/*! * \file src/commands/CommandBind.cpp * \brief Bind command * * \author xythobuz */ #include "global.h" #include "Log.h" #include "RunTime.h" #include "commands/CommandBind.h" std::string CommandBind::name() { return "bind"; } std::string CommandBind::brief() { return "bind a keyboard/mouse action"; } void CommandBind::printHelp() { Log::get(LOG_USER) << "bind-Command Usage:" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " bind ACTION KEY" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << "Available Actions:" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " menu" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " debug" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " forward" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " backward" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " left" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " right" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " jump" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " crouch" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " use" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " holster" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " walk" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << "Key-Format:" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " 'a' or '1' for character/number keys" << Log::endl; Log::get(LOG_USER) << " \"leftctrl\" for symbols and special keys" << Log::endl; } int CommandBind::execute(std::istream& args) { std::string a, b; if (!(args >> a >> b)) { Log::get(LOG_USER) << "Invalid use of bind-command" << Log::endl; return -1; } else { ActionEvents e = stringToActionEvent(a); if (e == ActionEventCount) { Log::get(LOG_USER) << "bind-Error: Unknown action (" << a << ")" << Log::endl; return -2; } KeyboardButton c = stringToKeyboardButton(b); if (c == unknownKey) { Log::get(LOG_USER) << "bind-Error: Unknown key (" << b << ")" << Log::endl; return -3; } RunTime::setKeyBinding(e, c); return 0; } } ActionEvents CommandBind::stringToActionEvent(std::string action) { if (action == "menu") { return menuAction; } else if (action == "debug") { return debugAction; } else if (action == "console") { return consoleAction; } else if (action == "forward") { return forwardAction; } else if (action == "backward") { return backwardAction; } else if (action == "left") { return leftAction; } else if (action == "right") { return rightAction; } else if (action == "jump") { return jumpAction; } else if (action == "crouch") { return crouchAction; } else if (action == "use") { return useAction; } else if (action == "holster") { return holsterAction; } else if (action == "walk") { return walkAction; } else { return ActionEventCount; } } KeyboardButton CommandBind::stringToKeyboardButton(std::string key) { if ((key.length() == 3) && (key[0] == '\'') && (key[2] == '\'')) { // Literal character like w, a, s, d, 0, 1... char c = key[1]; if (((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) || ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z'))) return (KeyboardButton)c; } else if ((key.length() >= 3) && (key[0] == '\"') && (key[key.length() - 1] == '\"')) { // Special characters like tilde, esc, quote... key.erase(key.length() - 1); // Delete " at end key.erase(0, 1); // Delete " at beginning if (key == "quote") { return quoteKey; } else if (key == "backslash") { return backslashKey; } else if (key == "backspace") { return backspaceKey; } else if (key == "capslock") { return capslockKey; } else if (key == "comma") { return commaKey; } else if (key == "del") { return delKey; } else if (key == "up") { return upKey; } else if (key == "down") { return downKey; } else if (key == "left") { return leftKey; } else if (key == "right") { return rightKey; } else if (key == "end") { return endKey; } else if (key == "equals") { return equalsKey; } else if (key == "escape") { return escapeKey; } else if (key == "f1") { return f1Key; } else if (key == "f2") { return f2Key; } else if (key == "f3") { return f3Key; } else if (key == "f4") { return f4Key; } else if (key == "f5") { return f5Key; } else if (key == "f6") { return f6Key; } else if (key == "f7") { return f7Key; } else if (key == "f8") { return f8Key; } else if (key == "f9") { return f9Key; } else if (key == "f10") { return f10Key; } else if (key == "f11") { return f11Key; } else if (key == "f12") { return f12Key; } else if (key == "backquote") { return backquoteKey; } else if (key == "home") { return homeKey; } else if (key == "insert") { return insertKey; } else if (key == "leftalt") { return leftaltKey; } else if (key == "leftctrl") { return leftctrlKey; } else if (key == "leftbracket") { return leftbracketKey; } else if (key == "leftgui") { return leftguiKey; } else if (key == "leftshift") { return leftshiftKey; } else if (key == "minus") { return minusKey; } else if (key == "numlock") { return numlockKey; } else if (key == "pagedown") { return pagedownKey; } else if (key == "pageup") { return pageupKey; } else if (key == "pause") { return pauseKey; } else if (key == "dot") { return dotKey; } else if (key == "rightalt") { return rightaltKey; } else if (key == "rightctrl") { return rightctrlKey; } else if (key == "enter") { return enterKey; } else if (key == "rightgui") { return rightguiKey; } else if (key == "rightbracket") { return rightbracketKey; } else if (key == "rightshift") { return rightshiftKey; } else if (key == "scrolllock") { return scrolllockKey; } else if (key == "semicolon") { return semicolonKey; } else if (key == "slash") { return slashKey; } else if (key == "space") { return spaceKey; } else if (key == "tab") { return tabKey; } else if (key == "leftmouse") { return leftmouseKey; } else if (key == "middlemouse") { return middlemouseKey; } else if (key == "rightmouse") { return rightmouseKey; } else if (key == "fourthmouse") { return fourthmouseKey; } else if (key == "fifthmouse") { return fifthmouseKey; } } return unknownKey; }