My self-made 3D-printable designs, mainly in OpenSCAD
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printer.cfg 6.5KB

  1. [include mainsail.cfg]
  2. ##########################################
  3. ################# System #################
  4. ##########################################
  5. [printer]
  6. kinematics: corexz
  7. max_velocity: 200
  8. max_accel: 2000
  9. max_accel_to_decel: 2000
  10. max_z_velocity: 200
  11. max_z_accel: 500
  12. [board_pins]
  13. aliases:
  14. # EXP1 header
  15. EXP1_1=PB5, EXP1_3=PA9, EXP1_5=PA10, EXP1_7=PB8, EXP1_9=<GND>,
  16. EXP1_2=PA15, EXP1_4=<RST>, EXP1_6=PB9, EXP1_8=PD6, EXP1_10=<5V>,
  17. # I/O header
  18. IO_1=PD0, IO_2=PD2, IO_3=PD3, IO_4=PD4, IO_5=PD5,
  19. # PWR-DET header
  20. PWR_DET=PC12,
  21. # Unused pin
  22. UNUSED=PA6
  23. [mcu]
  24. #serial: /dev/ttyAMA0
  25. serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A100OZQ1-if00-port0
  26. restart_method: command
  27. [temperature_sensor microcontroller]
  28. sensor_type: temperature_mcu
  29. min_temp: 0
  30. max_temp: 90
  31. gcode_id: mcu
  32. [temperature_sensor raspberry_pi]
  33. sensor_type: temperature_host
  34. min_temp: 0
  35. max_temp: 90
  36. gcode_id: pi
  37. ##########################################
  38. ################# Motors #################
  39. ##########################################
  40. # The stepper_x section is used to describe the X axis as well as the
  41. # stepper controlling the X+Z movement.
  42. [stepper_x]
  43. step_pin: PB13
  44. dir_pin: !PB12
  45. enable_pin: !PB14
  46. microsteps: 16 # set by driver
  47. full_steps_per_rotation: 200 # motor specific
  48. gear_ratio: 36:20 # CoreXZ gearbox
  49. rotation_distance: 40 # 20 teeth * 2mm belt
  50. endstop_pin: ^!PC0
  51. position_endstop: -7.0
  52. position_min: -7.0
  53. position_max: 228.0
  54. homing_speed: 40
  55. second_homing_speed: 10
  56. # The stepper_y section is used to describe the stepper controlling
  57. # the Y axis.
  58. [stepper_y]
  59. step_pin: PB10
  60. dir_pin: PB2
  61. enable_pin: !PB11
  62. microsteps: 16 # set by driver
  63. full_steps_per_rotation: 200 # motor specific
  64. gear_ratio: 1:1 # driven directly
  65. rotation_distance: 40 # 20 teeth * 2mm belt
  66. endstop_pin: ^!PC1
  67. position_endstop: 0.0
  68. position_min: 0.0
  69. position_max: 210.0
  70. homing_speed: 40
  71. second_homing_speed: 10
  72. # The stepper_z section is used to describe the Z axis as well as the
  73. # stepper controlling the X-Z movement.
  74. [stepper_z]
  75. step_pin: PB0
  76. dir_pin: !PC5
  77. enable_pin: !PB1
  78. microsteps: 16 # set by driver
  79. full_steps_per_rotation: 200 # motor specific
  80. gear_ratio: 36:20 # CoreXZ gearbox
  81. rotation_distance: 40 # 20 teeth * 2mm belt
  82. endstop_pin: ^!PC2
  83. position_endstop: 0.200
  84. position_min: 0.0
  85. position_max: 275.0
  86. homing_speed: 40
  87. second_homing_speed: 10
  88. [extruder]
  89. step_pin: PB3
  90. dir_pin: !PB4
  91. enable_pin: !PD1
  92. rotation_distance: 22.67895
  93. gear_ratio: 50:8
  94. microsteps: 16
  95. full_steps_per_rotation: 200
  96. nozzle_diameter: 0.400
  97. filament_diameter: 1.750
  98. heater_pin: PC8
  99. sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
  100. sensor_pin: PA0
  101. control: pid
  102. pid_Kp: 23.441
  103. pid_Ki: 0.919
  104. pid_Kd: 149.435
  105. min_temp: 0
  106. max_temp: 250
  107. max_extrude_only_distance: 1400.0
  108. max_extrude_only_velocity: 75.0
  109. max_extrude_only_accel: 1500
  110. [heater_bed]
  111. heater_pin: PC9
  112. sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
  113. sensor_pin: PC4
  114. control: pid
  115. pid_Kp: 43.878
  116. pid_Ki: 0.255
  117. pid_Kd: 1888.933
  118. min_temp: 0
  119. max_temp: 130
  120. ###########################################
  121. ################# TMC2209 #################
  122. ###########################################
  123. [tmc2209 stepper_x]
  124. uart_pin: PC11
  125. tx_pin: PC10
  126. uart_address: 0
  127. stealthchop_threshold: 999999
  128. run_current: 0.6
  129. [tmc2209 stepper_y]
  130. uart_pin: PC11
  131. tx_pin: PC10
  132. uart_address: 2
  133. stealthchop_threshold: 999999
  134. run_current: 0.6
  135. [tmc2209 stepper_z]
  136. uart_pin: PC11
  137. tx_pin: PC10
  138. uart_address: 1
  139. stealthchop_threshold: 999999
  140. run_current: 0.6
  141. [tmc2209 extruder]
  142. uart_pin: PC11
  143. tx_pin: PC10
  144. uart_address: 3
  145. stealthchop_threshold: 999999
  146. run_current: 0.5
  147. ###########################################
  148. ############### Accessories ###############
  149. ###########################################
  150. [heater_fan nozzle_cooling_fan]
  151. pin: PC6 # fan 0
  152. [fan]
  153. pin: PC7 # fan 1
  154. [controller_fan controller_fan]
  155. pin: PB15 # fan 2
  156. ############################################
  157. ############### Bed Leveling ###############
  158. ############################################
  159. [bltouch]
  160. sensor_pin: ^PC14
  161. control_pin: PA1
  162. x_offset: -37
  163. y_offset: -2
  164. z_offset: 3.151
  165. speed: 10
  166. [bed_mesh]
  167. speed: 200
  168. mesh_min: 5, 5
  169. mesh_max: 190, 195
  170. horizontal_move_z: 10
  171. probe_count: 5, 5
  172. mesh_pps: 4, 4
  173. [gcode_macro G29]
  174. gcode:
  176. ###########################################
  177. ########### LCD / Encoder / LED ###########
  178. ###########################################
  179. [display]
  180. lcd_type: uc1701
  181. cs_pin: EXP1_2
  182. a0_pin: EXP1_3
  183. rst_pin: EXP1_5
  184. contrast: 63
  185. encoder_pins: ^IO_2, ^IO_3
  186. click_pin: ^!EXP1_1
  187. #kill_pin: ^IO_1
  188. spi_software_miso_pin: UNUSED
  189. spi_software_mosi_pin: IO_5
  190. spi_software_sclk_pin: IO_4
  191. # index 1 is lcd backlight
  192. # index 2 is left encoder led
  193. # index 3 is right encoder led
  194. [neopixel lcd]
  195. pin: EXP1_6
  196. chain_count: 3
  197. color_order: RGB
  198. initial_RED: 0.3
  199. initial_GREEN: 0.3
  200. initial_BLUE: 0.3
  201. ##########################################
  202. ################# Beeper #################
  203. ##########################################
  204. # M300 : Play tone. Usage:
  205. # M300 [P<ms>] [S<Hz>]
  206. # P is the tone duration, S the tone frequency.
  207. [output_pin beeper]
  208. pin: PWR_DET
  209. pwm: True
  210. value: 0 # Silent at power on, set to 1 if active low.
  211. shutdown_value: 0 # Disable at emergency shutdown (no PWM would be available anyway).
  212. cycle_time: 0.001
  213. [gcode_macro M300]
  214. gcode:
  215. # Use a default 1kHz tone if S is omitted.
  216. \{% set S = params.S|default(1000)|int %}
  217. # Use a 10ms duration is P is omitted.
  218. \{% set P = params.P|default(100)|int %}
  219. SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=0.5 CYCLE_TIME={ 1.0/S if S > 0 else 1 }
  220. G4 P{P}
  221. SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=0
  222. ##########################################
  223. ############## Idle Timeout ##############
  224. ##########################################
  225. #
  226. [gcode_macro POWER_OFF_PRINTER]
  227. gcode:
  228. {action_call_remote_method("set_device_power",
  229. device="printer",
  230. state="off")}
  231. [delayed_gcode delayed_printer_off]
  232. initial_duration: 0.
  233. gcode:
  234. \{% if printer.idle_timeout.state == "Idle" %}
  236. \{% endif %}
  237. [idle_timeout]
  238. gcode:
  239. M84
  241. UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=delayed_printer_off DURATION=60
  242. ##########################################
  243. ######### Telegram Bot Timelapse #########
  244. ##########################################
  245. #
  246. [gcode_macro _bot_data]
  247. variable_lapse_video_size: 0
  248. variable_lapse_filename: 'None'
  249. variable_lapse_path: 'None'
  250. gcode:
  251. M118 Setting bot lapse variables