# OpenRaider [OpenRaider](http://openraider.sourceforge.net) is an Open Source implementation of the classic Tomb Raider Game Engine. It was abandoned in 2003. This project aims to get OpenRaider running in a modern Unix. ## Configuration OpenRaider needs some configuration files, and level data and assets from custom levels or the Tomb Raider games. These are stored in `~/.OpenRaider`. Running the included `setup.sh` will create/copy the necessary files and directories. ## Dependencies On Mac OS X 10.9 with [XCode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) and [MacPorts](http://www.macports.org) installed, the following should be enough to get all dependencies that are available as port: sudo port install zlib cmake libsdl libsdl_ttf You also need the [XQuartz](http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac) X11 Server. To get Sound, you need [freealut](https://github.com/vancegroup/freealut). Get, compile and install it like this: git clone git@github.com:vancegroup/freealut.git mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING="/opt/local" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="-O2" make sudo make install ## Building Just `make debug` and run `bin/debug/OpenRaider` for a debug build. `make release` builds a release binary. `make bundle` creates a Mac App Bundle that also runs the setup script, if necessary. `make bundle-image` packs the App Bundle into a DMG ready for distribution. ## Usage See the original `README.old` file. In the Main Menu, <Esc> will allow you to select a level to play. ## License OpenRaider is based on code, specs, and alogrithms from: + GooseEgg/Freyja 3d Modelers by Mongoose + TR Rosetta Stone spec sheet by Anonymous + TRView 1.0.0 by Yuri Zhivago, with patches by Mongoose All code should be GPLed, unless otherwise noted. 2013 Housekeeping by xythobuz.