// This is the client-side Javascript that receives the IPs of all available // local ESP-Weather modules, reads their values using the Websocket interface // and renders the graphs to visualize them. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): // & wrote this file. As long as // you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we // meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer // in return. Thomas Buck & Christian Högerle // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Text Strings. Change these to translate. textAvailableSensors = "Available Sensors"; textButtonNext = "Continue"; homeTabName = "Home"; sensorTabName = "Sensor"; errorMessage = "Couldn't read sensor with IP: "; errorTitle = "Error: "; temperatureLabel = 'Temperature [C]'; humidityLabel = 'Humidity [%RH]'; temperatureHeading = "Temperature"; humidityHeading = "Humidity"; // Colors singleChartTempColor = "#337ab7"; singleChartHumidColor = "#337ab7"; preDefinedColors = Array( "#337ab7", "#ff0000", "#00ff00" ); // Get current client-time for the graph X-axis labels var actTime = new Date(); actTime = actTime.getHours() + ":" + (actTime.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0':'') + actTime.getMinutes(); var arrSensor = Array(); // Data received from Websockets var currentState = "initial"; // "initial", "main", "1", "2", ... // Draw initial view when the page has been loaded $(document).ready(resizeAndRedraw); // Match graph canvases to their parent containers on resize $(window).on('resize', resizeAndRedraw, false); // Redraw current graph view, used for resizing function redraw(animate) { if (currentState === "initial") { initialView(); } else if (currentState === "main") { generateView(arrSensor, animate); } else { var n = Math.floor(Number(currentState)); if ((String(n) === currentState) && (n >= 0)) { generateGraph(false, arrSensor[(currentState - 1)], animate); } else { console.log("Invalid state: " + currentState); } } } function resize() { $("canvas").each(function(i, el) { $(el).attr({ "width":$(el).parent().width(), "height":$(el).parent().outerHeight() }); }); } function resizeAndRedraw(animate) { resize(); redraw(animate); } function initialView() { // Show first page and hide the graphs $('#startDiv').show(); $('#dataDiv').hide(); // Reset the button text $('#btnSubmit').empty(); $('#btnSubmit').html(textButtonNext); // Reset heading with number of clients $('#listSensorsHeading').empty(); $('#listSensorsHeading').html(textAvailableSensors + " (0/" + clients.length + ")"); // Iterate all given client IPs and get their data using Websocket var count = [0]; jQuery.each(clients, function(index, client) { webSocket(client, "2391", count, clients.length); }); // Button to continue to graph view $("#btnSubmit").click(function(event) { currentState = "main"; resizeAndRedraw(true); }); } function webSocket(wsUri, wsPort, count, clientsCount) { websocket = new WebSocket("ws://" + wsUri + ":" + wsPort + "/"); websocket.onopen = function(evt) {}; websocket.onclose = function(evt) {}; websocket.onmessage = function(evt) { var jsonData = jQuery.parseJSON(evt.data); count[0]++; var sensor = {id: count[0], ip: wsUri, currentTemp: jsonData['T'], currentHum: jsonData['H']}; var arrEEPROM = Array(); jQuery.each(jsonData['EEPROM'], function(index, data) { arrEEPROM.push(data); }); sensor.arrEEPROM = arrEEPROM; arrSensor.push(sensor); $('#listSensorsHeading').html(textAvailableSensors + " (" + sensor.id + "/" + clientsCount + ")"); $('#listSensors').append('
  • ' + ' Sensor ' + sensor.id + ' | IP: ' + sensor.ip + ' | Temperature: ' + sensor.currentTemp + ' | Humidity: ' + sensor.currentHum + '
  • '); // Enable continue buttons when all modules have been reached if(count[0] == clientsCount) { $('#btnSubmit').prop("disabled", false); } }; websocket.onerror = function(evt) { if($('#websocketError').length ) { $('.alert-danger').append(errorMessage + wsUri + '
    '); } else { $('#alertDiv').append('
    ' + '' + errorTitle + '
    ' + errorMessage + wsUri + '
    '); } console.log("WebSocket Error: " + evt.data); }; } function generateView(arrSensor, animation) { // Hide first page, show graph page $('#startDiv').hide(); $('#dataDiv').show(); // Add home tab $('.nav-pills').empty(); $('.nav-pills').append('
  • ' + homeTabName + '
  • '); // Add tabs for all sensors jQuery.each(arrSensor, function(index, sensor) { $('.nav-pills').append('
  • ' + sensorTabName + ' ' + sensor.id + '
  • '); }); // flag for combined plot -> true generateGraph(true, arrSensor, animation); // Handler for "Home" button, drawing combined graph $("#homebut").click(function(event) { // flag for combined plot -> true generateGraph(true, arrSensor, true); currentState = "main"; }); // Handler for single sensor buttons $("#sensbut").click(function(event) { generateGraph(false, arrSensor[(event.target.text.split(" ")[1] - 1)], true); currentState = event.target.text.split(" ")[1]; }); } function generateGraph(flag, sensor, anim) { resize(); if (flag) { // one plot for all sensors var length = 0; jQuery.each(sensor, function(index, tmp) { if(length < tmp.arrEEPROM.length) { length = tmp.arrEEPROM.length; } }); var labels = Array(); actHour = actTime.split(":")[0]; for(var i = length; i > 0; i--) { labels.unshift(actHour + ":00"); actHour = (actHour - 1).mod(24); } labels.push(actTime); var dataTemperature = Array(); var dataHumidity = Array(); var tmpDataTemperature = Array(); var tmpDataHumidity = Array(); jQuery.each(sensor, function(index, tmp) { for (var i = 0; i < (length - tmp.arrEEPROM.length); i++) { tmpDataTemperature.push([]); tmpDataHumidity.push([]); } jQuery.each(tmp.arrEEPROM, function(index, value) { tmpDataTemperature.push(value['T']); tmpDataHumidity.push(value['H']); }); tmpDataTemperature.push(tmp.currentTemp); tmpDataHumidity.push(tmp.currentHum); var lineColor = getColor(index); dataTemperature.push({label: sensorTabName + " " + tmp.id, data: tmpDataTemperature, fill: false, borderWidth: 3, borderColor : lineColor,}); dataHumidity.push({label: sensorTabName + " " + tmp.id, data: tmpDataHumidity, fill: false, borderWidth: 3, borderColor : lineColor,}); tmpDataTemperature = []; tmpDataHumidity = []; }); } else { // plot for one sensor var labels = Array(); var tmpDataTemperature = Array(); var tmpDataHumidity = Array(); actHour = actTime.split(":")[0]; actHour = (actHour - sensor.arrEEPROM.length).mod(24); jQuery.each(sensor.arrEEPROM, function(index, value) { actHour = (actHour + 1).mod(24); labels.push(actHour + ":00"); tmpDataTemperature.push(value['T']); tmpDataHumidity.push(value['H']); }); labels.push(actTime); tmpDataTemperature.push(sensor.currentTemp); tmpDataHumidity.push(sensor.currentHum); var dataTemperature = [{label: temperatureLabel, data: tmpDataTemperature, fill: false, borderWidth: 3, borderColor: singleChartTempColor,}]; var dataHumidity = [{label: humidityLabel, data: tmpDataHumidity, fill: false, borderWidth: 3, borderColor: singleChartHumidColor,}]; } var tempCtx = $('#temperatureChart'); var humCtx = $('#humidityChart'); var tempOptions = { title: { display: true, text: temperatureHeading }, responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: true, scaleOverride: true, }; var humOptions = { title: { display: true, text: humidityHeading }, responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: true, scaleOverride: true, }; if (!anim) { tempOptions.animation = false; humOptions.animation = false; } var tempChart = new Chart(tempCtx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: labels, datasets: dataTemperature, }, options: tempOptions }); var humCharts = new Chart(humCtx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: labels, datasets: dataHumidity, }, options: humOptions }); } // Modulo-Bug: http://javascript.about.com/od/problemsolving/a/modulobug.htm Number.prototype.mod = function(n) { return ((this%n)+n)%n; } function getColor(index) { if (index < preDefinedColors.length) { return preDefinedColors[index]; } else { return getRandomColor(); } } function getRandomColor() { var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split(''); var color = '#'; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)]; } return color; }