/*! * \file src/FontTRLE.cpp * \brief SDL Font implementation * * \author xythobuz */ #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "TextureManager.h" #include "utils/strings.h" #include "system/Window.h" #include "system/FontTRLE.h" #define SCALING 2.0f bool FontTRLE::mFontInit = false; unsigned int FontTRLE::mFontTexture = 0; int FontTRLE::offsets[106][5]; void FontTRLE::shutdown() { } int FontTRLE::initialize(std::string font) { assert(stringEndsWith(font, ".pc") == true); shutdown(); // Load .pc file... std::ifstream file(font, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); unsigned char* pixels = new unsigned char[256 * 256 * 4]; if (!file.read((char*)pixels, 256 * 256 * 4)) { delete [] pixels; return -1; } // Fix coloring for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (256 * 256 * 4); i += 4) { float y = (0.2126f * pixels[i + 2]); y += (0.7152f * pixels[i + 1]); y += (0.0722f * pixels[i]); pixels[i] = pixels[i + 1] = pixels[i + 2] = (unsigned char)y; } mFontTexture = getTextureManager().loadBufferSlot(pixels, 256, 256, TextureManager::ColorMode::BGRA, 32, TextureManager::TextureStorage::SYSTEM); delete [] pixels; // Try to load .lps file or use default glyph positions std::string lpsFile = findAndReplace(font, ".pc", ".lps"); loadLPS(lpsFile); mFontInit = true; return 0; } void FontTRLE::loadLPS(std::string f) { std::ifstream file(f); if (!file) { std::copy(&defaultOffsets[0][0], &defaultOffsets[0][0] + (106 * 5), &offsets[0][0]); return; } for (std::string line; std::getline(file, line);) { std::istringstream stream(line); int index; stream >> index; if (stream.get() != '=') continue; stream >> offsets[index][0]; if (stream.get() != ',') continue; stream >> offsets[index][1]; if (stream.get() != ',') continue; stream >> offsets[index][2]; if (stream.get() != ',') continue; stream >> offsets[index][3]; if (stream.get() != ',') continue; stream >> offsets[index][4]; } } void FontTRLE::writeChar(unsigned int index, unsigned int xDraw, unsigned int yDraw, float scale, std::vector& vertices, std::vector& uvs) { assert(mFontInit == true); float width = ((float)offsets[index][2]) * scale * SCALING; float height = ((float)offsets[index][3]) * scale * SCALING; float offset = ((float)offsets[index][4]) * scale * SCALING; // screen coordinates float xMin = xDraw; float yMin = yDraw + offset + (10.0f * scale * SCALING); float xMax = xMin + width; float yMax = yMin + height; // texture part float txMin = ((float)offsets[index][0]) / 256.0f; float txMax = ((float)(offsets[index][0] + offsets[index][2])) / 256.0f; float tyMin = ((float)offsets[index][1]) / 256.0f; float tyMax = ((float)(offsets[index][1] + offsets[index][3])) / 256.0f; vertices.push_back(glm::vec2(xMin, yMax)); vertices.push_back(glm::vec2(xMin, yMin)); vertices.push_back(glm::vec2(xMax, yMax)); vertices.push_back(glm::vec2(xMax, yMin)); vertices.push_back(glm::vec2(xMax, yMax)); vertices.push_back(glm::vec2(xMin, yMin)); uvs.push_back(glm::vec2(txMin, tyMax)); uvs.push_back(glm::vec2(txMin, tyMin)); uvs.push_back(glm::vec2(txMax, tyMax)); uvs.push_back(glm::vec2(txMax, tyMin)); uvs.push_back(glm::vec2(txMax, tyMax)); uvs.push_back(glm::vec2(txMin, tyMin)); } unsigned int FontTRLE::widthText(float scale, std::string s) { assert(mFontInit == true); assert(s.length() > 0); unsigned int width = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { // index into offset table int index = s[i] - '!'; if (index == -1) // space width += (unsigned int)(14.0f * scale * SCALING); if ((index < 0) || (index > 105)) continue; // skip unprintable chars width += (float)(offsets[index][2] + 1) * scale * SCALING; // glyph width } return width; } void FontTRLE::drawText(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, float scale, const unsigned char color[4], std::string s) { assert(mFontInit == true); assert(s.length() > 0); std::vector vertices; std::vector uvs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { // index into offset table int index = s[i] - '!'; if (index == -1) // space x += (unsigned int)(14.0f * scale * SCALING); if ((index < 0) || (index > 105)) continue; // skip unprintable chars writeChar((unsigned int)index, x, y, scale, vertices, uvs); x += (int)((float)(offsets[index][2] + 1) * scale * SCALING); // width } glm::vec4 col(color[0] / 256.0f, color[1] / 256.0f, color[2] / 256.0f, color[3] / 256.0f); Window::drawTextGL(vertices, uvs, col, mFontTexture); } unsigned int FontTRLE::heightText(float scale, unsigned int maxWidth, std::string s) { assert(mFontInit == true); assert(s.length() > 0); unsigned int x = 0; unsigned int yMax = 0; unsigned int yReturn = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { // index into offset table int index = s[i] - '!'; if (index == -1) // space x += (unsigned int)(14.0f * scale * SCALING); if ((index < 0) || (index > 105)) continue; // skip unprintable chars if (yMax < (unsigned int)(((float)offsets[index][3]) * scale * SCALING)) yMax = (unsigned int)(((float)offsets[index][3]) * scale * SCALING); x += (int)((float)(offsets[index][2] + 1) * scale * SCALING); // width if (x > maxWidth) { // go to the next line yReturn += yMax + 2; yMax = 0; x = (int)((float)(offsets[index][2] + 1) * scale * SCALING); } } return yReturn + yMax + 2; } void FontTRLE::drawTextWrapped(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, float scale, const unsigned char color[4], unsigned int maxWidth, std::string s) { assert(mFontInit == true); assert(s.length() > 0); unsigned int xStart = x; unsigned int yMax = 0; std::vector vertices; std::vector uvs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { // index into offset table int index = s[i] - '!'; if (index == -1) // space x += (unsigned int)(14.0f * scale * SCALING); if ((index < 0) || (index > 105)) continue; // skip unprintable chars if (yMax < (unsigned int)(((float)offsets[index][3]) * scale * SCALING)) yMax = (unsigned int)(((float)offsets[index][3]) * scale * SCALING); x += (int)((float)(offsets[index][2] + 1) * scale * SCALING); // width if ((x - xStart) > maxWidth) { // go to the next line y += yMax + 2; yMax = 0; x = xStart; } else { x -= (int)((float)(offsets[index][2] + 1) * scale * SCALING); } writeChar((unsigned int)index, x, y, scale, vertices, uvs); x += (int)((float)(offsets[index][2] + 1) * scale * SCALING); // width } glm::vec4 col(color[0] / 256.0f, color[1] / 256.0f, color[2] / 256.0f, color[3] / 256.0f); Window::drawTextGL(vertices, uvs, col, mFontTexture); } int FontTRLE::defaultOffsets[106][5] = { { 174, 52, 3, 12, -11 }, { 98, 58, 6, 4, -10 }, { 82, 26, 13, 11, -10 }, { 78, 38, 9, 13, -10 }, { 214, 13, 14, 11, -9 }, { 40, 26, 13, 11, -10 }, { 157, 57, 5, 6, -11 }, { 204, 39, 5, 15, -12 }, { 34, 40, 5, 15, -12 }, { 184, 59, 4, 4, -11 }, { 22, 40, 10, 10, -9 }, { 178, 59, 4, 4, -2 }, { 106, 60, 7, 2, -4 }, { 114, 60, 4, 3, -2 }, { 212, 38, 8, 14, -12 }, { 88, 49, 9, 9, -8 }, { 200, 55, 5, 9, -8 }, { 46, 52, 8, 9, -8 }, { 88, 38, 7, 10, -8 }, { 62, 40, 10, 10, -8 }, { 142, 48, 8, 11, -9 }, { 232, 50, 8, 10, -9 }, { 120, 47, 8, 11, -9 }, { 22, 51, 8, 10, -9 }, { 110, 49, 8, 10, -8 }, { 152, 57, 4, 7, -7 }, { 136, 57, 4, 9, -7 }, { 178, 40, 11, 9, -8 }, { 210, 53, 10, 6, -7 }, { 240, 40, 11, 9, -7 }, { 12, 39, 9, 12, -11 }, { 66, 13, 15, 13, -10 }, { 130, 13, 13, 12, -11 }, { 214, 25, 12, 12, -11 }, { 132, 35, 10, 12, -11 }, { 0, 26, 12, 12, -11 }, { 14, 26, 12, 12, -11 }, { 66, 27, 11, 12, -11 }, { 182, 27, 11, 12, -11 }, { 200, 13, 13, 12, -11 }, { 222, 54, 4, 12, -11 }, { 56, 52, 4, 15, -11 }, { 230, 15, 12, 12, -11 }, { 144, 35, 10, 12, -11 }, { 48, 13, 17, 12, -11 }, { 144, 13, 13, 12, -11 }, { 54, 26, 11, 12, -11 }, { 200, 26, 11, 12, -11 }, { 240, 0, 13, 14, -11 }, { 158, 13, 13, 12, -11 }, { 156, 35, 10, 12, -11 }, { 172, 13, 13, 12, -11 }, { 98, 13, 14, 12, -11 }, { 82, 13, 14, 12, -11 }, { 24, 13, 22, 12, -11 }, { 186, 13, 12, 13, -11 }, { 114, 13, 14, 12, -11 }, { 228, 28, 11, 12, -11 }, { 62, 60, 5, 3, -4 }, { 248, 59, 5, 3, -4 }, { 88, 59, 7, 3, -4 }, { 142, 60, 6, 2, -3 }, { 120, 59, 7, 3, -4 }, { 242, 59, 4, 4, -11 }, { 98, 49, 10, 8, -7 }, { 96, 35, 10, 13, -12 }, { 72, 52, 8, 8, -7 }, { 0, 39, 10, 11, -10 }, { 164, 52, 8, 8, -7 }, { 168, 38, 9, 13, -12 }, { 120, 35, 11, 11, -7 }, { 108, 35, 10, 13, -12 }, { 194, 27, 5, 11, -10 }, { 40, 51, 5, 15, -10 }, { 28, 26, 11, 13, -12 }, { 82, 52, 5, 12, -11 }, { 96, 26, 17, 8, -7 }, { 152, 48, 11, 8, -7 }, { 62, 51, 9, 8, -7 }, { 244, 15, 10, 12, -7 }, { 52, 39, 9, 12, -7 }, { 10, 52, 9, 8, -7 }, { 190, 52, 8, 8, -7 }, { 0, 51, 8, 10, -9 }, { 178, 50, 10, 8, -7 }, { 130, 48, 11, 8, -7 }, { 132, 26, 17, 8, -7 }, { 242, 50, 10, 8, -7 }, { 40, 38, 10, 12, -7 }, { 232, 41, 7, 8, -7 }, { 222, 41, 8, 12, -7 }, { 130, 57, 5, 8, -7 }, { 194, 39, 9, 12, -10 }, { 32, 56, 4, 11, -10 }, { 1, 14, 22, 11, -10 }, { 192, 0, 23, 13, -10 }, { 168, 0, 23, 12, -10 }, { 216, 0, 23, 12, -10 }, { 150, 26, 17, 8, -8 }, { 168, 26, 11, 11, -9 }, { 114, 26, 17, 8, -8 }, { 240, 28, 12, 11, -9 }, { 0, 0, 40, 12, -10 }, { 84, 0, 39, 11, -10 }, { 42, 0, 39, 11, -10 }, { 126, 0, 39, 11, -10 }, };