/*! * \file src/SoundAL.cpp * \brief This is the OpenAL audio manager Implementation * * \author Mongoose * \author xythobuz */ #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #else #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "math/math.h" #include "SoundAL.h" SoundAL::SoundAL() { mEnabled = false; mInit = false; mVolume = 1.0f; } SoundAL::~SoundAL() { if (mInit) alutExit(); } int SoundAL::initialize() { assert(mInit == false); if (!mEnabled) return 0; ALCdevice *Device = alcOpenDevice(NULL); ALCcontext *Context = alcCreateContext(Device, NULL); alcMakeContextCurrent(Context); if (alutInitWithoutContext(NULL, NULL) == AL_FALSE) { printf("ALUT-Error: %s\n", alutGetErrorString(alutGetError())); return -2; } mInit = true; return 0; } void SoundAL::setEnabled(bool on) { mEnabled = on; } void SoundAL::setVolume(float vol) { assert(mSource.size() == mBuffer.size()); if (mEnabled) { if ((mSource.size() > 0) && (!equalEpsilon(mVolume, vol))) { // Apply new volume to old sources if needed for (size_t i = 0; i < mSource.size(); i++) alSourcef(mSource[i], AL_GAIN, vol); } } mVolume = vol; } int SoundAL::registeredSources() { assert(mSource.size() == mBuffer.size()); if ((!mEnabled) || (!mInit)) return 0; return mSource.size(); } void SoundAL::clear() { assert(mSource.size() == mBuffer.size()); if ((!mEnabled) || (!mInit)) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < mSource.size(); i++) { alDeleteSources(1, &mSource[i]); alDeleteBuffers(1, &mBuffer[i]); } mSource.clear(); mBuffer.clear(); } void SoundAL::listenAt(float pos[3], float angle[3]) { assert(mSource.size() == mBuffer.size()); assert(pos != NULL); assert(angle != NULL); if ((!mEnabled) || (!mInit)) return; alListenerfv(AL_POSITION, pos); alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, angle); } void SoundAL::sourceAt(int source, float pos[3]) { assert(mSource.size() == mBuffer.size()); assert(source >= 0); assert(source < (int)mSource.size()); assert(pos != NULL); if ((!mEnabled) || (!mInit)) return; alSourcefv(mSource[source], AL_POSITION, pos); } //! \fixme Seperate sourcing and buffering, Mongoose 2002.01.04 int SoundAL::addFile(const char *filename, int *source, unsigned int flags) { ALsizei size; ALfloat freq; ALenum format; ALvoid *data; int id; assert(mSource.size() == mBuffer.size()); assert(filename != NULL); assert(filename[0] != '\0'); assert(source != NULL); if ((!mEnabled) || (!mInit)) { *source = 0; return 0; } *source = -1; id = mSource.size(); mSource.push_back(0); mBuffer.push_back(0); alGetError(); alGenBuffers(1, &mBuffer[id]); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { printf("Could not load wav file (alGenBuffers)\n"); return -1; } alGetError(); alGenSources(1, &mSource[id]); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { printf("Could not load wav file (alGenSources)\n"); return -2; } data = alutLoadMemoryFromFile(filename, &format, &size, &freq); if (alutGetError() != ALUT_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { printf("Could not load %s\n", filename); return -3; } alBufferData(mBuffer[id], format, data, size, static_cast(freq)); alSourcei(mSource[id], AL_BUFFER, mBuffer[id]); if (flags & SoundFlagsLoop) { alSourcei(mSource[id], AL_LOOPING, 1); } alSourcef(mSource[id], AL_GAIN, mVolume); *source = id; return 0; } int SoundAL::addWave(unsigned char *wav, unsigned int length, int *source, unsigned int flags) { ALsizei size; ALfloat freq; ALenum format; ALvoid *data; int error = 0; int id; assert(mSource.size() == mBuffer.size()); assert(wav != NULL); assert(source != NULL); if ((!mEnabled) || (!mInit)) { *source = 0; return 0; } *source = -1; id = mSource.size(); mSource.push_back(0); mBuffer.push_back(0); data = wav; alGetError(); alGenBuffers(1, &mBuffer[id]); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { printf("Could not load wav (alGenBuffers)\n"); return -1; } alGetError(); alGenSources(1, &mSource[id]); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { printf("Could not load wav (alGenSources)\n"); return -2; } data = alutLoadMemoryFromFileImage(wav, length, &format, &size, &freq); if (((error = alutGetError()) != ALUT_ERROR_NO_ERROR) || (data == NULL)) { printf("Could not load wav buffer (%s)\n", alutGetErrorString(error)); return -3; } alBufferData(mBuffer[id], format, data, size, static_cast(freq)); alSourcei(mSource[id], AL_BUFFER, mBuffer[id]); if (flags & SoundFlagsLoop) { alSourcei(mSource[id], AL_LOOPING, 1); } alSourcef(mSource[id], AL_GAIN, mVolume); *source = id; //! \fixme Should free alut buffer? return 0; } void SoundAL::play(int source) { assert(mSource.size() == mBuffer.size()); assert(source >= 0); assert(source < (int)mSource.size()); if ((!mEnabled) || (!mInit)) return; alSourcePlay(mSource[source]); } void SoundAL::stop(int source) { assert(mSource.size() == mBuffer.size()); assert(source >= 0); assert(source < (int)mSource.size()); if ((!mEnabled) || (!mInit)) return; alSourceStop(mSource[source]); }