/*! * \file src/World.cpp * \brief The game world (model) * * \author Mongoose */ #include #include "World.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// World::World() { mClearLock = false; mFlags = 0; mEntities.setError(0x0); mRooms.setError(0x0); mMeshes.setError(0x0); mSprites.setError(0x0); mModels.setError(0x0); } World::~World() { destroy(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public Accessors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int World::getRoomByLocation(int index, float x, float y, float z) { room_mesh_t *room = mRooms[index]; if (room) { if (x > room->bbox_min[0] && x < room->bbox_max[0] && z > room->bbox_min[2] && z < room->bbox_max[2]) { if (y > room->bbox_min[1] && y < room->bbox_max[1]) return index; } } return getRoomByLocation(x, y, z); } int World::getRoomByLocation(float x, float y, float z) { room_mesh_t *room; int hop = -1; for (mRooms.start(); mRooms.forward(); mRooms.next()) { room = mRooms.current(); if (!room) continue; if (x > room->bbox_min[0] && x < room->bbox_max[0] && z > room->bbox_min[2] && z < room->bbox_max[2]) { // This room contains current position if (y > room->bbox_min[1] && y < room->bbox_max[1]) return mRooms.getCurrentIndex(); // This room is above or below current position hop = mRooms.getCurrentIndex(); } } // Room is -1? Must be in void, try to hop to room with same X,Z if (mFlags & fEnableHopping) return hop; return -1; } int World::getAdjoiningRoom(int index, float x, float y, float z, float x2, float y2, float z2) { room_mesh_t *room = mRooms[index]; portal_t * portal; vec3_t intersect, p1, p2; p1[0] = x; p1[1] = y; p1[2] = z; p2[0] = x2; p2[1] = y2; p2[2] = z2; if (room) { for (room->portals.start(); room->portals.forward(); room->portals.next()) { portal = room->portals.current(); if (!portal) continue; if (helIntersectionLineAndPolygon(intersect, p1, p2, // 4, portal->vertices)) { return portal->adjoining_room; } } } return -1; } int World::getSector(int room, float x, float z, float *floor, float *ceiling) { room_mesh_t *r; sector_t * s; int sector; r = mRooms[room]; if (!r) return -1; sector = (((((int)x - (int)r->pos[0]) / 1024) * r->numZSectors) + (((int)z - (int)r->pos[2]) / 1024)); if (sector > -1) { s = r->sectors[sector]; if (!s) return -1; *floor = s->floor; *ceiling = s->ceiling; } return sector; } int World::getSector(int room, float x, float z) { int sector; room_mesh_t *r; r = mRooms[room]; if (!r) { return -1; } sector = (((((int)x - (int)r->pos[0]) / 1024) * r->numZSectors) + (((int)z - (int)r->pos[2]) / 1024)); if (sector < 0) { return -1; } return sector; } unsigned int World::getRoomInfo(int room) { room_mesh_t *r; r = mRooms[room]; if (!r) { return 0; } return r->flags; } bool World::isWall(int room, int sector) { room_mesh_t *r; sector_t *sect; r = mRooms[room]; if (!r) { return true; } sect = r->sectors[sector]; if (!sect) { return true; } return (sector > 0 && sect->wall); } bool World::getHeightAtPosition(int index, float x, float *y, float z) { room_mesh_t *room = mRooms[index]; #ifdef OBSOLETE_USING_BOXES unsigned int i; float zmax, xmax, zmin, xmin; if (!room) { return false; } // Mongoose 2002.08.14, It's 0302 - give me a fucking break -- // this works albeit poorly =) for (i = 0; (int)i < room->num_boxes; ++i) { xmax = room->boxes[i].c.pos[0]; xmin = room->boxes[i].a.pos[0]; zmax = room->boxes[i].c.pos[2]; zmin = room->boxes[i].a.pos[2]; if (x < xmax && x > xmin && z < zmax && z > zmin) { //printf("%f %f %f %f\n", xmax, xmin, zmax, zmin); *y = room->boxes[i].a.pos[1]; // hhmm...room->pos[1] + return true; } } return false; #else int sector; sector_t *sect; if (!room) { return false; } // Mongoose 2002.08.14, Remember sector_z is width of sector array sector = getSector(index, x, z); sect = room->sectors[sector]; if (!sect) { return true; } *y = sect->floor; return true; #endif } // Temp methods for rendering use until more refactoring is done #ifdef BAD_BLOOD model_mesh_t *World::getMesh(int index) { return mMeshes[index]; } skeletal_model_t *World::getModel(int index) { return mModels[index]; } room_mesh_t *World::getRoom(int index) { return mRooms[index]; } Vector *World::getEntities() { return &mEntities; } Vector *World::getSprites() { return &mSprites; } Vector *World::getRooms() { return &mRooms; } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public Mutators //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void World::setFlag(WorldFlag flag) { mFlags |= flag; } void World::clearFlag(WorldFlag flag) { mFlags |= flag; mFlags ^= flag; } void World::destroy() { // Add some locking to check use state first if (!mClearLock) { clear(); } } void World::addRoom(room_mesh_t *room) { mClearLock = false; mRooms.pushBack(room); } void World::addMesh(model_mesh_t *mesh) { if (mesh) { mClearLock = false; mMeshes.pushBack(mesh); } } void World::addEntity(entity_t *e) { if (e) { mClearLock = false; e->master = 0x0; e->moveType = worldMoveType_walk; // Walk e->room = getRoomByLocation(e->pos[0], e->pos[1], e->pos[2]); mEntities.pushBack(e); } } int World::addModel(skeletal_model_t *model) { if (model) { mClearLock = false; mModels.pushBack(model); return mModels.end(); } return -1; } void World::addSprite(sprite_seq_t *sprite) { if (sprite) { mClearLock = false; mSprites.pushBack(sprite); } } void World::moveEntity(entity_t *e, char movement) { const float moved = 180.0f; const float testd = 220.0f; const float camHeight = 8.0f; float x, y, z, pitch, h, floor, ceiling; int room, sector; bool wall; unsigned int roomFlags; if (!e) { return; } switch (e->moveType) { case worldMoveType_walkNoSwim: case worldMoveType_walk: pitch = 0.0f; // in the future pitch could control jump up blocks here break; case worldMoveType_noClipping: case worldMoveType_fly: case worldMoveType_swim: pitch = e->angles[2]; break; } switch (movement) { case 'f': x = e->pos[0] + (testd * sinf(e->angles[1])); y = e->pos[1] + (testd * sinf(pitch)); z = e->pos[2] + (testd * cosf(e->angles[1])); break; case 'b': x = e->pos[0] - (testd * sinf(e->angles[1])); y = e->pos[1] - (testd * sinf(pitch)); z = e->pos[2] - (testd * cosf(e->angles[1])); break; case 'l': x = e->pos[0] - (testd * sinf(e->angles[1] + 90.0f)); y = e->pos[1]; z = e->pos[2] - (testd * cosf(e->angles[1] + 90.0f)); break; case 'r': x = e->pos[0] + (testd * sinf(e->angles[1] + 90.0f)); y = e->pos[1]; z = e->pos[2] + (testd * cosf(e->angles[1] + 90.0f)); break; default: return; } //room = getRoomByLocation(x, y, z); room = getRoomByLocation(e->room, x, y, z); if (room == -1) // Will we hit a portal? { #define ADJ_ROOM_CHECK #ifdef ADJ_ROOM_CHECK room = getAdjoiningRoom(e->room, e->pos[0], e->pos[1], e->pos[2], x, y, z); #else if (!mFlags & fEnableHopping) { mFlags |= fEnableHopping; room = getRoomByLocation(e->room, x, y, z); printf("Hopped\n"); mFlags ^= fEnableHopping; } //room = getRoomByLocation(x, y, z); #endif if (room > -1) { printf("Crossing from room %i to %i\n", e->room, room); } } roomFlags = getRoomInfo(room); sector = getSector(room, x, z, &floor, &ceiling); wall = isWall(room, sector); // If you're underwater you may want to swim =) // ...if you're worldMoveType_walkNoSwim, you better hope it's shallow if (roomFlags & roomFlag_underWater && e->moveType == worldMoveType_walk) { e->moveType = worldMoveType_swim; } // Don't swim on land if (!(roomFlags & roomFlag_underWater) && e->moveType == worldMoveType_swim) { e->moveType = worldMoveType_walk; } // Mongoose 2002.09.02, Add check for room -> room transition // ( Only allow by movement between rooms by using portals ) if (((e->moveType == worldMoveType_noClipping) || (e->moveType == worldMoveType_fly) || (e->moveType == worldMoveType_swim)) || ((room > -1) && (!wall))) { e->room = room; switch (movement) { case 'f': x = e->pos[0] + (moved * sinf(e->angles[1])); y = e->pos[1] + (moved * sinf(pitch)); z = e->pos[2] + (moved * cosf(e->angles[1])); break; case 'b': x = e->pos[0] - (moved * sinf(e->angles[1])); y = e->pos[1] - (moved * sinf(pitch)); z = e->pos[2] - (moved * cosf(e->angles[1])); break; case 'l': x = e->pos[0] - (moved * sinf(e->angles[1] + 90.0f)); z = e->pos[2] - (moved * cosf(e->angles[1] + 90.0f)); break; case 'r': x = e->pos[0] + (moved * sinf(e->angles[1] + 90.0f)); z = e->pos[2] + (moved * cosf(e->angles[1] + 90.0f)); break; } /*! \fixme Test for vector (move vector) / plane (portal) collision here * to see if we need to switch rooms... man... */ h = y; getHeightAtPosition(room, x, &h, z); switch (e->moveType) { case worldMoveType_fly: case worldMoveType_swim: #ifdef DIVE_GAP // Clips to top of water, waiting for DIVE event if (h < floor) e->pos[1] = floor; else if (h > ceiling) e->pos[1] = ceiling; else e->pos[1] = y; #endif // Don't fall out of world, avoid a movement that does if (h > y - camHeight) { e->pos[0] = x; e->pos[1] = y; e->pos[2] = z; } break; case worldMoveType_walk: case worldMoveType_walkNoSwim: y = e->pos[1]; // Override vector movement walking ( er, not pretty ) // Now fake gravity // Mongoose 2002.08.14, Remember TR is upside down ( you fall 'up' ) //ddist = h - e->pos[1]; // This is to force false gravity, by making camera stay on ground e->pos[1] = h; //roomFloor->bbox_min[1]; // Check for camera below terrian and correct if (e->pos[1] < h - camHeight) { e->pos[1] = h - camHeight; } e->pos[0] = x; e->pos[2] = z; break; case worldMoveType_noClipping: e->pos[0] = x; e->pos[1] = y; e->pos[2] = z; } #ifdef OBSOLETE m_text->SetString(1,"Room %2i Sector %2i %sPos %.0f %.0f %.0f Yaw %.0f", room, sector, wall ? " Wall " : " ", e->pos[0], e->pos[1], e->pos[2], e->angles[1]); #endif } else { e->moving = false; return; } e->room = room; e->moving = true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private Accessors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private Mutators //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void World::clear() { room_mesh_t *room; model_mesh_t *mesh; sprite_seq_t *sprite; skeletal_model_t *model; bone_frame_t *boneframe; bone_tag_t *tag; animation_frame_t *animation; List cache; mClearLock = true; mEntities.erase(); for (mRooms.start(); mRooms.forward(); mRooms.next()) { room = mRooms.current(); if (room) { room->portals.erase(); room->models.erase(); room->sprites.erase(); room->sectors.erase(); room->boxes.erase(); } } mRooms.erase(); for (mMeshes.start(); mMeshes.forward(); mMeshes.next()) { mesh = mMeshes.current(); if (!mesh) continue; for (mesh->texturedTriangles.start(); mesh->texturedTriangles.forward(); mesh->texturedTriangles.next()) { if (mesh->texturedTriangles.current()) delete mesh->texturedTriangles.current(); } for (mesh->coloredTriangles.start(); mesh->coloredTriangles.forward(); mesh->coloredTriangles.next()) { if (mesh->coloredTriangles.current()) delete mesh->coloredTriangles.current(); } for (mesh->texturedRectangles.start(); mesh->texturedRectangles.forward(); mesh->texturedRectangles.next()) { if (mesh->texturedRectangles.current()) delete mesh->texturedRectangles.current(); } for (mesh->coloredRectangles.start(); mesh->coloredRectangles.forward(); mesh->coloredRectangles.next()) { if (mesh->coloredRectangles.current()) delete mesh->coloredRectangles.current(); } if (mesh->vertices) delete [] mesh->vertices; if (mesh->colors) delete [] mesh->colors; if (mesh->normals) delete [] mesh->normals; delete mesh; } mMeshes.clear(); for (mSprites.start(); mSprites.forward(); mSprites.next()) { sprite = mSprites.current(); if (!sprite) continue; if (sprite->sprite) delete [] sprite->sprite; delete sprite; } mSprites.clear(); for (mModels.start(); mModels.forward(); mModels.next()) { model = mModels.current(); if (!model) continue; // No smart pointers, so skip if deleted once =) if (!cache.SearchKey(model)) { cache.Add(model); } else { continue; } for (model->animation.start(); model->animation.forward(); model->animation.next()) { animation = model->animation.current(); if (!animation) continue; for (animation->frame.start(); animation->frame.forward(); animation->frame.next()) { boneframe = animation->frame.current(); if (!boneframe) continue; for (boneframe->tag.start(); boneframe->tag.forward(); boneframe->tag.next()) { tag = boneframe->tag.current(); if (!tag) continue; delete tag; } delete boneframe; } delete animation; } delete model; } mModels.clear(); }