Open Source Tomb Raider Engine
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Matrix.h 11KB

  1. /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 3; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 3 -*- */
  2. /*================================================================
  3. *
  4. * Project : Freyja
  5. * Author : Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II
  6. * Website :
  7. * Email :
  8. * Object : Matrix
  9. * License : No use w/o permission (C) 2002 Mongoose
  10. * Comments: 3d Matrix in class form
  11. *
  12. *
  13. * This file was generated using Mongoose's C++
  14. * template generator script. <>
  15. *
  16. *-- History ------------------------------------------------
  17. *
  18. * 2003.06.17:
  19. * Mongoose - Now in column order to match OpenGL user needs,
  20. * use transpose() to get row order back =)
  21. *
  22. * 2002.05.11:
  23. * Mongoose - Created, based on my mtk3d matrix
  24. ================================================================*/
  25. #ifndef _MATRIX_H_
  26. #define _MATRIX_H_
  27. #include <MatMath.h>
  28. #include <Quaternion.h>
  29. #include <Vector3d.h>
  30. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  31. // Multidim map for row order encoding //
  32. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  33. // 0,0 - 0; 0,1 - 1; 0,2 - 2; 0,3 - 3 //
  34. // 1,0 - 4; 1,1 - 5; 1,2 - 6; 1,3 - 7 //
  35. // 2,0 - 8; 2,1 - 9; 2,2 - 10; 2,3 - 11 //
  36. // 3,0 - 12; 3,1 - 13; 3,2 - 14; 3,3 - 15 //
  37. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  38. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  39. // Multidim map for column order encoding //
  40. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  41. // 0,0 - 0; 0,1 - 4; 0,2 - 8; 0,3 - 12 //
  42. // 1,0 - 1; 1,1 - 5; 1,2 - 9; 1,3 - 13 //
  43. // 2,0 - 2; 2,1 - 6; 2,2 - 10; 2,3 - 14 //
  44. // 3,0 - 3; 3,1 - 7; 3,2 - 11; 3,3 - 15 //
  45. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  46. class Matrix
  47. {
  48. public:
  49. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  50. // Constructors
  51. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  52. Matrix();
  53. /*------------------------------------------------------
  54. * Pre :
  55. * Post : Constructs an object of Matrix
  56. *
  57. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  58. *
  59. * 2002.05.11:
  60. * Mongoose - Created
  61. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  62. Matrix(matrix_t mat);
  63. /*------------------------------------------------------
  64. * Pre :
  65. * Post : Constructs an object of Matrix
  66. *
  67. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  68. *
  69. * 2002.05.11:
  70. * Mongoose - Created
  71. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  72. Matrix(Quaternion &q);
  73. /*------------------------------------------------------
  74. * Pre :
  75. * Post : Converts and asigns Q to a Matrix
  76. * returns quaternion as Matrix
  77. *
  78. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  79. *
  80. * 2002.05.08:
  81. * Mongoose - Created
  82. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  83. ~Matrix();
  84. /*------------------------------------------------------
  85. * Pre : Matrix object is allocated
  86. * Post : Deconstructs an object of Matrix
  87. *
  88. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  89. *
  90. * 2002.05.11:
  91. * Mongoose - Created
  92. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  93. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  94. // Public Accessors
  95. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  96. void getMatrix(matrix_t mat);
  97. /*------------------------------------------------------
  98. * Pre :
  99. * Post : Returns this matrix copy
  100. *
  101. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  102. *
  103. * 2002.05.08:
  104. * Mongoose - Created
  105. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  106. void getTransposeMatrix(matrix_t mat);
  107. /*------------------------------------------------------
  108. * Pre :
  109. * Post : Returns this matrix transposed
  110. *
  111. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  112. *
  113. * 2002.05.08:
  114. * Mongoose - Created
  115. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  116. bool getInvert(matrix_t mat);
  117. /*------------------------------------------------------
  118. * Pre :
  119. * Post : Returns this matrix inverted
  120. *
  121. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  122. *
  123. * 2002.05.08:
  124. * Mongoose - Created
  125. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  126. Matrix multiply(const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b);
  127. /*------------------------------------------------------
  128. * Pre : Multiplies 2 matrices
  129. * Post : Returns resultant matrix
  130. *
  131. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  132. *
  133. * 2002.05.08:
  134. * Mongoose - Created
  135. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  136. void multiply4d(double *v, double *result);
  137. /*------------------------------------------------------
  138. * Pre : Multiplies <V> vector (double[4]) and <This> matrix
  139. *
  140. * Post : Returns <Result> vector,
  141. * <V> and <Result> maybe be the same vector
  142. *
  143. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  144. *
  145. * 2002.05.08:
  146. * Mongoose - Created
  147. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  148. void multiply4v(vec4_t v, vec4_t result);
  149. /*------------------------------------------------------
  150. * Pre : Multiplies <V> vector and <This> matrix
  151. *
  152. * Post : Returns <Result> vector,
  153. * <V> and <Result> maybe be the same vector
  154. *
  155. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  156. *
  157. * 2002.05.08:
  158. * Mongoose - Created
  159. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  160. void multiply3v(vec3_t v, vec3_t result);
  161. /*------------------------------------------------------
  162. * Pre : Multiplies <V> vector and <This> matrix
  163. *
  164. * Post : Returns <Result> vector,
  165. * <V> and <Result> maybe be the same vector
  166. *
  167. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  168. *
  169. * 2002.05.08:
  170. * Mongoose - Created
  171. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  172. void print();
  173. /*------------------------------------------------------
  174. * Pre :
  175. * Post : Prints matrix values to stdout
  176. *
  177. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  178. *
  179. * 2002.05.08:
  180. * Mongoose - Created
  181. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  182. bool isIdentity();
  183. /*------------------------------------------------------
  184. * Pre :
  185. * Post : Is this matrix the identity matrix?
  186. *
  187. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  188. *
  189. * 2002.05.08:
  190. * Mongoose - Created
  191. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  192. Matrix operator *(const Matrix &a);
  193. /*------------------------------------------------------
  194. * Pre : Multiplies A and this matrices
  195. * Post : Returns resultant matrix
  196. *
  197. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  198. *
  199. * 2002.05.08:
  200. * Mongoose - Created
  201. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  202. Vector3d operator *(Vector3d v);
  203. /*------------------------------------------------------
  204. * Pre : <V> is vector to multiply by this matrix
  205. * Post : Returns resultant vector ( mult )
  206. *
  207. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  208. *
  209. * 2002.05.08:
  210. * Mongoose - Created
  211. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  212. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  213. // Public Mutators
  214. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  215. void setIdentity();
  216. /*------------------------------------------------------
  217. * Pre :
  218. * Post : Sets to identity matrix
  219. *
  220. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  221. *
  222. * 2002.05.08:
  223. * Mongoose - Created
  224. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  225. void setMatrix(matrix_t mat);
  226. /*------------------------------------------------------
  227. * Pre :
  228. * Post : Set the matrix ( dangerous, scary boo )
  229. *
  230. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  231. *
  232. * 2002.05.08:
  233. * Mongoose - Created
  234. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  235. void rotate(vec_t x, vec_t y, vec_t z);
  236. /*------------------------------------------------------
  237. * Pre : Radian input
  238. * Post : Rotates object in 3 space
  239. *
  240. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  241. *
  242. * 2002.05.08:
  243. * Mongoose - Created
  244. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  245. void rotate(const vec_t *xyz);
  246. /*------------------------------------------------------
  247. * Pre : Rotates object in 3 space, Radian input
  248. * Post : Returns true on sucess
  249. *
  250. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  251. *
  252. * 2002.05.08:
  253. * Mongoose - Created
  254. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  255. void scale(vec_t x, vec_t y, vec_t z);
  256. /*------------------------------------------------------
  257. * Pre :
  258. * Post : Scales object in 3 space
  259. *
  260. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  261. *
  262. * 2002.05.08:
  263. * Mongoose - Created
  264. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  265. void scale(const vec_t *xyz);
  266. /*------------------------------------------------------
  267. * Pre :
  268. * Post : Scales object in 3 space
  269. *
  270. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  271. *
  272. * 2002.05.08:
  273. * Mongoose - Created
  274. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  275. void translate(vec_t x, vec_t y, vec_t z);
  276. /*------------------------------------------------------
  277. * Pre :
  278. * Post : Translates ( moves ) object in 3 space
  279. *
  280. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  281. *
  282. * 2002.05.08:
  283. * Mongoose - Created
  284. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  285. void translate(const vec_t *xyz);
  286. /*------------------------------------------------------
  287. * Pre :
  288. * Post : Translates ( moves ) object in 3 space
  289. *
  290. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  291. *
  292. * 2002.05.08:
  293. * Mongoose - Created
  294. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  295. void transpose();
  296. /*------------------------------------------------------
  297. * Pre :
  298. * Post : Transpose this matrix
  299. *
  300. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  301. *
  302. * 2002.05.08:
  303. * Mongoose - Created
  304. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  305. matrix_t mMatrix; /* Data model, moved public for faster
  306. external renderer feedback use */
  307. private:
  308. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  309. // Private Accessors
  310. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  311. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  312. // Private Mutators
  313. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  314. void copy(matrix_t source, matrix_t dest);
  315. /*------------------------------------------------------
  316. * Pre :
  317. * Post : Copys value of source to dest
  318. *
  319. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  320. *
  321. * 2002.05.08:
  322. * Mongoose - Created
  323. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  324. void multiply(const matrix_t a, const matrix_t b, matrix_t result);
  325. /*------------------------------------------------------
  326. * Pre : Multiplies matrices a and b
  327. * Neither a or b is also the result
  328. *
  329. * Post : Sets resultant matrix value ( result )
  330. *
  331. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  332. *
  333. * 2002.05.08:
  334. * Mongoose - Created
  335. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  336. };
  337. #endif