/* * POSIX compatible serial port library * Uses 8 databits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no handshaking * By: Thomas Buck * Visit: www.xythobuz.org */ // Use POSIX Baud constants (B2400, B9600...) #define BAUD B38400 // Searchterm for ports in unix #define SEARCH "tty." // Open the serial port. Return 0 on success, -1 on error int serialOpen(char *port); // Write to port. Returns number of characters sent, -1 on error ssize_t serialWrite(char *data, size_t length); // Read from port. Return number of characters read, 0 if none available, -1 on error ssize_t serialRead(char *data, size_t length); // Close the serial Port void serialClose(void); // String array with serial port names char** getSerialPorts(void);