# OpenChrono Chronograph for Airsoft use, released as Free Open Source hardware and software! Uses a 3D printed housing to hold an Arduino, an OLED display, batteries and two photosensitive IR light barriers. Fixed mounting on the front of the gun in the style of a silencer. Can optionally also include UV LEDs to illuminate tracer BBs. ## Hardware Use the included OpenSCAD design file in `hardware/openchrono.scad` to render your own custom STLs that fit your use-case. ### Required Parts Besides some common stuff like soldering wire and hotglue you need the following parts to build this project. | Description | Type | Count | | ------------------ | ------------- | ----- | | Arduino Nano | | 1x | | LCD 128x64 I2C | SSD1306 0.96" | 1x | | Slide Switch | | 1x | | IR Phototransistor | SFH 309 FA-5 | 2x | | IR LED 3mm | | 2x | | Resistor | 1k Ohm | 2x | | Resistor | 100 Ohm | 1x | | Screw | M2 10mm | 4x | | Screw | M2.5 10mm | 2x | | Screw | M3 16mm | 8x | | Heatmelt Insert | M3 <= 10mm | 8x | For the UV tracer option you also need the following parts. | Description | Type | Count | | ----------- | ------- | ----- | | UV LED 3mm | | 2x | | Resistor | 100 Ohm | 1x | You have different options for powering the project. My first version for testing uses a pre-made AA battery holder. | Description | Type | Count | | -------------- | ------ | ----- | | AA Battery | | 3x | | AA Bat. Holder | | 1x | | Screw (sunk) | M3 6mm | 2x | The originally intended variant is a AAA battery holder printed into the model. I don't have the terminals for that yet so it is not finished. | Description | Type | Count | | ------------------ | ---- | ----- | | AAA Battery | | 3x | | Bat. Terminal Neg. | | 3x | | Bat. Terminal Pos. | | 3x | I'm also looking to design a LiPo version with charger included in the future. [![Breadboard](electronics/OpenChrono_bb.png)](electronics/OpenChrono_bb.png) [![Schematics](electronics/OpenChrono_schem.png)](electronics/OpenChrono_schem.png) ## Software This project uses the [U8g2 library by olikraus](https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2) to draw to the I2C OLED display. You can compile and flash the software using either PlatformIO or the standard Arduino IDE. With the Arduino IDE [install the U8g2 library using the Library Manager](https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/wiki/u8g2install) and then flash as usual. For PlatformIO run something like the following command. pio run -t upload --upload-port /dev/ttyUSB0 Replace `/dev/ttyUSB0` with the port you are using. ### Configuration Take a look at `firmware/OpenChrono/config.h`. This file contains all the settings you can change as a user. The most important setting is `SENSOR_DISTANCE`, which is given from the 3D model of the case. It is echoed when rendering the OpenSCAD design. You can set `BB_WEIGHT` to the one you use most commonly, and `BB_WEIGHTS` to others interesting for you (`BB_WEIGHTS` should include `BB_WEIGHT`). These values are used to calculate the energy in Joules. Set `PREFERRED_UNITS` to what you would like to see in the 2D graph. The range of speeds that can be measured is determined by `TIMER_PRESCALER`. Take a look at the comment in `firmware/OpenChrono/ticks.cpp` for details.