/*! * \file src/Menu.cpp * \brief Menu 'overlay' * * \author xythobuz */ #include "global.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Menu.h" #include "MenuFolder.h" void Menu::showDialog(std::string msg, std::string btn1, std::string btn2, std::function callback) { // Only show one dialog at a time assert(dialogText.length() == 0); assert(dialogButton1.length() == 0); assert(dialogButton2.length() == 0); assert(msg.length() > 0); assert(btn1.length() > 0); dialogText = msg; dialogButton1 = btn1; dialogButton2 = btn2; dialogState = false; dialogFunction = callback; getLog() << dialogText << Log::endl; } void Menu::ackDialog() { dialogText = ""; dialogButton1 = ""; dialogButton2 = ""; if (dialogFunction) { int error = dialogFunction(dialogState); if (error != 0) { showDialog("Error processing dialog callback!", "OK", ""); } } dialogState = false; } bool Menu::handleKeyboardDialog(KeyboardButton key, bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return (dialogText.length() > 0); if (dialogText.length() > 0) { if (dialogButton2.length() == 0) { if (key == enterKey) { ackDialog(); } } else { if (key == enterKey) { ackDialog(); } else if (key == leftKey) { dialogState = !dialogState; } else if (key == rightKey) { dialogState = !dialogState; } else if (key == upKey) { dialogState = !dialogState; } else if (key == downKey) { dialogState = !dialogState; } } return true; } return false; } bool Menu::handleMouseClickDialog(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, KeyboardButton button, bool released) { //! \todo Allow mouse usage of Menu dialogs! return (dialogText.length() > 0); } bool Menu::handleMouseScrollDialog(int xrel, int yrel) { //! \todo Allow mouse usage of Menu dialogs! return (dialogText.length() > 0); } void Menu::displayDialog() { if (dialogText.length() > 0) { unsigned int wMax = ((unsigned int)(::getWindow().getWidth() * 0.66f)); unsigned int w0 = getFont().widthText(1.0f, dialogText) + 20; if (w0 > wMax) w0 = wMax; unsigned int h0 = getFont().heightText(1.0f, w0, dialogText) + 10; assert(dialogButton1.length() > 0); unsigned int w1 = getFont().widthText(1.0f, dialogButton1) + 20; if (w1 > wMax) w1 = wMax; unsigned int h1 = getFont().heightText(1.0f, w1, dialogButton1) + 10; unsigned int wOverlay = wMax, hOverlay, w2 = 0, h2 = 0; if (dialogButton2.length() > 0) { // Show text and two buttons w2 = getFont().widthText(1.0f, dialogButton2) + 20; if (w2 > wMax) w2 = wMax; h2 = getFont().heightText(1.0f, w2, dialogButton2) + 10; if (w0 > (w1 + w2)) { if (w0 < wMax) { wOverlay = w0; } } else if (w0 < (w1 + w2)) { if ((w1 + w2) < wMax) { wOverlay = (w1 + w2); } } if ((w1 + w2) <= wMax) { hOverlay = h0 + ((h1 + h2) / 2); } else { hOverlay = h0 + h1 + h2; } } else { // Show text and one button if (w0 > w1) { if (w0 < wMax) { wOverlay = w0; } } else if (w0 < w1) { if (w1 < wMax) { wOverlay = w1; } } hOverlay = h0 + h1; } unsigned int xOverlay = (::getWindow().getWidth() - wOverlay) / 2; unsigned int yOverlay = (::getWindow().getHeight() - hOverlay) / 2; glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glRecti(xOverlay, yOverlay, xOverlay + wOverlay, yOverlay + hOverlay); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); getFont().drawTextWrapped(xOverlay + 10, yOverlay + 5, 1.0f, BLUE, w0, dialogText); if (dialogButton2.length() > 0) { if ((w1 + w2) <= wMax) { getFont().drawTextWrapped(xOverlay + 10, yOverlay + 10 + h0, 1.0f, dialogState ? BLUE : RED, w1, dialogButton1); getFont().drawTextWrapped(xOverlay + 10 + w1, yOverlay + 10 + h0, 1.0f, dialogState ? RED : BLUE, w2, dialogButton2); } else { getFont().drawTextWrapped((::getWindow().getWidth() - w1) / 2, yOverlay + 10 + h0, 1.0f, dialogState ? BLUE : RED, w1, dialogButton1); getFont().drawTextWrapped((::getWindow().getWidth() - w2) / 2, yOverlay + 10 + h0 + h1, 1.0f, dialogState ? RED : BLUE, w2, dialogButton2); } } else { getFont().drawTextWrapped((::getWindow().getWidth() - w1) / 2, yOverlay + 10 + h0, 1.0f, RED, w1, dialogButton1); } } }