# 8x8x8 LED Cube 8x8x8 Single Color LED Cube built with an AtMega32. ## Hardware This LED-Cube uses an AtMega32 for displaying animations and an AtMega8 for Audio Visualizations. I first built the Circuit on a 160x100mm hole-grid board. This was very cumbersome, so I created a dual-sided PCB Layout with SMD Parts. You can find this Layout and the Schematic in the Hardware folder, as PNGs and Eagle files. There's also a partlist. ## CubeFirmware CubeFirmware controls the AtMega32, which in turn displays images and communicates over USB. It's in the CubeFirmware folder. Compile with avr-gcc, using the makefile (just run 'make'). ## AudioFirmware This firmware controls the AtMega8, which interfaces the MSGEQ7 to get sound data. It is addressed by the CubeFirmware as a TWI-Slave. ## CubeControl CubeControl is a PC software, written in Java and mostly platform-independent, to create Animations for the Cube and send them to it. It depends on Java3D to display a rotatable, clickable 3D View of the LED-Cube. It comes with it's own Serial Library to communicate with the Cube. Compile it with the makefile. You need a working javac and gcc in your Path. To compile under windows get something like MinGW or try Microsofts compiler. ## HardwareEmulator Run this in a Unixoid OS to test CubeControls up-/download capabilites. ## UploadTest Allows you to send test data or aniamtions saved by CubeControl to the Cube. ## License See the included LICENSE file. This software is released as GPLv3. It incorporates some code from Peter Danneger (his TWI Library and a button debounce routine), released as GPLv2.