/*! * \file src/Game.cpp * \brief Game abstraction * * \author xythobuz */ #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include "main.h" #include "Console.h" #include "Game.h" #include "utils/strings.h" #include "games/TombRaider1.h" // Old Code compatibility #define TexelScale 256.0f #ifndef EXPERIMENTAL_UNFIFIED_ROOM_GEOMETERY #define TextureLimit 24 #endif #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL std::vector gColorTextureHACK; #endif #ifdef MULTITEXTURE std::map gMapTex2Bump; #endif Game::Game() { mLoaded = false; mName = NULL; mLara = NULL; mTextureStart = 0; mTextureOffset = 0; } Game::~Game() { destroy(); } int Game::initialize() { // Enable Renderer mTextureStart = getRender().initTextures(getOpenRaider().mDataDir); getRender().setMode(Render::modeLoadScreen); return 0; } void Game::destroy() { if (mName) delete [] mName; mLoaded = false; mLara = NULL; getRender().setMode(Render::modeDisabled); getWorld().destroy(); getRender().ClearWorld(); getSound().clear(); // Remove all previously loaded sounds } bool Game::isLoaded() { return mLoaded; } int Game::loadLevel(const char *level) { if (mLoaded) destroy(); mName = bufferString("%s", level); // Load the level pak into TombRaider getConsole().print("Loading %s", mName); int error = mTombRaider.Load(mName); if (error != 0) { return error; } // If required, load the external sound effect file MAIN.SFX into TombRaider if ((mTombRaider.getEngine() == TR_VERSION_2) || (mTombRaider.getEngine() == TR_VERSION_3)) { char *tmp = bufferString("%sMAIN.SFX", level); // Ensure theres enough space size_t length = strlen(tmp); size_t dir = 0; for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((tmp[i] == '/') || (tmp[i] == '\\')) { dir = i + 1; // Find where the filename (bla.tr2) starts break; } } strcpy(tmp + dir, "MAIN.SFX"); // overwrite the name itself with MAIN.SFX tmp[dir + 8] = '\0'; error = mTombRaider.loadSFX(tmp); if (error != 0) { getConsole().print("Could not load %s", tmp); } delete [] tmp; } // Process data processTextures(); processRooms(); processModels(); processSprites(); processMoveables(); processPakSounds(); // Free pak file mTombRaider.reset(); // Check if the level contains Lara if (mLara == NULL) { getConsole().print("Can't find Lara entity in level pak!"); return -1; } mLoaded = true; getRender().setMode(Render::modeVertexLight); return 0; } void Game::handleAction(ActionEvents action, bool isFinished) { if (mLoaded) { if (action == forwardAction) { getWorld().moveEntity(mLara, 'f'); } else if (action == backwardAction) { getWorld().moveEntity(mLara, 'b'); } else if (action == leftAction) { getWorld().moveEntity(mLara, 'l'); } else if (action == rightAction) { getWorld().moveEntity(mLara, 'r'); } } } void Game::handleMouseMotion(int xrel, int yrel) { if (mLoaded) { // Move Camera on X Axis if (xrel > 0) while (xrel-- > 0) getCamera().command(CAMERA_ROTATE_RIGHT); else if (xrel < 0) while (xrel++ < 0) getCamera().command(CAMERA_ROTATE_LEFT); // Move Camera on Y Axis if (yrel > 0) while (yrel-- > 0) getCamera().command(CAMERA_ROTATE_UP); else if (yrel < 0) while (yrel++ < 0) getCamera().command(CAMERA_ROTATE_DOWN); // Fix Laras rotation mLara->angles[1] = getCamera().getRadianYaw(); mLara->angles[2] = getCamera().getRadianPitch(); } } void Game::processPakSounds() { unsigned char *riff; unsigned int riffSz; //tr2_sound_source_t *sound; //tr2_sound_details_t *detail; //float pos[3]; unsigned int i; int id; /* detail short sample; short volume; short sound_range; short flags; // bits 8-15: priority?, 2-7: number of sound samples // in this group, bits 0-1: channel number */ printf("Processing pak sound files: "); for (i = 0; i < mTombRaider.getSoundSamplesCount(); ++i) { mTombRaider.getSoundSample(i, &riffSz, &riff); getSound().addWave(riff, riffSz, &id, Sound::SoundFlagsNone); //if (((i + 1) == TR_SOUND_F_PISTOL) && (id > 0)) //{ //m_testSFX = id; //} delete [] riff; // sound[i].sound_id; // internal sound index // sound[i].flags; // 0x40, 0x80, or 0xc0 //pos[0] = sound[i].x; //pos[1] = sound[i].y; //pos[2] = sound[i].z; //getSound().SourceAt(id, pos); //printf("."); //fflush(stdout); } printf("Done! Found %u files.\n", mTombRaider.getSoundSamplesCount()); } void Game::processTextures() { unsigned char *image; unsigned char *bumpmap; int i; printf("Processing TR textures: "); //if ( mTombRaider.getNumBumpMaps()) // gBumpMapStart = mTombRaider.NumTextures(); for (i = 0; i < mTombRaider.NumTextures(); ++i) { mTombRaider.Texture(i, &image, &bumpmap); // Overwrite any previous level textures on load getRender().loadTexture(image, 256, 256, (mTextureStart - 1) + i); #ifdef MULTITEXTURE gMapTex2Bump[(mTextureStart - 1) + i] = -1; #endif if (bumpmap) { #ifdef MULTITEXTURE gMapTex2Bump[(mTextureStart - 1) + i] = (mTextureStart - 1) + i + mTombRaider.NumTextures(); #endif getRender().loadTexture(bumpmap, 256, 256, (mTextureStart - 1) + i + mTombRaider.NumTextures()); } if (image) delete [] image; if (bumpmap) delete [] bumpmap; //printf("."); //fflush(stdout); } mTextureOffset = (mTextureStart - 1) + mTombRaider.NumTextures(); printf("Done! Found %d textures.\n", mTombRaider.NumTextures()); } void Game::processSprites() { int i, j, k, l, x, y, s_index, width, height; float scale, width2, height2; tr2_sprite_texture_t *sprite; tr2_sprite_texture_t *sprite_textures; tr2_sprite_sequence_t *sprite_sequence; sprite_seq_t *r_mesh; tr2_item_t *item; item = mTombRaider.Item(); sprite_textures = mTombRaider.Sprite(); sprite_sequence = mTombRaider.SpriteSequence(); scale = 4.0; printf("Processing sprites: "); for (i = 0; i < mTombRaider.NumItems() - 1; ++i) { // It's a mesh, skip it if (mTombRaider.Engine() == TR_VERSION_1 && item[i].intensity1 == -1) continue; k = item[i].object_id; // Search the SpriteSequence list // (if we didn't already decide that it's a mesh) for (j = 0; j < (int)mTombRaider.NumSpriteSequences(); ++j) { if (sprite_sequence[j].object_id == k) { k = item[i].object_id; s_index = sprite_sequence[j].offset; r_mesh = new sprite_seq_t; getWorld().addSprite(r_mesh); r_mesh->num_sprites = -sprite_sequence[j].negative_length; r_mesh->sprite = new sprite_t[r_mesh->num_sprites]; for (l = 0; l < r_mesh->num_sprites; ++l) { sprite = &sprite_textures[s_index]; width = sprite->width >> 8; height = sprite->height >> 8; x = sprite->x; y = sprite->y; width2 = width * scale; height2 = height * scale; // For vising use r_mesh->sprite[l].pos[0] = item[i].x; r_mesh->sprite[l].pos[1] = item[i].y; r_mesh->sprite[l].pos[2] = item[i].z; r_mesh->sprite[l].texture = sprite->tile + mTextureStart; r_mesh->sprite[l].radius = width2 / 2.0f; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[0].pos[0] = -width2 / 2.0f; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[1].pos[0] = -width2 / 2.0f; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[2].pos[0] = width2 / 2.0f; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[3].pos[0] = width2 / 2.0f; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[0].pos[1] = 0; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[1].pos[1] = -height2; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[2].pos[1] = -height2; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[3].pos[1] = 0; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[0].pos[2] = 0; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[1].pos[2] = 0; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[2].pos[2] = 0; r_mesh->sprite[l].vertex[3].pos[2] = 0; r_mesh->sprite[l].texel[3].st[0] = (vec_t)(x+width)/TexelScale; r_mesh->sprite[l].texel[3].st[1] = (vec_t)(y+height)/TexelScale; r_mesh->sprite[l].texel[2].st[0] = (vec_t)(x+width)/TexelScale; r_mesh->sprite[l].texel[2].st[1] = (vec_t)(y)/TexelScale; r_mesh->sprite[l].texel[1].st[0] = (vec_t)(x) /TexelScale; r_mesh->sprite[l].texel[1].st[1] = (vec_t)(y) /TexelScale; r_mesh->sprite[l].texel[0].st[0] = (vec_t)(x) / TexelScale; r_mesh->sprite[l].texel[0].st[1] = (vec_t)(y+height)/TexelScale; //printf("."); //fflush(stdout); } } } } printf("Done! Found %d sprites.\n", mTombRaider.NumSpriteSequences()); } void Game::processMoveables() { std::vector cache; std::vector cache2; tr2_mesh_t *mesh = NULL; tr2_moveable_t *moveable = NULL; tr2_meshtree_t *meshtree = NULL; tr2_item_t *item = NULL; tr2_animation_t *animation = NULL; unsigned short *frame = NULL; tr2_sprite_sequence_t *sprite_sequence = NULL; tr2_object_texture_t *object_texture = NULL; int i, j, object_id; int ent = 0; unsigned int statCount = 0; frame = mTombRaider.Frame(); moveable = mTombRaider.Moveable(); meshtree = mTombRaider.MeshTree(); mesh = mTombRaider.Mesh(); object_texture = mTombRaider.ObjectTextures(); item = mTombRaider.Item(); animation = mTombRaider.Animation(); sprite_sequence = mTombRaider.SpriteSequence(); printf("Processing skeletal models: "); for (i = 0; i < mTombRaider.NumItems(); ++i) { object_id = item[i].object_id; // It may not be a moveable, test for sprite if (!(mTombRaider.Engine() == TR_VERSION_1 && item[i].intensity1 == -1)) { for (j = 0; j < (int)mTombRaider.NumSpriteSequences(); ++j) { if (sprite_sequence[j].object_id == object_id) break; } // It's not a moveable, skip sprite if (j != (int)mTombRaider.NumSpriteSequences()) { //printf("s"); //fflush(stdout); continue; } } for (j = 0; j < (int)mTombRaider.NumMoveables(); ++j) { if ((int)moveable[j].object_id == object_id) break; } // It's not a moveable or even a sprite?, skip unknown if (j == (int)mTombRaider.NumMoveables()) { //printf("?"); // what the wolf? //fflush(stdout); continue; } processMoveable(j, i, &ent, cache2, cache, object_id); statCount++; } // Get models that aren't items for (i = 0; i < mTombRaider.NumMoveables(); ++i) { switch ((int)moveable[i].object_id) { case 30: case 2: // Which tr needs this as model again? processMoveable(i, i, &ent, cache2, cache, (int)moveable[i].object_id); break; default: switch (mTombRaider.Engine()) { case TR_VERSION_1: switch ((int)moveable[i].object_id) { case TombRaider1::LaraMutant: processMoveable(i, i, &ent, cache2, cache, (int)moveable[i].object_id); break; } break; case TR_VERSION_4: switch ((int)moveable[i].object_id) { case TR4_PISTOLS_ANIM: case TR4_UZI_ANIM: case TR4_SHOTGUN_ANIM: case TR4_CROSSBOW_ANIM: case TR4_GRENADE_GUN_ANIM: case TR4_SIXSHOOTER_ANIM: processMoveable(i, i, &ent, cache2, cache, (int)moveable[i].object_id); break; } break; case TR_VERSION_2: case TR_VERSION_3: case TR_VERSION_5: case TR_VERSION_UNKNOWN: break; } } } printf("Done! Found %d models.\n", mTombRaider.NumMoveables() + statCount); } void Game::processMoveable(int index, int i, int *ent, std::vector &cache2, std::vector &cache, int object_id) { skeletal_model_t *r_model = NULL; skeletal_model_t *c_model = NULL; animation_frame_t *animation_frame = NULL; tr2_mesh_t *mesh = NULL; tr2_moveable_t *moveable = NULL; tr2_meshtree_t *meshtree = NULL; tr2_item_t *item = NULL; tr2_animation_t *animation = NULL; tr2_meshtree_t *mesh_tree = NULL; bone_frame_t *bone = NULL; bone_tag_t *tag = NULL; entity_t *thing = NULL; SkeletalModel *sModel = 0x0; unsigned short *frame; int j, k, a, frame_step; unsigned int l, frame_offset, frame_count, f; float pos[3]; float yaw; bool lara = false; int skyMesh; skyMesh = mTombRaider.getSkyModelId(); frame = mTombRaider.Frame(); moveable = mTombRaider.Moveable(); meshtree = mTombRaider.MeshTree(); mesh = mTombRaider.Mesh(); item = mTombRaider.Item(); animation = mTombRaider.Animation(); pos[0] = item[i].x; pos[1] = item[i].y; pos[2] = item[i].z; yaw = ((item[i].angle >> 14) & 0x03); yaw *= 90; thing = new entity_t; thing->id = (*ent)++; thing->type = 0x00; thing->pos[0] = item[i].x; thing->pos[1] = item[i].y; thing->pos[2] = item[i].z; thing->angles[1] = yaw; thing->objectId = moveable[index].object_id; thing->moving = false; thing->animate = false; sModel = new SkeletalModel(); getRender().addSkeletalModel(sModel); thing->tmpHook = sModel; // temp hack to keep a running version during refactoring if (mTombRaider.Engine() == TR_VERSION_1) { switch (thing->objectId) { case TombRaider1::Wolf: thing->state = TombRaider1::WolfState_Lying; //thing->animate = true; sModel->setAnimation(3); sModel->setFrame(0); break; } } //! \fixme Check here and see if we already have one for object_id later // if (getWorld().isCachedSkeletalModel(moveable[index].object_id)) // { // thing->modelId = getRender().add(sModel); // return; // } r_model = new skeletal_model_t; r_model->id = moveable[index].object_id; // Gather more info if this is lara if (moveable[index].object_id == 0) { lara = true; thing->type = 0x02; mLara = thing; // Mongoose 2002.03.22, Cheap hack for now mLara->master = 0x0; switch (mTombRaider.Engine()) { case TR_VERSION_3: mLara->modelId = i; sModel->setAnimation(TR_ANIAMTION_RUN); sModel->setIdleAnimation(TR_ANIAMTION_STAND); r_model->tr4Overlay = false; break; case TR_VERSION_4: mLara->modelId = i; sModel->setAnimation(TR_ANIAMTION_RUN); sModel->setIdleAnimation(TR_ANIAMTION_STAND); // Only TR4 lara has 2 layer bone tags/meshes per bone frame r_model->tr4Overlay = true; break; case TR_VERSION_1: case TR_VERSION_2: case TR_VERSION_5: case TR_VERSION_UNKNOWN: mLara->modelId = index; sModel->setAnimation(TR_ANIAMTION_RUN); sModel->setIdleAnimation(TR_ANIAMTION_STAND); r_model->tr4Overlay = false; break; } r_model->ponytailId = 0; } else { lara = false; r_model->ponytailId = -1; } // Animation a = moveable[index].animation; frame_offset = animation[a].frame_offset / 2; frame_step = animation[a].frame_size; int frame_cycle = 0; if (a >= (int)mTombRaider.NumAnimations()) { a = mTombRaider.NumFrames() - frame_offset; } else { a = (animation[a].frame_offset / 2) - frame_offset; } if (frame_step != 0) // prevent divide-by-zero errors a /= frame_step; if (a != 0) // prevent divide-by-zero errors frame_offset += frame_step * (frame_cycle % a); if (a < 0) { //continue; getConsole().print("Invalid animation data for model %d", index); delete r_model; return; } //! \fixme Might be better UID for each model, but this seems to work well j = object_id; // We only want one copy of the skeletal model in memory unsigned int foundIndex; bool found = false; for (foundIndex = 0; foundIndex < cache.size(); foundIndex++) { if ((int)cache[foundIndex] == j) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { sModel->model = r_model; getWorld().addEntity(thing); k = getWorld().addModel(r_model); cache.push_back(j); cache2.push_back(r_model); switch (mTombRaider.Engine()) { case TR_VERSION_4: if (mLara && moveable[index].object_id == 30) { r_model->ponytailId = k; r_model->ponytailMeshId = moveable[index].starting_mesh; r_model->ponytailNumMeshes = ((moveable[index].num_meshes > 0) ? moveable[index].num_meshes : 0); r_model->ponytailAngle = -90.0f; r_model->ponytail[0] = -3; r_model->ponytail[1] = -22; r_model->ponytail[2] = -20; r_model->ponyOff = 40; r_model->ponyOff2 = 32; r_model->pigtails = false; // Try to guess pigtails by looking for certian num verts in head if (mesh[moveable[0].starting_mesh].num_vertices > 80) { r_model->pigtails = true; r_model->ponyOff -= 20; r_model->ponytail[1] -= 32; } getRender().setFlags(Render::fRenderPonytail); getConsole().print("Found known ponytail"); } break; // ? case TR_VERSION_1: case TR_VERSION_2: case TR_VERSION_3: case TR_VERSION_5: case TR_VERSION_UNKNOWN: if (mLara && moveable[index].object_id == 2) { r_model->ponytailId = k; r_model->ponytailMeshId = moveable[index].starting_mesh; r_model->ponytailNumMeshes = ((moveable[index].num_meshes > 0) ? moveable[index].num_meshes : 0); r_model->ponytailAngle = -90.0f; r_model->ponytail[0] = 0; r_model->ponytail[1] = -20; r_model->ponytail[2] = -20; r_model->ponyOff = 40; r_model->ponyOff2 = 0; getRender().setFlags(Render::fRenderPonytail); getConsole().print("Found ponytail?"); } break; } } else { // Already cached delete r_model; c_model = cache2[foundIndex]; sModel->model = c_model; getWorld().addEntity(thing); getWorld().addModel(c_model); printf("c"); return; } int aloop = mTombRaider.getNumAnimsForMoveable(index); #ifdef DEBUG_MOVEABLE printf("\nanimation = %i, num_animations = %i\n", moveable[index].animation, aloop); printf("\nitem[%i].flags = %i\nentity[%i]\n", i, item[i].flags, thing->id); #endif //a = moveable[index].animation; //frame_offset = animation[a].frame_offset / 2; //frame_step = animation[a].frame_size; for (; a < aloop; ++a, frame_offset = animation[a].frame_offset / 2, frame_step = animation[a].frame_size) { animation_frame = new animation_frame_t; r_model->animation.push_back(animation_frame); frame_count = (animation[a].frame_end - animation[a].frame_start) + 1; animation_frame->rate = animation[a].frame_rate; #ifdef DEBUG_MOVEABLE printf("animation[%i] state and unknowns = %i, %i, %i, %i, %i\n", a, animation[a].state_id, animation[a].unknown1, animation[a].unknown2, animation[a].unknown3, animation[a].unknown4); printf("animation[%i].frame_rate = %i\n", a, animation[a].frame_rate); printf("animation[%i].next_animation = %i\n", a, animation[a].next_animation); printf("animation[%i].frame_offset = %u\n", a, animation[a].frame_offset); printf("animation[%i].anim_command = %i\n", a, animation[a].anim_command); printf("animation[%i].num_anim_commands = %i\n", a, animation[a].num_anim_commands); printf("animation[%i].state_change_offset = %i\n", a, animation[a].state_change_offset); printf(" frame_offset = %u\n", frame_offset); #endif // Get all the frames for aniamtion for (f = 0; f < frame_count; ++f, frame_offset += frame_step) { // HACK: Lara's ObjectID is 315, but her meshes start at 0, so make a // quick substitution (so she doesn't appear as a bunch of thighs) if (index == 0 && mTombRaider.Engine() == TR_VERSION_3) { for (j = 0; j < (int)mTombRaider.NumMoveables() && !index; ++j) { if (moveable[j].object_id == 315) index = j; } } // Fix Lara in TR4 if (index == 0 && mTombRaider.Engine() == TR_VERSION_4) { for (j = 0; j < (int)mTombRaider.NumMoveables() && !index; ++j) { // Body is ItemID 8, joints are ItemID 9 // (TR4 demo: body is ItemID 10, joints are ItemID 11) if (moveable[j].object_id == 8) index = j; } } else if (moveable[index].object_id == 8 && mTombRaider.Engine() == TR_VERSION_4) { // KLUDGE to do "skinning" index = 0; for (j = 0; j < (int)mTombRaider.NumMoveables() && !index; ++j) { // Body is ItemID 8, joints are ItemID 9 // (TR4 demo: body is ItemID 10, joints are ItemID 11) if (moveable[j].object_id == 9) index = j; } } #ifdef DEBUG_MOVEABLE printf("animation[%i].boneframe[%u] = offset %u, step %i\n", a, f, frame_offset, frame_step); #endif // Mongoose 2002.08.15, Was // if (frame_offset + 8 > _tombraider.NumFrames()) if (frame_offset > mTombRaider.NumFrames()) { getConsole().print("WARNING: Bad animation frame %i > %i", frame_offset, mTombRaider.NumFrames()); // Mongoose 2002.08.15, Attempt to skip more likely bad animation data getConsole().print("WARNING: Handling bad animation data..."); return; //continue; } // Generate bone frames and tags per frame //////////// bone = new bone_frame_t; animation_frame->frame.push_back(bone); // Init translate for bone frame bone->pos[0] = (short)frame[frame_offset + 6]; bone->pos[1] = (short)frame[frame_offset + 7]; bone->pos[2] = (short)frame[frame_offset + 8]; bone->yaw = yaw; //printf("%f %f %f\n", bone->pos[0], bone->pos[1], bone->pos[2]); l = 9; // First angle offset in this Frame // Run through the tag and calculate the rotation and offset for (j = 0; j < (int)moveable[index].num_meshes; ++j) { tag = new bone_tag_t; bone->tag.push_back(tag); tag->off[0] = 0.0; tag->off[1] = 0.0; tag->off[2] = 0.0; tag->flag = 0x00; tag->rot[0] = 0.0; tag->rot[1] = 0.0; tag->rot[2] = 0.0; tag->mesh = moveable[index].starting_mesh + j; // Setup offsets to produce skeletion if (j == 0) { // Since we use bone's offset, these aren't used tag->off[0] = 0.0; tag->off[1] = 0.0; tag->off[2] = 0.0; // Always push tag[0], this isn't really used either tag->flag = 0x02; } else // Nonprimary tag - position relative to first tag { int *tree; // Hack: moveable[index].mesh_tree is a byte offset // into mesh_tree[], so we have to convert to index tree = (int *)(void *)meshtree; mesh_tree = (tr2_meshtree_t *)&tree[moveable[index].mesh_tree + ((j - 1) * 4)]; tag->off[0] = mesh_tree->x; tag->off[1] = mesh_tree->y; tag->off[2] = mesh_tree->z; tag->flag = (char)mesh_tree->flags; } // Setup tag rotations mTombRaider.computeRotationAngles(&frame, &frame_offset, &l, tag->rot, tag->rot+1, tag->rot+2); } } } if (i == skyMesh) { getRender().setSkyMesh(i, //moveable[i].starting_mesh, (mTombRaider.Engine() == TR_VERSION_2)); } //printf("."); //fflush(stdout); } bool compareFaceTextureId(const void *voidA, const void *voidB) { texture_tri_t *a = (texture_tri_t *)voidA, *b = (texture_tri_t *)voidB; if (!a || !b) return false; // error really return (a->texture < b->texture); } #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL void Game::setupTextureColor(texture_tri_t *r_tri, float *colorf) { unsigned char color[4]; unsigned int colorI; color[0] = (unsigned char)(colorf[0]*255.0f); color[1] = (unsigned char)(colorf[1]*255.0f); color[2] = (unsigned char)(colorf[2]*255.0f); color[3] = (unsigned char)(colorf[3]*255.0f); ((unsigned char *)(&colorI))[3] = color[0]; ((unsigned char *)(&colorI))[2] = color[1]; ((unsigned char *)(&colorI))[1] = color[2]; ((unsigned char *)(&colorI))[0] = color[3]; bool found = false; unsigned int foundIndex = 0; for (foundIndex = 0; foundIndex < gColorTextureHACK.size(); foundIndex++) { if (gColorTextureHACK[foundIndex] == colorI) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { gColorTextureHACK.push_back(colorI); r_tri->texture = mTextureOffset + gColorTextureHACK.size(); getRender().loadTexture(Texture::generateColorTexture(color, 32, 32), 32, 32, r_tri->texture); #ifdef DEBUG_COLOR_TEXTURE_GEN printf("Color 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x | 0x%08xto texture[%u]?\n", color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3], colorI, gColorTextureHACK.size()); #endif } else { //printf("Color already loaded %i -> 0x%08x\n", // gColorTextureHACK.getCurrentIndex(), // gColorTextureHACK.current()); r_tri->texture = mTextureOffset + foundIndex; } //r_tri->texture = white; // White texture } #endif void Game::processModels() { printf("Processing meshes: "); for (int index = 0; index < mTombRaider.getMeshCount(); index++) { int i, j, count, texture; int vertexIndices[6]; float st[12]; float color[4]; unsigned short transparency; texture_tri_t *r_tri; // Assert common sense if (index < 0 || !mTombRaider.isMeshValid(index)) { //! \fixme allow sparse lists with matching ids instead? getWorld().addMesh(NULL); // Filler, to make meshes array ids align //printf("x"); //fflush(stdout); return; } #ifndef EXPERIMENTAL // WHITE texture id int white = 0; #endif model_mesh_t *mesh = new model_mesh_t; // Mongoose 2002.08.30, Testing support for 'shootable' models ( traceable ) mTombRaider.getMeshCollisionInfo(index, mesh->center, &mesh->radius); //! \fixme Arrays don't work either =) // Mesh geometery, colors, etc mTombRaider.getMeshVertexArrays(index, &mesh->vertexCount, &mesh->vertices, &mesh->normalCount, &mesh->normals, &mesh->colorCount, &mesh->colors); // Textured Triangles count = mTombRaider.getMeshTexturedTriangleCount(index); mesh->texturedTriangles.reserve(count); // little faster for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { r_tri = new texture_tri_t; mTombRaider.getMeshTexturedTriangle(index, i, r_tri->index, r_tri->st, &r_tri->texture, &r_tri->transparency); r_tri->texture += mTextureStart; // Add to face vector mesh->texturedTriangles.push_back(r_tri); } // Coloured Triangles count = mTombRaider.getMeshColoredTriangleCount(index); mesh->coloredTriangles.reserve(count); // little faster for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { r_tri = new texture_tri_t; mTombRaider.getMeshColoredTriangle(index, i, r_tri->index, color); r_tri->st[0] = color[0]; r_tri->st[1] = color[1]; r_tri->st[2] = color[2]; r_tri->st[3] = color[3]; r_tri->st[4] = 1.0; r_tri->st[5] = 1.0; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL setupTextureColor(r_tri, color); #else r_tri->texture = white; // White texture #endif r_tri->transparency = 0; // Add to face vector mesh->coloredTriangles.push_back(r_tri); } // Textured Rectangles count = mTombRaider.getMeshTexturedRectangleCount(index); mesh->texturedRectangles.reserve(count*2); // little faster for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { mTombRaider.getMeshTexturedRectangle(index, i, vertexIndices, st, &texture, &transparency); r_tri = new texture_tri_t; for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) r_tri->index[j] = vertexIndices[j]; for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j) r_tri->st[j] = st[j]; r_tri->texture = texture + mTextureStart; r_tri->transparency = transparency; // Add to face vector mesh->texturedRectangles.push_back(r_tri); r_tri = new texture_tri_t; for (j = 3; j < 6; ++j) r_tri->index[j-3] = vertexIndices[j]; for (j = 6; j < 12; ++j) r_tri->st[j-6] = st[j]; r_tri->texture = texture + mTextureStart; r_tri->transparency = transparency; // Add to face vector mesh->texturedRectangles.push_back(r_tri); } // Coloured Rectangles count = mTombRaider.getMeshColoredRectangleCount(index); mesh->coloredRectangles.reserve(count*2); // little faster for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { mTombRaider.getMeshColoredRectangle(index, i, vertexIndices, color); r_tri = new texture_tri_t; for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) r_tri->index[j] = vertexIndices[j]; //for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j) // r_tri->st[j] = st[j]; r_tri->st[0] = color[0]; r_tri->st[1] = color[1]; r_tri->st[2] = color[2]; r_tri->st[3] = color[3]; r_tri->st[4] = 1.0; r_tri->st[5] = 1.0; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL //for (j = 6; j < 12; ++j) // r_tri->st[j-6] = st[j]; setupTextureColor(r_tri, color); #else r_tri->texture = white; // White texture #endif r_tri->transparency = 0; // Add to face vector mesh->coloredRectangles.push_back(r_tri); r_tri = new texture_tri_t; for (j = 3; j < 6; ++j) r_tri->index[j-3] = vertexIndices[j]; //for (j = 6; j < 12; ++j) // r_tri->st[j-6] = st[j]; r_tri->st[0] = color[0]; r_tri->st[1] = color[1]; r_tri->st[2] = color[2]; r_tri->st[3] = color[3]; r_tri->st[4] = 1.0; r_tri->st[5] = 1.0; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL setupTextureColor(r_tri, color); #else r_tri->texture = white; // White texture #endif r_tri->transparency = 0; // Add to face vector mesh->coloredRectangles.push_back(r_tri); } // Sort faces by texture std::sort(mesh->texturedTriangles.begin(), mesh->texturedTriangles.end(), compareFaceTextureId); std::sort(mesh->coloredTriangles.begin(), mesh->coloredTriangles.end(), compareFaceTextureId); std::sort(mesh->texturedRectangles.begin(), mesh->texturedRectangles.end(), compareFaceTextureId); std::sort(mesh->coloredRectangles.begin(), mesh->coloredRectangles.end(), compareFaceTextureId); getWorld().addMesh(mesh); //printf("."); //fflush(stdout); } printf("Done! Found %d meshes.\n", mTombRaider.getMeshCount()); } void Game::processRooms() { printf("Processing rooms: "); for (int index = 0; index < mTombRaider.NumRooms(); index++) { unsigned int i, j, count; room_mesh_t *r_mesh = NULL; RenderRoom *rRoom = NULL; Matrix transform; if (!mTombRaider.isRoomValid(index)) { getConsole().print("WARNING: Handling invalid vertex array in room"); getWorld().addRoom(0x0); getRender().addRoom(0x0); //printf("x"); //fflush(stdout); return; } rRoom = new RenderRoom(); r_mesh = new room_mesh_t; r_mesh->id = index; mTombRaider.getRoomInfo(index, &r_mesh->flags, r_mesh->pos, r_mesh->bbox_min, r_mesh->bbox_max); // Adjust positioning for OR world coord translation r_mesh->bbox_min[0] += r_mesh->pos[0]; r_mesh->bbox_max[0] += r_mesh->pos[0]; r_mesh->bbox_min[2] += r_mesh->pos[2]; r_mesh->bbox_max[2] += r_mesh->pos[2]; // Mongoose 2002.04.03, Setup 3d transform transform.setIdentity(); transform.translate(r_mesh->pos); // Setup portals float portalVertices[12]; count = mTombRaider.getRoomPortalCount(index); //! \fixme OR wrongly uses a cached adj room list for rendering vis r_mesh->adjacentRooms.reserve(count + 1); // Current room is always first r_mesh->adjacentRooms.push_back(index); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { portal_t *portal = new portal_t; mTombRaider.getRoomPortal(index, i, &portal->adjoining_room, portal->normal, portalVertices); for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { portal->vertices[j][0] = portalVertices[j*3]; portal->vertices[j][1] = portalVertices[j*3+1]; portal->vertices[j][2] = portalVertices[j*3+2]; // Relative coors in vis portals transform.multiply3v(portal->vertices[j], portal->vertices[j]); } r_mesh->adjacentRooms.push_back(portal->adjoining_room); r_mesh->portals.push_back(portal); } // Physics/gameplay use ///////////////////////////// //! \fixme Use more of sector structure, boxes, and floordata // List of sectors in this room unsigned int sectorFlags; int floorDataIndex, boxIndex, roomBelow, roomAbove; count = mTombRaider.getRoomSectorCount(index, &r_mesh->numZSectors, &r_mesh->numXSectors); r_mesh->sectors.reserve(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { sector_t *sector = new sector_t; mTombRaider.getRoomSector(index, i, §orFlags, §or->ceiling, §or->floor, &floorDataIndex, &boxIndex, &roomBelow, &roomAbove); if (sectorFlags & tombraiderSector_wall) { sector->wall = true; } else { sector->wall = false; } r_mesh->sectors.push_back(sector); } // Setup collision boxes ( Should use sectors, but this is a test ) count = mTombRaider.getRoomBoxCount(index); r_mesh->boxes.reserve(count); //! fixme Only to be done only on room[0]? I don't think so... for (i = 0; !index && i < count; ++i) { box_t *box = new box_t; mTombRaider.getRoomBox(index, i, box->a.pos, box->b.pos, box->c.pos, box->d.pos); r_mesh->boxes.push_back(box); } // Setup room lights ///////////////////////////////////// unsigned int lightFlags, lightType; count = mTombRaider.getRoomLightCount(index); rRoom->lights.reserve(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Light *light = new Light(); mTombRaider.getRoomLight(index, i, light->mPos, light->mColor, light->mDir, &light->mAtt, &light->mCutoff, &lightType, &lightFlags); switch (lightType) { case tombraiderLight_typeDirectional: light->mType = Light::typeDirectional; break; case tombraiderLight_typeSpot: light->mType = Light::typeSpot; break; case tombraiderLight_typePoint: default: light->mType = Light::typePoint; } rRoom->lights.push_back(light); } // Room geometery ////////////////////////////////// //#define EXPERIMENTAL_UNFIFIED_ROOM_GEOMETERY #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_UNFIFIED_ROOM_GEOMETERY unsigned int vertexCount, normalCount, colorCount, triCount; vec_t *vertexArray; vec_t *normalArray; vec_t *colorArray; unsigned int *indices, *flags; float *texCoords; int *textures; mTombRaider.getRoomVertexArrays(index, &vertexCount, &vertexArray, &normalCount, &normalArray, &colorCount, &colorArray); rRoom->mesh.bufferVertexArray(vertexCount, (vec_t *)vertexArray); rRoom->mesh.bufferNormalArray(normalCount, (vec_t *)normalArray); rRoom->mesh.bufferColorArray(vertexCount, (vec_t *)colorArray); mTombRaider.getRoomTriangles(index, mTextureStart, &triCount, &indices, &texCoords, &textures, &flags); rRoom->mesh.bufferTriangles(triCount, indices, texCoords, textures, flags); #else float rgba[4]; float xyz[3]; count = mTombRaider.getRoomVertexCount(index); rRoom->mesh.allocateVertices(count); rRoom->mesh.allocateNormals(0); // count rRoom->mesh.allocateColors(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { mTombRaider.getRoomVertex(index, i, xyz, rgba); rRoom->mesh.setVertex(i, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); rRoom->mesh.setColor(i, rgba); } // Mongoose 2002.06.09, Setup allocation of meshes and polygons // Counters ( Textured polygon lists are allocated per texture) // ( Textures are mapped to these meshes ) int triangle_counter[TextureLimit]; int triangle_counter_alpha[TextureLimit]; int rectangle_counter[TextureLimit]; int rectangle_counter_alpha[TextureLimit]; int tris_mesh_map[TextureLimit]; int rect_mesh_map[TextureLimit]; for (i = 0; i < TextureLimit; ++i) { triangle_counter[i] = 0; triangle_counter_alpha[i] = 0; rectangle_counter[i] = 0; rectangle_counter_alpha[i] = 0; tris_mesh_map[i] = -1; rect_mesh_map[i] = -1; } unsigned int numTris = 0; unsigned int numQuads = 0; int texture; unsigned int r, t, q, v, flags; unsigned int indices[4]; float texCoords[8]; count = mTombRaider.getRoomTriangleCount(index); // Mongoose 2002.08.15, Presort by alpha and texture and setup mapping for (t = 0; t < count; ++t) { mTombRaider.getRoomTriangle(index, t, indices, texCoords, &texture, &flags); texture += mTextureStart; if (texture > (int)TextureLimit) { getConsole().print("Handling bad room[%i].tris[%i].texture = %i", index, t, texture); texture = TextureLimit - 1; } // Counters set up polygon allocation if (flags & tombraiderFace_Alpha || flags & tombraiderFace_PartialAlpha) { triangle_counter_alpha[texture] += 1; } else { triangle_counter[texture] += 1; } // Counter sets up texture id to mesh id mapping if (tris_mesh_map[texture] == -1) { tris_mesh_map[texture] = ++numTris; } } count = mTombRaider.getRoomRectangleCount(index); for (r = 0; r < count; ++r) { mTombRaider.getRoomRectangle(index, r, indices, texCoords, &texture, &flags); texture += mTextureStart; if (texture > (int)TextureLimit) { getConsole().print("Handling bad room[%i].quad[%i].texture = %i", index, r, texture); texture = TextureLimit - 1; } if (flags & tombraiderFace_Alpha || flags & tombraiderFace_PartialAlpha) { rectangle_counter_alpha[texture] += 1; } else { rectangle_counter[texture] += 1; } if (rect_mesh_map[texture] == -1) { rect_mesh_map[texture] = ++numQuads; } } // Allocate indexed polygon meshes rRoom->mesh.allocateTriangles(numTris); rRoom->mesh.allocateRectangles(numQuads); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < TextureLimit; ++i) { if (tris_mesh_map[i] > 0) { j = tris_mesh_map[i] - 1; t = triangle_counter[i]; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].texture = i; #ifdef MULTITEXTURE rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].bumpmap = gMapTex2Bump[i]; #endif rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].cnum_triangles = 0; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].num_triangles = 0; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].cnum_alpha_triangles = 0; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].num_alpha_triangles = 0; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].triangles = 0x0; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].alpha_triangles = 0x0; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].texcoors = 0x0; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].texcoors2 = 0x0; if (t > 0) { rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].num_triangles = t; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].triangles = new unsigned int[t*3]; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].num_texcoors = t * 3; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].texcoors = new vec2_t[t * 3]; } t = triangle_counter_alpha[i]; if (t > 0) { rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].num_alpha_triangles = t; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].alpha_triangles = new unsigned int[t*3]; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].num_texcoors2 = t * 3; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].texcoors2 = new vec2_t[t * 3]; } } /////////////////////////////////////////// if (rect_mesh_map[i] > 0) { j = rect_mesh_map[i] - 1; r = rectangle_counter[i]; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].texture = i; #ifdef MULTITEXTURE rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].bumpmap = gMapTex2Bump[i]; #endif rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].cnum_quads = 0; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_quads = 0; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].cnum_alpha_quads = 0; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_alpha_quads = 0; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].quads = 0x0; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].alpha_quads = 0x0; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].texcoors = 0x0; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].texcoors2 = 0x0; if (r > 0) { rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_quads = r; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].quads = new unsigned int[r*4]; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_texcoors = r * 4; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].texcoors = new vec2_t[r * 4]; } r = rectangle_counter_alpha[i]; if (r > 0) { rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_alpha_quads = r; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].alpha_quads = new unsigned int[r*4]; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_texcoors2 = r * 4; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].texcoors2 = new vec2_t[r * 4]; } } } // Generate textured triangles count = mTombRaider.getRoomTriangleCount(index); for (t = 0; t < count; ++t) { mTombRaider.getRoomTriangle(index, t, indices, texCoords, &texture, &flags); // Adjust texture id using mTextureStart to map into // correct textures texture += mTextureStart; j = tris_mesh_map[texture] - 1; // Setup per vertex for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // Get vertex index {(0, a), (1, b), (2, c)} v = indices[i]; if ((flags & tombraiderFace_Alpha || flags & tombraiderFace_PartialAlpha) && rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].num_alpha_triangles > 0) { q = rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].cnum_alpha_triangles*3+i; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].alpha_triangles[q] = v; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].texcoors2[q][0] = texCoords[i*2]; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].texcoors2[q][1] = texCoords[i*2+1]; } else if (rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].num_triangles > 0) { q = rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].cnum_triangles*3+i; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].triangles[q] = v; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].texcoors[q][0] = texCoords[i*2]; rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].texcoors[q][1] = texCoords[i*2+1]; } // Partial alpha hack if (flags & tombraiderFace_PartialAlpha) { //rRoom->mesh.colors[v].rgba[3] = 0.45; } } if (flags & tombraiderFace_Alpha || flags & tombraiderFace_PartialAlpha) { rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].cnum_alpha_triangles++; } else { rRoom->mesh.mTris[j].cnum_triangles++; } } // Generate textured quads count = mTombRaider.getRoomRectangleCount(index); for (r = 0; r < count; ++r) { mTombRaider.getRoomRectangle(index, r, indices, texCoords, &texture, &flags); // Adjust texture id using mTextureStart to map into // correct textures texture += mTextureStart; if (texture > (int)TextureLimit) { texture = TextureLimit - 1; } j = rect_mesh_map[texture] - 1; if (rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_quads <= 0 && rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_alpha_quads <= 0) continue; // Setup per vertex for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // Get vertex index {(0, a), (1, b), (2, c), (3, d)} v = indices[i]; if ((flags & tombraiderFace_Alpha || flags & tombraiderFace_PartialAlpha) && rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_alpha_quads > 0) { q = rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].cnum_alpha_quads*4+i; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].alpha_quads[q] = v; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].texcoors2[q][0] = texCoords[i*2]; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].texcoors2[q][1] = texCoords[i*2+1]; } else if (rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].num_quads > 0) { q = rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].cnum_quads*4+i; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].quads[q] = v; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].texcoors[q][0] = texCoords[i*2]; rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].texcoors[q][1] = texCoords[i*2+1]; } // Partial alpha hack if (flags & tombraiderFace_PartialAlpha) { //rRoom->mesh.colors[v].rgba[3] = 0.45; } } if (flags & tombraiderFace_Alpha || flags & tombraiderFace_PartialAlpha) { rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].cnum_alpha_quads++; } else { rRoom->mesh.mQuads[j].cnum_quads++; } } #endif // Room models count = mTombRaider.getRoomModelCount(index); r_mesh->models.reserve(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { static_model_t *model = new static_model_t; mTombRaider.getRoomModel(index, i, &model->index, model->pos, &model->yaw); r_mesh->models.push_back(model); } // Room sprites float spriteVertices[12]; float spriteTexCoords[8]; count = mTombRaider.getRoomSpriteCount(index); r_mesh->sprites.reserve(count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { sprite_t *sprite = new sprite_t; mTombRaider.getRoomSprite(index, i, 10.0f, &sprite->texture, sprite->pos, spriteVertices, spriteTexCoords); sprite->texture += mTextureStart; // OpenRaider preloads some textures sprite->vertex[0].pos[0] = spriteVertices[0]; sprite->vertex[0].pos[1] = spriteVertices[1]; sprite->vertex[0].pos[2] = spriteVertices[2]; sprite->vertex[1].pos[0] = spriteVertices[3]; sprite->vertex[1].pos[1] = spriteVertices[4]; sprite->vertex[1].pos[2] = spriteVertices[5]; sprite->vertex[2].pos[0] = spriteVertices[6]; sprite->vertex[2].pos[1] = spriteVertices[7]; sprite->vertex[2].pos[2] = spriteVertices[8]; sprite->vertex[3].pos[0] = spriteVertices[9]; sprite->vertex[3].pos[1] = spriteVertices[10]; sprite->vertex[3].pos[2] = spriteVertices[11]; sprite->texel[0].st[0] = spriteTexCoords[0]; sprite->texel[0].st[1] = spriteTexCoords[1]; sprite->texel[1].st[0] = spriteTexCoords[2]; sprite->texel[1].st[1] = spriteTexCoords[3]; sprite->texel[2].st[0] = spriteTexCoords[4]; sprite->texel[2].st[1] = spriteTexCoords[5]; sprite->texel[3].st[0] = spriteTexCoords[6]; sprite->texel[3].st[1] = spriteTexCoords[7]; r_mesh->sprites.push_back(sprite); } getWorld().addRoom(r_mesh); rRoom->room = r_mesh; getRender().addRoom(rRoom); //printf("."); //fflush(stdout); } printf("Done! Found %d rooms.\n", mTombRaider.NumRooms()); }