), 0])
- rotate([0, 0, arm_inward_angle_right / 1.5])
- right_arm();
- if (arm_inward_angle_right != 0) {
- // cut off small ledge
- translate([0, motor_width + (2 * wall_size), -base_height])
- cube([motor_depth + nub_depth + wall_size, 1, motor_width + base_height + wall_size]);
- }
- }
- // back wall
- difference() {
- translate([motor_depth + nub_depth, 0, 0])
- cube([wall_size, motor_width + (2 * wall_size) - right_wall_size_modifier, height]);
- translate([25, 8 + wall_size, 4])
- ellipse(7, 20, 8);
- if (height > 23) {
- translate([25, 8 + wall_size, 15])
- ellipse(7, 20, 8);
- }
- translate([nub_depth + motor_depth, ((2 * wall_size) + motor_width - heat_sink_cutout) / 2, 1.5 * top_fan_extra_layer])
- cube([wall_size, heat_sink_cutout, heat_sink_cutout]);
- }
- // bottom part
- difference() {
- // base
- translate([0, 0, -base_height])
- cube([motor_depth + nub_depth + wall_size, motor_width + (2 * wall_size) - right_wall_size_modifier, base_height + top_fan_extra_layer]);
- // cut off angled bottom part
- rotate([0, -fan_angle, 0])
- translate([-base_height, -(base_height / 2), -(3 * base_height)])
- cube([motor_depth * 1.5, motor_width + (2 * wall_size) + base_height, (2 * base_height)]);
- // main fan hole
- if (fan_hole_angled == "true") {
- rotate([0, -fan_angle, 0])
- translate([nub_depth + (motor_depth / 2), wall_size + (motor_width / 2), -(base_height * 1.5)])
- cylinder(d = fan_hole_diameter, h = (2 * base_height));
- } else {
- translate([nub_depth + (motor_depth / 2), wall_size + (motor_width / 2), -(base_height * 1.5)])
- cylinder(d = fan_hole_diameter, h = (2 * base_height));
- }
- // fan screw holes
- for (i = [1 : 2]) {
- for (j = [1 : 2]) {
- rotate([0, -fan_angle, 0])
- translate([nub_depth + (motor_depth / 2), wall_size + (motor_width / 2), -(base_height * 1.5)])
- translate([(((i % 2) == 0) ? fan_screw_pos : fan_screw_neg),
- (((j % 2) == 0) ? fan_screw_pos : fan_screw_neg), 0])
- cylinder(d = fan_screw_diameter, h = (2 * base_height));
- }
- }
- // big air hole
- translate([8.5, 36, -1.3])
- rotate([90, 0, 0])
- cylinder(d = 2, h = 40);
- // small air hole
- translate([12.5, 36, -1])
- rotate([90, 0, 0])
- cylinder(d = 1.5, h = 40);
- // elliptical air hole
- translate([-1, 9 + wall_size, -3.5])
- ellipse(2, 12, 8);
- }