Simple single-color 8x8x8 LED Cube with AVRs
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makefile 1.3KB

  1. CC = gcc
  2. # Path to jni.h
  3. ifdef SystemRoot
  4. HEADERPATH = C:/Program\ Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_29/include
  5. RM = del
  6. PLATFORM = Win
  7. else
  8. HEADERPATH = /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers
  9. RM = rm -f
  10. PLATFORM = Mac
  11. endif
  12. # --------------------------------------
  13. all: libSerial
  14. doc: doc/index.html
  15. serialInterface.h: HelperUtility.class
  16. javah -o serialInterface.h HelperUtility
  17. HelperUtility.class: ../
  18. javac ../
  19. cp ../HelperUtility.class HelperUtility.class
  20. # SystemRoot is only defined in Windows
  21. ifdef SystemRoot
  22. libSerial: Serial.dll
  23. else
  24. UNAME := $(shell uname -s)
  25. ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin)
  26. libSerial: libSerial.jnilib
  27. else
  28. libSerial:
  29. endif
  30. endif
  31. libSerial.jnilib: serialHelper.c unixSerial.c serialInterface.h
  32. $(CC) -x c -I$(HEADERPATH) -c serialHelper.c -o serialHelper.o
  33. $(CC) -dynamiclib -o libSerial.jnilib serialHelper.o
  34. serialHelper.c unixSerial.c serialInterface.h
  35. $(CC) -x c -I$(HEADERPATH) -c serialHelper.c -o serialHelper.o
  36. $(CC) -dynamiclib -o serialHelper.o
  37. Serial.dll: serialHelper.c winSerial.c serialInterface.h
  38. $(CC) -x c -I$(HEADERPATH) -c serialHelper.c -o serialHelper.o -D winHelper
  39. $(CC) -shared -o Serial.dll serialHelper.o
  40. # Delete intermediate files
  41. clean:
  42. $(RM) *.class
  43. $(RM) *.h
  44. $(RM) *.o
  45. ifdef SystemRoot
  46. $(RM) *.dll
  47. else
  48. $(RM) *.jnilib
  49. endif