#!/bin/bash # The serialHelper115200 file is my own SerialHelper Utility compiled # with 115200 baud. Get it from here: # https://github.com/xythobuz/SerialHelper DATA_FILE=led_data_file if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo "Usage: three hex bytes for color" echo "$0 rr gg bb" exit fi PORTFILE=`ls /dev/tty.wchusbserial* | head -n 1` echo "Using $PORTFILE as serial port..." echo "Preparing data to send..." echo -n "xythobuzRGBled" > $DATA_FILE for i in {1..156}; do echo -n -e "\x$1\x$2\x$3" >> $DATA_FILE done echo "Opening serial port..." serialHelper115200 -rw $PORTFILE >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & TERM_PID=$! echo "PID is $TERM_PID" echo "Waiting for Arduino to be ready..." sleep 3 echo "Sending data..." cat $DATA_FILE > $PORTFILE echo "Waiting for data to appear..." sleep 1 echo "Closing serial port..." kill $TERM_PID echo "Deleting created data file..." rm -rf $DATA_FILE