Open Source Tomb Raider Engine
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Render.h 17KB

  1. /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 3; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 3 -*- */
  2. /*================================================================
  3. *
  4. * Project : Render
  5. * Author : Mongoose
  6. * Website :
  7. * Email :
  8. * Object : Render
  9. * License : No use w/o permission (C) 2001 Mongoose
  10. * Comments: This is the renderer class for OpenRaider
  11. *
  12. *
  13. * This file was generated using Mongoose's C++
  14. * template generator script. <>
  15. *
  16. *-- History ------------------------------------------------
  17. *
  18. * 2001.05.21:
  19. * Mongoose - Created
  20. ================================================================*/
  21. #ifndef _RENDER_H_
  22. #define _RENDER_H_
  23. #include <List.h>
  24. #include <Vector.h>
  25. #include <Matrix.h>
  26. #include <ViewVolume.h>
  27. #include <Light.h>
  28. #include <World.h>
  29. #include <SkeletalModel.h>
  30. #include <Mesh.h>
  31. #include <Texture.h>
  32. #include <Camera.h>
  33. #include <GLString.h>
  34. #ifdef USING_EMITTER
  35. #include <Emitter.h>
  36. #endif
  37. class RenderRoom {
  38. public:
  39. RenderRoom() {
  40. room = 0x0;
  41. dist = 0.0f;
  42. center[0] = center[1] = center[2] = 0.0f;
  43. }
  44. ~RenderRoom() {
  45. //! \fixme Hangs when erasing - might be shared pointers somewhere
  46. //lights.erase();
  47. }
  48. void computeCenter() {
  49. if (room)
  50. helMidpoint3v(room->bbox_min, room->bbox_max, center);
  51. }
  52. vec_t dist; //!< Distance to near plane, move to room?
  53. vec3_t center; //!< Center of bbox, move to room?
  54. room_mesh_t *room; //!< Physical room stored in World, very dangerous as allocated and used
  55. Vector<Light *> lights; //!< List of lights in this room
  56. Mesh mesh; //!< OpenGL mesh that represents this room
  57. };
  58. class Render
  59. {
  60. public:
  61. typedef enum {
  62. modeDisabled,
  63. modeLoadScreen,
  64. modeVertexLight,
  65. modeSolid,
  66. modeWireframe,
  67. modeTexture
  68. } RenderMode;
  69. typedef enum {
  70. fParticles = (1 << 0),
  71. fPortals = (1 << 1),
  72. fRoomAlpha = (1 << 2),
  73. fViewModel = (1 << 3),
  74. fSprites = (1 << 4),
  75. fRoomModels = (1 << 5),
  76. fEntityModels = (1 << 6),
  77. fFog = (1 << 7),
  78. fUsePortals = (1 << 8),
  79. fFastCard = (1 << 9),
  80. fGL_Lights = (1 << 10),
  81. fOneRoom = (1 << 11),
  82. fRenderPonytail = (1 << 12),
  83. fMultiTexture = (1 << 13),
  84. fUpdateRoomListPerFrame = (1 << 14),
  85. fAnimateAllModels = (1 << 15),
  86. fAllRooms = (1 << 16)
  87. } RenderFlags;
  88. typedef enum {
  89. roomMesh,
  90. skeletalMesh
  91. } RenderMeshType;
  92. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  93. // Constructors
  94. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  95. Render();
  96. /*------------------------------------------------------
  97. * Pre :
  98. * Post : Constructs an object of Render
  99. *
  100. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  101. *
  102. * 2001.05.21:
  103. * Mongoose - Created
  104. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  105. ~Render();
  106. /*------------------------------------------------------
  107. * Pre : Render object is allocated
  108. * Post : Deconstructs an object of Render
  109. *
  110. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  111. *
  112. * 2001.05.21:
  113. * Mongoose - Created
  114. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  115. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  116. // Public Accessors
  117. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  118. void screenShot(char *filenameBase);
  119. /*------------------------------------------------------
  120. * Pre :
  121. * Post : Makes a screenshot, writes to disk as file
  122. *
  123. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  124. *
  125. * 2002.12.20:
  126. * Mongoose - Created, factored out of OpenRaider class
  127. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  128. int getMode();
  129. /*------------------------------------------------------
  130. * Pre :
  131. * Post : Gets current rendering mode
  132. *
  133. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  134. *
  135. * 2001.05.21:
  136. * Mongoose - Created
  137. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  138. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  139. // Public Mutators
  140. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  141. void addRoom(RenderRoom *rRoom);
  142. /*------------------------------------------------------
  143. * Pre :
  144. * Post :
  145. *
  146. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  147. *
  148. * 2002.12.21:
  149. * Mongoose - Created, factored out of World
  150. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  151. void Init(int width, int height, bool fastCard);
  152. /*------------------------------------------------------
  153. * Pre :
  154. * Post : Starts and sets up OpenGL target
  155. *
  156. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  157. *
  158. * 2001.05.21:
  159. * Mongoose - Created
  160. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  161. void loadTexture(unsigned char *image,
  162. unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
  163. unsigned int id);
  164. /*------------------------------------------------------
  165. * Pre :
  166. * Post : Loads textures in a certian id slot
  167. *
  168. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  169. *
  170. * 2002.12.20:
  171. * Mongoose - Created, factored out of OpenRaider class
  172. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  173. void initTextures(char *textureDir, unsigned int *numLoaded,
  174. unsigned int *nextId);
  175. /*------------------------------------------------------
  176. * Pre : textureDir is valid and exists with textures
  177. * Post : Sets up textures for OpenRaider
  178. * Returns number of loaded textures and
  179. *
  180. * numLoaded will update number of
  181. * external textures loaded
  182. *
  183. * nextId will update next level texture id
  184. *
  185. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  186. *
  187. * 2002.12.20:
  188. * Mongoose - Created, factored out of OpenRaider class
  189. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  190. void initEmitter(const char *name, unsigned int size,
  191. unsigned int snowTex1, unsigned int snowTex2);
  192. /*------------------------------------------------------
  193. * Pre : Textures are init and these args are valid
  194. * Post : Emitter is set up for rendering with 2 textures
  195. * in a overhead rain or snow like pattern
  196. *
  197. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  198. *
  199. * 2002.12.20:
  200. * Mongoose - Created
  201. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  202. void ClearWorld();
  203. /*------------------------------------------------------
  204. * Pre :
  205. * Post : Removes current world/entity/etc geometery
  206. *
  207. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  208. *
  209. * 2001.05.21:
  210. * Mongoose - Created
  211. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  212. void toggleFlag(unsigned int flag);
  213. void clearFlags(unsigned int flags);
  214. void setFlags(unsigned int flags);
  215. /*------------------------------------------------------
  216. * Pre : (Un)Sets bitflags for various control use
  217. * Post : Changes state of renderer in some way
  218. *
  219. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  220. *
  221. * 2002.03.21:
  222. * Mongoose - Created
  223. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  224. void setMode(int n);
  225. /*------------------------------------------------------
  226. * Pre :
  227. * Post :
  228. *
  229. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  230. *
  231. * 2001.05.21:
  232. * Mongoose - Created
  233. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  234. void Update(int width, int height);
  235. /*------------------------------------------------------
  236. * Pre :
  237. * Post :
  238. *
  239. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  240. *
  241. * 2001.05.21:
  242. * Mongoose - Created
  243. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  244. void Display();
  245. /*------------------------------------------------------
  246. * Pre :
  247. * Post : Renders a single game frame
  248. *
  249. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  250. *
  251. * 2001.05.21:
  252. * Mongoose - Created
  253. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  254. void setSkyMesh(int index, bool rot);
  255. /*------------------------------------------------------
  256. * Pre :
  257. * Post :
  258. *
  259. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  260. *
  261. * 2001.05.21:
  262. * Mongoose - Created
  263. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  264. void ViewModel(entity_t *ent, int index);
  265. /*------------------------------------------------------
  266. * Pre :
  267. * Post :
  268. *
  269. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  270. *
  271. * 2001.05.21:
  272. * Mongoose - Created
  273. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  274. void RegisterCamera(Camera *camera);
  275. /*------------------------------------------------------
  276. * Pre :
  277. * Post :
  278. *
  279. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  280. *
  281. * 2001.05.21:
  282. * Mongoose - Created
  283. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  284. GLString *GetString();
  285. /*------------------------------------------------------
  286. * Pre :
  287. * Post : Returns GL text output agent
  288. *
  289. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  290. *
  291. * 2002.01.04:
  292. * Mongoose - Created
  293. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  294. //! \fixme Should be private
  295. void drawLoadScreen();
  296. /*------------------------------------------------------
  297. * Pre : Texture is init
  298. * Post : Renders load screen
  299. *
  300. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  301. *
  302. * 2002.01.01:
  303. * Mongoose - Created
  304. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  305. void addSkeletalModel(SkeletalModel *mdl);
  306. /*------------------------------------------------------
  307. * Pre :
  308. * Post :
  309. *
  310. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  311. *
  312. * 2002.01.01:
  313. * Mongoose - Created
  314. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  315. private:
  316. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  317. // Private Accessors
  318. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  319. bool isVisible(float bboxMin[3], float bboxMax[3]);
  320. /*------------------------------------------------------
  321. * Pre : Abstract bounding box must be valid
  322. * Post : If object's bounding box is in viewing volume
  323. * return true, else false
  324. *
  325. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  326. *
  327. * 2002.12.16:
  328. * Mongoose - Moved to Render class
  329. *
  330. * 2001.06.06:
  331. * Mongoose - Created
  332. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  333. bool isVisible(float x, float y, float z);
  334. /*------------------------------------------------------
  335. * Pre :
  336. * Post : Is point in view volume?
  337. *
  338. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  339. *
  340. * 2002.12.16:
  341. * Mongoose - Created
  342. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  343. bool isVisible(float x, float y, float z, float radius);
  344. /*------------------------------------------------------
  345. * Pre :
  346. * Post : Is sphere in view volume?
  347. *
  348. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  349. *
  350. * 2002.12.16:
  351. * Mongoose - Created
  352. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  353. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  354. // Private Mutators
  355. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  356. void newRoomRenderList(int index);
  357. /*------------------------------------------------------
  358. * Pre : room index is valid
  359. * Post : Build a visible room list starting at index
  360. *
  361. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  362. *
  363. * 2002.01.01:
  364. * Mongoose - Created
  365. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  366. void buildRoomRenderList(RenderRoom *room);
  367. /*------------------------------------------------------
  368. * Pre : room is valid
  369. * Post : Build a visible room list starting from room
  370. * and only consider it's linked rooms and their
  371. * linked rooms
  372. *
  373. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  374. *
  375. * 2002.01.01:
  376. * Mongoose - Created
  377. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  378. void drawObjects();
  379. /*------------------------------------------------------
  380. * Pre : Texture is init
  381. * Post : Renders visible world objects
  382. *
  383. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  384. *
  385. * 2002.01.01:
  386. * Mongoose - Created
  387. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  388. void drawSkyMesh(float scale);
  389. /*------------------------------------------------------
  390. * Pre : Texture is init
  391. * scale is correct for map size
  392. * Post : Renders Sky domes/boxes/etc by scaling factor
  393. *
  394. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  395. *
  396. * 2002.01.01:
  397. * Mongoose - Created
  398. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  399. void drawModel(SkeletalModel *model);
  400. /*------------------------------------------------------
  401. * Pre : Texture is init
  402. * Post : Renders a skeletal model
  403. *
  404. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  405. *
  406. * 2002.01.01:
  407. * Mongoose - Created
  408. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  409. void drawRoom(RenderRoom *rRoom, bool draw_alpha);
  410. /*------------------------------------------------------
  411. * Pre : Texture is init
  412. * Draw all rooms with alpha false, then
  413. * draw with alpha true
  414. *
  415. * Post : Renders a room in 2 seperate passes to
  416. * handle alpha, currently doesn't sort alpha
  417. * but looks pretty good
  418. *
  419. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  420. *
  421. * 2002.01.01:
  422. * Mongoose - Created
  423. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  424. void drawRoomModel(static_model_t *mesh);
  425. /*------------------------------------------------------
  426. * Pre : Texture is init
  427. * Post : Renders static room model
  428. *
  429. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  430. *
  431. * 2002.01.01:
  432. * Mongoose - Created
  433. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  434. void drawModelMesh(model_mesh_t *r_mesh, RenderMeshType type);
  435. /*------------------------------------------------------
  436. * Pre : Texture is init, type is object containing mesh
  437. * Post : Renders a mesh
  438. *
  439. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  440. *
  441. * 2002.01.01:
  442. * Mongoose - Created
  443. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  444. void drawSprite(sprite_t *sprite);
  445. /*------------------------------------------------------
  446. * Pre : Texture is init
  447. * Post : Renders a sprite
  448. *
  449. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  450. *
  451. * 2002.01.01:
  452. * Mongoose - Created
  453. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  454. void updateViewVolume();
  455. /*------------------------------------------------------
  456. * Pre : Call once per render frame
  457. * Post : Updated view volume
  458. *
  459. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  460. *
  461. * 2002.12.16:
  462. * Mongoose - Created
  463. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  464. void tmpRenderModelMesh(model_mesh_t *r_mesh, texture_tri_t *ttri);
  465. /*------------------------------------------------------
  466. * Pre :
  467. * Post : Let them eat cake...
  468. *
  469. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  470. *
  471. * 2003.05.19:
  472. * Mongoose - Created
  473. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  474. #ifdef USING_EMITTER
  475. Emitter *mEmitter; /* Particle emitter test */
  476. #endif
  477. Texture mTexture; /* Texture subsystem */
  478. Camera *mCamera; /* Camera subsystem */
  479. GLString mString; /* GL Text subsystem */
  480. Vector<RenderRoom *> mRoomRenderList;
  481. Vector<RenderRoom *> mRooms;
  482. Vector<SkeletalModel *> mModels;
  483. unsigned int mFlags; /* Rendering flags */
  484. unsigned int mWidth; /* Viewport width */
  485. unsigned int mHeight; /* Viewport height */
  486. unsigned int mMode; /* Rendering mode */
  487. unsigned int *mNumTexturesLoaded;
  488. unsigned int *mNextTextureId;
  489. // float mSplash;
  490. int mLock;
  491. int mSkyMesh; /* Skymesh model id */
  492. bool mSkyMeshRotation; /* Should Skymesh be rotated? */
  493. };
  494. #endif