/*! * \file src/system/FontTTF.cpp * \brief TrueType Font implementation * * \author xythobuz */ #include #include "global.h" #include "Log.h" #include "TextureManager.h" #include "utils/pixel.h" #include "system/FontTTF.h" #define MAP_WIDTH 512 #define MAP_HEIGHT 512 #define FONT_SIZE 33 #define MAP_NUM_CHARS 50 FontMapTTF::FontMapTTF() : begin(-1), texture(-1), charInfo(nullptr) { } FontMapTTF::FontMapTTF(FontMapTTF&& other) { begin = other.begin; texture = other.texture; other.begin = other.texture = -1; charInfo = other.charInfo; other.charInfo = nullptr; } FontMapTTF::~FontMapTTF() { if (charInfo != nullptr) { delete [] charInfo; } if (texture > -1) { //! \todo _Free_ the TextureManager buffer slot } } int FontMapTTF::initialize(unsigned char* fontData, int firstChar) { stbtt_pack_context context; unsigned char* pixels = new unsigned char[MAP_WIDTH * MAP_HEIGHT]; if (!stbtt_PackBegin(&context, pixels, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, 0, 1, nullptr)) { delete [] pixels; Log::get(LOG_ERROR) << "Error initializing font map in stbtt_PackBegin!" << Log::endl; return -1; } stbtt_PackSetOversampling(&context, 2, 2); if (charInfo != nullptr) delete [] charInfo; charInfo = new stbtt_packedchar[MAP_NUM_CHARS]; if (!stbtt_PackFontRange(&context, fontData, 0, FONT_SIZE, firstChar, MAP_NUM_CHARS, charInfo)) { stbtt_PackEnd(&context); delete [] pixels; delete [] charInfo; charInfo = nullptr; Log::get(LOG_ERROR) << "Error packing font map!" << Log::endl; return -2; } stbtt_PackEnd(&context); unsigned char* rgb = grayscale2rgba(pixels, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT); delete [] pixels; texture = TextureManager::loadBufferSlot(rgb, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, ColorMode::RGBA, 32, TextureStorage::SYSTEM, texture); delete [] rgb; if (texture < 0) { delete [] charInfo; charInfo = nullptr; Log::get(LOG_ERROR) << "Error loading new font map texture!" << Log::endl; return -3; } begin = firstChar; return 0; } bool FontMapTTF::contains(int c) { assert(begin >= 0); return (begin >= 0) && (c >= begin) && (c < (begin + MAP_NUM_CHARS)); } void FontMapTTF::getQuad(int c, float* xpos, float* ypos, stbtt_aligned_quad *quad) { assert(contains(c)); stbtt_GetPackedQuad(charInfo, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, c - begin, xpos, ypos, quad, 0); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char* FontTTF::fontData = nullptr; std::vector FontTTF::maps; ShaderBuffer FontTTF::vertexBuffer; ShaderBuffer FontTTF::uvBuffer; int FontTTF::initialize(std::string f) { assert(f.length() > 0); std::ifstream file(f, std::ios::binary); if (!file) { Log::get(LOG_ERROR) << "Couldn't open file \"" << f << "\"!" << Log::endl; return -1; } file.seekg(0, std::ios::end); auto size = file.tellg(); assert(size > 0); file.seekg(0); maps.clear(); if (fontData != nullptr) { delete [] fontData; fontData = nullptr; } fontData = new unsigned char[size]; if (!file.read(reinterpret_cast(fontData), size)) { Log::get(LOG_ERROR) << "Couldn't read data in \"" << f << "\"" << Log::endl; delete [] fontData; fontData = nullptr; return -2; } maps.emplace_back(); if (maps.at(0).initialize(fontData, ' ') < 0) { delete [] fontData; fontData = nullptr; return -3; } return 0; } void FontTTF::shutdown() { if (fontData != nullptr) { delete [] fontData; fontData = nullptr; } maps.clear(); } unsigned int FontTTF::widthText(float scale, std::string s) { float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f; stbtt_aligned_quad q; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if ((s[i] < 0x20) || (s[i] == 0x7F)) { continue; } getQuad(s[i], &x, &y, &q); } return x * scale; } void FontTTF::drawText(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, float scale, const unsigned char color[4], std::string s) { drawTextInternal(x, y, scale, color, 0, s, false); } unsigned int FontTTF::heightText(float scale, unsigned int maxWidth, std::string s) { float x = 0.0f, y = FONT_SIZE; stbtt_aligned_quad q; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if ((s[i] < 0x20) || (s[i] == 0x7F)) { continue; } getQuad(s[i], &x, &y, &q); if (x > maxWidth) { x = 0.0f; y += FONT_SIZE; } } return y * scale; } void FontTTF::drawTextWrapped(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, float scale, const unsigned char color[4], unsigned int maxWidth, std::string s) { drawTextInternal(x, y, scale, color, maxWidth, s, true); } void FontTTF::drawTextInternal(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, float scale, const unsigned char color[4], unsigned int maxWidth, std::string s, bool drawWrapped) { glm::vec4 col(color[0] / 256.0f, color[1] / 256.0f, color[2] / 256.0f, color[3] / 256.0f); std::vector vertices; std::vector uvs; int texture = -1; float xpos = x, ypos = y + (FONT_SIZE * scale); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if ((s[i] < 0x20) || (s[i] == 0x7F)) { continue; } stbtt_aligned_quad quad; int tex = getQuad(s[i], &xpos, &ypos, &quad); if (drawWrapped && (xpos > (x + maxWidth))) { xpos = x; ypos += FONT_SIZE * scale; if (s[i] != ' ') i--; continue; } if ((texture != tex) && (texture != -1)) { vertexBuffer.bufferData(vertices); uvBuffer.bufferData(uvs); Shader::drawGL(vertexBuffer, uvBuffer, col, texture); vertices.clear(); uvs.clear(); } texture = tex; float xmin = quad.x0; float xmax = quad.x0 + ((quad.x1 - quad.x0) * scale); float ymin = quad.y1; float ymax = quad.y1 + ((quad.y0 - quad.y1) * scale); vertices.emplace_back(xmin, ymin); vertices.emplace_back(xmin, ymax); vertices.emplace_back(xmax, ymax); vertices.emplace_back(xmax, ymin); vertices.emplace_back(xmin, ymin); vertices.emplace_back(xmax, ymax); uvs.emplace_back(quad.s0, quad.t1); uvs.emplace_back(quad.s0, quad.t0); uvs.emplace_back(quad.s1, quad.t0); uvs.emplace_back(quad.s1, quad.t1); uvs.emplace_back(quad.s0, quad.t1); uvs.emplace_back(quad.s1, quad.t0); } vertexBuffer.bufferData(vertices); uvBuffer.bufferData(uvs); Shader::drawGL(vertexBuffer, uvBuffer, col, texture); } int FontTTF::charIsMapped(int c) { for (int i = 0; i < maps.size(); i++) { if (maps.at(i).contains(c)) { return i; } } int begin = c; if (c >= (MAP_NUM_CHARS / 2)) begin -= (MAP_NUM_CHARS / 2); Log::get(LOG_INFO) << "Unmapped character '" << char(c) << "', new map from " << begin << " to " << begin + MAP_NUM_CHARS - 1 << "..." << Log::endl; int p = maps.size(); maps.emplace_back(); if (maps.at(p).initialize(fontData, begin) < 0) { return -1; } return p; } int FontTTF::getQuad(int c, float* xpos, float* ypos, stbtt_aligned_quad *quad) { if (c < 0) { //! \todo This has nothing to do with proper UTF8 support... c += 128; } int map = charIsMapped(c); assert(map >= 0); maps.at(map).getQuad(c, xpos, ypos, quad); return maps.at(map).getTexture(); }