# 8x8x8 LED Cube 8x8x8 Single Color LED Cube built with an AtMega32. ## Hardware You can find the schematic as png and Eagle file in this directory. ## Firmware The firmware of the Controller is yet to be developed... It will use [Peter Fleury's UART and TWI Library](http://homepage.hispeed.ch/peterfleury/avr-software.html). ## Cube Control We also build a software to create and load animations into the cube. This software is written in Java and C and should work on Windows and Unix. It's source is in the "Cube Control" directory. ## Build instructions Theres a global makefile in the top folder. If you run it, it will (probably) create CubeControl.jar, CubeFirmware.hex and a OS-dependent serial library (Serial.dll or libSerial.jnilib...). If not, you should take a look at the makefile in CubeControl. Hard-Coded include directorys are probably different than on your system... You obviously need a working JDK and a C Compiler Environment (we use gcc). CubeControls makefile will autodetect a Windows Host and compile a Windows Version accordingly. If it is not on Windows, it will compile a Mac Version. Unix is currently not supported by the makefile, but should work if compiled manually.