/* * config.h * * Configuration options for ESP-Weather. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * & wrote this file. As long as * you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we * meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer * in return. Thomas Buck & Christian Högerle * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __CONFIG_H__ #define __CONFIG_H__ #define WEB_PORT 80 #define BROADCAST_PORT 2390 #define WEBSOCKET_PORT 2391 #define NTP_PORT_FROM 2392 #define NTP_PORT_TO 123 // WiFi Credentials for the captive config portal AP #define DEFAULT_SSID "ESP-Weather" #define DEFAULT_PASS "testtest" #define MAX_BROADCAST_WAIT_TIME 550 #define NTP_RETRY_TIMEOUT 2500 #define NTP_SERVER_NAME "time.nist.gov" #define NTP_PACKET_SIZE 48 #define UDP_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE 25 #define DEBUG_BAUDRATE 115200 // Size of EEPROM for history storage. // 4096 should be ok, but too large values cause system crashes! #define EEPROM_SIZE 512 // Broadcast Identifier. Change this when the protocol changes! #define UDP_PING_CONTENTS "pingESP8266v0.1" #define UDP_ECHO_CONTENTS "echoESP8266v0.1" #endif // __CONFIG_H__