/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 3; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 3 -*- */ /*================================================================ * * Project : Render * Author : Mongoose * Website : http://www.westga.edu/~stu7440/ * Email : stu7440@westga.edu * Object : Render * License : No use w/o permission (C) 2001 Mongoose * Comments: This is the renderer class for OpenRaider * * * This file was generated using Mongoose's C++ * template generator script. * *-- History ------------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ================================================================*/ #ifndef _RENDER_H_ #define _RENDER_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USING_EMITTER #include #endif class RenderRoom { public: RenderRoom() { room = 0x0; } ~RenderRoom() { //! \fixme Hangs when erasing - might be shared pointers somewhere //lights.erase(); } void computeCenter() { if (room) { helMidpoint3v(room->bbox_min, room->bbox_max, center); } } vec_t dist; /* Distance to near plane, move to room? */ vec3_t center; /* Center of bbox, move to room? */ room_mesh_t *room; /* Physical room stored in World, Very dangerous as allocated and used */ Vector lights; /* List of lights in this room */ OpenGLMesh mesh; /* OpenGL mesh that represents this room */ }; class Render { public: typedef enum { modeDisabled = 0, modeLoadScreen = 1, modeVertexLight = 2, modeSolid = 3, modeWireframe = 4, modeTexture = 5 } RenderMode; typedef enum { fParticles = 1, fPortals = 2, fRoomAlpha = 4, fViewModel = 8, fSprites = 16, fRoomModels = 32, fEntityModels = 64, fFog = 128, fUsePortals = 256, fFastCard = 1024, fGL_Lights = 2048, fOneRoom = 4096, fRenderPonytail = 8192, fMultiTexture = 16384, fUpdateRoomListPerFrame = 32768, fAnimateAllModels = 65536, fAllRooms = 131072 } RenderFlags; typedef enum { roomMesh = 1, skeletalMesh = 2 } RenderMeshType; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Render(); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Constructs an object of Render * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ ~Render(); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Render object is allocated * Post : Deconstructs an object of Render * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public Accessors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void screenShot(char *filenameBase); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Makes a screenshot, writes to disk as file * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.12.20: * Mongoose - Created, factored out of OpenRaider class ------------------------------------------------------*/ int getMode(); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Gets current rendering mode * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public Mutators //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void addRoom(RenderRoom *rRoom); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.12.21: * Mongoose - Created, factored out of World ------------------------------------------------------*/ void Init(int width, int height, bool fastCard); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Starts and sets up OpenGL target * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void loadTexture(unsigned char *image, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int id); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Loads textures in a certian id slot * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.12.20: * Mongoose - Created, factored out of OpenRaider class ------------------------------------------------------*/ void initTextures(char *textureDir, unsigned int *numLoaded, unsigned int *nextId); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : textureDir is valid and exists with textures * Post : Sets up textures for OpenRaider * Returns number of loaded textures and * * numLoaded will update number of * external textures loaded * * nextId will update next level texture id * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.12.20: * Mongoose - Created, factored out of OpenRaider class ------------------------------------------------------*/ void initEmitter(const char *name, unsigned int size, unsigned int snowTex1, unsigned int snowTex2); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Textures are init and these args are valid * Post : Emitter is set up for rendering with 2 textures * in a overhead rain or snow like pattern * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.12.20: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void ClearWorld(); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Removes current world/entity/etc geometery * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void toggleFlag(unsigned int flag); void clearFlags(unsigned int flags); void setFlags(unsigned int flags); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : (Un)Sets bitflags for various control use * Post : Changes state of renderer in some way * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.03.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void setMode(int n); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void Update(int width, int height); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void Display(); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Renders a single game frame * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void setSkyMesh(int index, bool rot); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void ViewModel(entity_t *ent, int index); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void RegisterCamera(Camera *camera); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2001.05.21: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ GLString *GetString(); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Returns GL text output agent * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.04: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ //! \fixme Should be private void drawLoadScreen(); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Texture is init * Post : Renders load screen * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void addSkeletalModel(SkeletalModel *mdl); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ private: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private Accessors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool isVisible(float bboxMin[3], float bboxMax[3]); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Abstract bounding box must be valid * Post : If object's bounding box is in viewing volume * return true, else false * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.12.16: * Mongoose - Moved to Render class * * 2001.06.06: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ bool isVisible(float x, float y, float z); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Is point in view volume? * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.12.16: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ bool isVisible(float x, float y, float z, float radius); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Is sphere in view volume? * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.12.16: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private Mutators //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void newRoomRenderList(int index); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : room index is valid * Post : Build a visible room list starting at index * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void buildRoomRenderList(RenderRoom *room); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : room is valid * Post : Build a visible room list starting from room * and only consider it's linked rooms and their * linked rooms * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void drawObjects(); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Texture is init * Post : Renders visible world objects * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void drawSkyMesh(float scale); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Texture is init * scale is correct for map size * Post : Renders Sky domes/boxes/etc by scaling factor * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void drawModel(SkeletalModel *model); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Texture is init * Post : Renders a skeletal model * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void drawRoom(RenderRoom *rRoom, bool draw_alpha); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Texture is init * Draw all rooms with alpha false, then * draw with alpha true * * Post : Renders a room in 2 seperate passes to * handle alpha, currently doesn't sort alpha * but looks pretty good * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void drawRoomModel(static_model_t *mesh); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Texture is init * Post : Renders static room model * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void drawModelMesh(model_mesh_t *r_mesh, RenderMeshType type); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Texture is init, type is object containing mesh * Post : Renders a mesh * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void drawSprite(sprite_t *sprite); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Texture is init * Post : Renders a sprite * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.01.01: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void updateViewVolume(); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : Call once per render frame * Post : Updated view volume * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2002.12.16: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ void tmpRenderModelMesh(model_mesh_t *r_mesh, texture_tri_t *ttri); /*------------------------------------------------------ * Pre : * Post : Let them eat cake... * *-- History ------------------------------------------ * * 2003.05.19: * Mongoose - Created ------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef USING_EMITTER Emitter *mEmitter; /* Particle emitter test */ #endif Texture mTexture; /* Texture subsystem */ Camera *mCamera; /* Camera subsystem */ GLString mString; /* GL Text subsystem */ Vector mRoomRenderList; Vector mRooms; Vector mModels; unsigned int mFlags; /* Rendering flags */ unsigned int mWidth; /* Viewport width */ unsigned int mHeight; /* Viewport height */ unsigned int mMode; /* Rendering mode */ unsigned int *mNumTexturesLoaded; unsigned int *mNextTextureId; // float mSplash; int mLock; int mSkyMesh; /* Skymesh model id */ bool mSkyMeshRotation; /* Should Skymesh be rotated? */ }; #endif