/*! * \file src/Render.cpp * \brief World Renderer * * \author Mongoose * \author xythobuz */ #include #include #include "global.h" #include "BoundingBox.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Menu.h" #include "StaticMesh.h" #include "World.h" #include "system/Shader.h" #include "system/Window.h" #include "Render.h" #include #include #include "imgui/imgui.h" #include "stb/stb_image_write.h" RenderMode Render::mode = RenderMode::LoadScreen; std::vector Render::roomList; bool Render::displayViewFrustum = false; bool Render::displayVisibilityCheck = false; void Render::display() { gl::glClear(gl::GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl::GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); if (mode == RenderMode::LoadScreen) { ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f)); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(Window::getSize().x, Window::getSize().y)); ImGui::Begin("SplashWindow", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings); auto bm = TextureManager::getBufferManager(TEXTURE_SPLASH, TextureStorage::SYSTEM); ImGui::Image(bm, ImVec2(Window::getSize().x, Window::getSize().y)); ImGui::End(); return; } if (mode == RenderMode::Wireframe) { gl::glPolygonMode(gl::GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, gl::GL_LINE); } else { gl::glPolygonMode(gl::GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, gl::GL_FILL); } bool updated = Camera::update(); glm::mat4 projection = Camera::getProjectionMatrix(); glm::mat4 view = Camera::getViewMatrix(); glm::mat4 VP = projection * view; if (updated || displayVisibilityCheck) { clearRoomList(); buildRoomList(VP); } for (int r = roomList.size() - 1; r >= 0; r--) { auto& rl = roomList.at(r); //! \fixme TODO scissor to portal in screenspace to fix 4D rendering //gl::glEnable(gl::GL_SCISSOR_TEST); //gl::glScissor(rl.portalPos.x, rl.portalPos.y, rl.portalSize.x, rl.portalSize.y); //ImGui::Text("%.2f %.2f", rl.portalPos.x, rl.portalPos.y); //ImGui::Text("%.2f %.2f", rl.portalSize.x, rl.portalSize.y); //ImGui::Text("--"); rl.room->display(VP); for (int i = 0; i < World::sizeEntity(); i++) { auto& e = World::getEntity(i); if (rl.room->getIndex() == e.getRoom()) { e.display(VP); } } //gl::glDisable(gl::GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } if (displayViewFrustum) Camera::displayFrustum(VP); BoundingBox::display(); if (mode == RenderMode::Wireframe) { gl::glPolygonMode(gl::GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, gl::GL_FILL); } } void Render::buildRoomList(glm::mat4 VP, int room, glm::vec2 min, glm::vec2 max) { glm::vec2 halfSize = glm::vec2(Window::getSize()) / 2.0f; glm::vec2 pos = (min * halfSize) + halfSize; glm::vec2 size = (max * halfSize) + halfSize - pos; if (room < -1) { // Check if the camera currently is in a room... for (int i = 0; i < World::sizeRoom(); i++) { if (World::getRoom(i).getBoundingBox().inBox(Camera::getPosition())) { buildRoomList(VP, i); return; } } buildRoomList(VP, -1); } else if (room == -1) { // Check visibility for all rooms! for (int i = 0; i < World::sizeRoom(); i++) { if (Camera::boxInFrustum(World::getRoom(i).getBoundingBox())) { roomList.emplace_back(&World::getRoom(i), pos, size); } } } else { roomList.emplace_back(&World::getRoom(room), pos, size); if (displayVisibilityCheck) { // Display the visibility test for the portal to this room BoundingBox debugBox(glm::vec3(min, 0.0f), glm::vec3(max, 0.0f)); debugBox.display(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); } // Check all portals leading from this room to somewhere else for (int i = 0; i < World::getRoom(room).sizePortals(); i++) { auto& portal = World::getRoom(room).getPortal(i); auto& r = World::getRoom(portal.getAdjoiningRoom()); // Calculate the 2D screen-space bounding box of this portal glm::vec4 newMin, newMax; for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { glm::vec3 port = portal.getVertex(c); glm::vec4 vert = VP * glm::vec4(port, 1.0f); if (c == 0) { newMin = vert; newMax = vert; } else { if (vert.x < newMin.x) newMin.x = vert.x; if (vert.y < newMin.y) newMin.y = vert.y; if (vert.z < newMin.z) newMin.z = vert.z; if (vert.w < newMin.w) newMin.w = vert.w; if (vert.x > newMax.x) newMax.x = vert.x; if (vert.y > newMax.y) newMax.y = vert.y; if (vert.z > newMax.z) newMax.z = vert.z; if (vert.w > newMax.w) newMax.w = vert.w; } } // Check if the portal lies behind the player if (!((newMin.z <= newMin.w) && (newMin.z >= -newMin.w) && (newMax.z <= newMax.w) && (newMax.z >= -newMax.w))) { continue; } //! \fixme Need to check portal normal, only render if it points in our direction //if (!normalFacingUs) { // continue; //} // Check if the portal intersects the portal leading into this room if (!((min.x < (newMax.x / newMax.w)) && (max.x > (newMin.x / newMin.w)) && (min.y < (newMax.y / newMax.w)) && (max.y > (newMin.y / newMin.w)))) { continue; } // Check if the connected room is in our view frustum (could be visible) if (!Camera::boxInFrustum(r.getBoundingBox())) { //continue; } // Check if this room is already in the list... bool found = false; for (int n = 0; n < roomList.size(); n++) { if (roomList.at(n).room == &r) { found = true; break; } } // ...only render it if it is not if (!found) { buildRoomList(VP, portal.getAdjoiningRoom(), glm::vec2(newMin) / newMin.w, glm::vec2(newMax) / newMax.w); } } } } void Render::screenShot(const char* filenameBase) { orAssert(filenameBase != nullptr); int w = Window::getSize().x; int h = Window::getSize().y; int sz = w * h; unsigned char* image = new unsigned char[sz * 3]; gl::glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, gl::GL_RGB, gl::GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image); unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[sz * 3]; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { buffer[3 * (x + (y * w))] = image[3 * (x + ((h - y - 1) * w))]; buffer[(3 * (x + (y * w))) + 1] = image[(3 * (x + ((h - y - 1) * w))) + 1]; buffer[(3 * (x + (y * w))) + 2] = image[(3 * (x + ((h - y - 1) * w))) + 2]; } } // Don't overwrite files static int count = 0; bool done = false; std::string f; while (!done) { std::ostringstream filename; filename << filenameBase << "-" << count++ << ".png"; f = filename.str(); std::ifstream fs(f); done = !fs.good(); fs.close(); } if (!stbi_write_png(f.c_str(), w, h, 3, buffer, 0)) { Log::get(LOG_ERROR) << "Error saving image \"" << f << "\"!" << Log::endl; } delete [] image; delete [] buffer; } static const int modeStringCount = 4; static const char* modeStrings[modeStringCount] = { "Splash", "Texture", "Wireframe", "Solid" }; void Render::displayUI() { if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Render Settings##render")) { int item = 0; if (mode == RenderMode::Texture) item = 1; else if (mode == RenderMode::Wireframe) item = 2; else if (mode == RenderMode::Solid) item = 3; if (ImGui::Combo("Render Mode##render", &item, modeStrings, modeStringCount)) { if (item == 0) mode = RenderMode::LoadScreen; else if (item == 1) mode = RenderMode::Texture; else if (item == 2) mode = RenderMode::Wireframe; else if (item == 3) mode = RenderMode::Solid; } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Text("Camera:"); bool updateViewFrustum = Camera::getUpdateViewFrustum(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Update Frustum##camera", &updateViewFrustum)) { Camera::setUpdateViewFrustum(updateViewFrustum); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox("Show Frustum##camera", &displayViewFrustum); ImGui::SameLine(); bool showOverlay = Camera::getShowOverlay(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Overlay##camera", &showOverlay)) { Camera::setShowOverlay(showOverlay); } ImGui::SameLine(); bool keepInRoom = Camera::getKeepInRoom(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Keep in Room##camera", &keepInRoom)) { Camera::setKeepInRoom(keepInRoom); } glm::vec3 camPos = Camera::getPosition(); if (ImGui::SliderFloat3("Position##camera", &camPos.x, -100000, 100000)) { Camera::setPosition(camPos); } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Text("Bounding Boxes:"); bool showBoundingBox = Room::getShowBoundingBox(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Rooms##bbox", &showBoundingBox)) { Room::setShowBoundingBox(showBoundingBox); } ImGui::SameLine(); bool showBoundingBox2 = StaticMesh::getShowBoundingBox(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("StaticMeshes##bbox", &showBoundingBox2)) { StaticMesh::setShowBoundingBox(showBoundingBox2); } ImGui::SameLine(); bool showBoundingBox3 = Portal::getShowBoundingBox(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Portals##bbox", &showBoundingBox3)) { Portal::setShowBoundingBox(showBoundingBox3); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox("VisChecks##bbox", &displayVisibilityCheck); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Text("Renderable Objects:"); ImGui::Text("Room: "); ImGui::SameLine(); bool showRoomGeometry = Room::getShowRoomGeometry(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Geometry##renderroom", &showRoomGeometry)) { Room::setShowRoomGeometry(showRoomGeometry); } ImGui::SameLine(); bool showRoomModels = Room::getShowRoomModels(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Models##renderroom", &showRoomModels)) { Room::setShowRoomModels(showRoomModels); } ImGui::SameLine(); bool showRoomSprites = Room::getShowRoomSprites(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Sprites##renderroom", &showRoomSprites)) { Room::setShowRoomSprites(showRoomSprites); } ImGui::Text("Entity: "); ImGui::SameLine(); bool showEntitySprites = Entity::getShowEntitySprites(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Sprites##renderentity", &showEntitySprites)) { Entity::setShowEntitySprites(showEntitySprites); } ImGui::SameLine(); bool showEntityMeshes = Entity::getShowEntityMeshes(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Meshes##renderentity", &showEntityMeshes)) { Entity::setShowEntityMeshes(showEntityMeshes); } ImGui::SameLine(); bool showEntityModels = Entity::getShowEntityModels(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Models##renderentity", &showEntityModels)) { Entity::setShowEntityModels(showEntityModels); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::Button("New Splash##render")) { TextureManager::initializeSplash(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("New Menu##render")) { Menu::initialize(); } } }