/*! * \file src/StaticMesh.cpp * \brief Static Model Meshes * * \author xythobuz */ #include "global.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Render.h" #include "TextureManager.h" #include "utils/pixel.h" #include "StaticMesh.h" TexturedTriangle::TexturedTriangle(int i[3], float s[6], int tex, unsigned short trans) { index[0] = i[0]; index[1] = i[1]; index[2] = i[2]; st[0] = s[0]; st[1] = s[1]; st[2] = s[2]; st[3] = s[3]; st[4] = s[4]; st[5] = s[5]; texture = tex; transparency = trans; } void TexturedTriangle::display(float *vertices, float *colors, float *normals) { assert(vertices != NULL); if ((getRender().getMode() != Render::modeWireframe) && (getRender().getMode() != Render::modeSolid)) { glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture + 1); } glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); switch (getRender().getMode()) { case Render::modeSolid: case Render::modeVertexLight: if (colors != NULL) { glColor3fv(colors + index[0]); glTexCoord2fv(st); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[0] * 3)); glColor3fv(colors + index[1]); glTexCoord2fv(st + 2); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[1] * 3)); glColor3fv(colors + index[2]); glTexCoord2fv(st + 4); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[2] * 3)); } else if (normals != NULL) { glNormal3fv(normals + (index[0] * 3)); glTexCoord2fv(st); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[0] * 3)); glNormal3fv(normals + (index[1] * 3)); glTexCoord2fv(st + 2); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[1] * 3)); glNormal3fv(normals + (index[2] * 3)); glTexCoord2fv(st + 4); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[2] * 3)); } else { glTexCoord2fv(st); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[0] * 3)); glTexCoord2fv(st + 2); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[1] * 3)); glTexCoord2fv(st + 4); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[2] * 3)); } break; case Render::modeWireframe: glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[0] * 3)); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[1] * 3)); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[2] * 3)); break; default: glTexCoord2fv(st); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[0] * 3)); glTexCoord2fv(st + 2); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[1] * 3)); glTexCoord2fv(st + 4); glVertex3fv(vertices + (index[2] * 3)); } glEnd(); } #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL #include std::map gColorTextureHACK; int setupTextureColor(float *colorf) { unsigned char color[4]; unsigned int colorI; unsigned int texture; color[0] = (unsigned char)(colorf[0]*255.0f); color[1] = (unsigned char)(colorf[1]*255.0f); color[2] = (unsigned char)(colorf[2]*255.0f); color[3] = (unsigned char)(colorf[3]*255.0f); ((unsigned char *)(&colorI))[3] = color[0]; ((unsigned char *)(&colorI))[2] = color[1]; ((unsigned char *)(&colorI))[1] = color[2]; ((unsigned char *)(&colorI))[0] = color[3]; try { texture = gColorTextureHACK.at(colorI); } catch (...) { unsigned char *image = generateColorTexture(color, 32, 32, 32); texture = getTextureManager().loadBufferSlot(image, 32, 32, RGBA, 32, getTextureManager().getTextureCount()); delete [] image; } return texture; } #endif StaticMesh::StaticMesh(TombRaider &tr, unsigned int index) { int count, texture; int vertexIndices[6]; float st[12]; float color[4]; unsigned short transparency; if (!tr.isMeshValid(index)) { dontshow = true; return; } else { dontshow = false; } // Mongoose 2002.08.30, Testing support for 'shootable' models ( traceable ) tr.getMeshCollisionInfo(index, center, &radius); //! \fixme Arrays don't work either =) // Mesh geometery, colors, etc tr.getMeshVertexArrays(index, &vertexCount, &vertices, &normalCount, &normals, &colorCount, &colors); // Textured Triangles count = tr.getMeshTexturedTriangleCount(index); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tr.getMeshTexturedTriangle(index, i, vertexIndices, st, &texture, &transparency); triangles.push_back( new TexturedTriangle(vertexIndices, st, texture + getGame().getTextureStart(), transparency)); } // Coloured Triangles count = tr.getMeshColoredTriangleCount(index); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tr.getMeshColoredTriangle(index, i, vertexIndices, color); st[0] = color[0]; st[1] = color[1]; st[2] = color[2]; st[3] = color[3]; st[4] = 1.0; st[5] = 1.0; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL texture = setupTextureColor(color); #else texture = 0; // White texture #endif transparency = 0; triangles.push_back( new TexturedTriangle(vertexIndices, st, texture + getGame().getTextureStart(), transparency)); } // Textured Rectangles count = tr.getMeshTexturedRectangleCount(index); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tr.getMeshTexturedRectangle(index, i, vertexIndices, st, &texture, &transparency); triangles.push_back( new TexturedTriangle(vertexIndices, st, texture + getGame().getTextureStart(), transparency)); triangles.push_back( new TexturedTriangle(vertexIndices + 3, st + 6, texture + getGame().getTextureStart(), transparency)); } // Coloured Rectangles count = tr.getMeshColoredRectangleCount(index); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tr.getMeshColoredRectangle(index, i, vertexIndices, color); st[0] = color[0]; st[1] = color[1]; st[2] = color[2]; st[3] = color[3]; st[4] = 1.0; st[5] = 1.0; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL texture = setupTextureColor(color); #else texture = 0; // White texture #endif transparency = 0; triangles.push_back( new TexturedTriangle(vertexIndices, st, texture + getGame().getTextureStart(), transparency)); triangles.push_back( new TexturedTriangle(vertexIndices + 3, st, texture + getGame().getTextureStart(), transparency)); } } StaticMesh::~StaticMesh() { while (!triangles.empty()) { delete triangles.back(); triangles.pop_back(); } delete [] vertices; delete [] normals; delete [] colors; } void StaticMesh::display() { if (!dontshow) { //! \fixme Duh, vis tests need to be put back //if (!isVisible(center, radius, bbox)) // return; //! \fixme 'AMBIENT' -- Mongoose 2002.01.08 glColor3ubv(WHITE); if (getRender().getMode() == Render::modeWireframe) glColor3ubv(WHITE); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1); // White texture for colors for (unsigned int i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) triangles.at(i)->display(vertices, colors, normals); } } float StaticMesh::getRadius() { return radius; }