Open Source Tomb Raider Engine
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

ViewVolume.h 8.4KB

  1. /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 3; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 3 -*- */
  2. /*================================================================
  3. *
  4. * Project : hel
  5. * Author : Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II
  6. * Website :
  7. * Email :
  8. * Object : ViewVolume
  9. * License : No use w/o permission (C) 2002 Mongoose
  10. * Comments: This is the viewing volume for culling use
  11. *
  12. *
  13. * This file was generated using Mongoose's C++
  14. * template generator script. <>
  15. *
  16. *-- Test Defines -----------------------------------------------
  17. *
  18. * UNIT_TEST_VIEWVOLUME - Builds ViewVolume class as a console unit test
  19. *
  20. *-- History ------------------------------------------------
  21. *
  22. * 2002.12.15:
  23. * Mongoose - Created
  24. ================================================================*/
  25. #ifndef _VIEWVOLUME_H_
  26. #define _VIEWVOLUME_H_
  27. #include <Matrix.h>
  28. #include <BoundingVolume.h>
  29. class ViewVolume
  30. {
  31. public:
  32. enum ViewVolumeSide
  33. {
  34. rightSide = 0, // Right
  35. leftSide = 1, // Left
  36. bottomSide = 2, // Bottom
  37. topSide = 3, // Top
  38. farSide = 4, // Back
  39. nearSide = 5 // Front
  40. };
  41. enum ViewVolumePlane
  42. {
  43. planeA = 0, // X value of normal
  44. planeB = 1, // Y value of normal
  45. planeC = 2, // Z value of normal
  46. planeD = 3 // Distance to origin
  47. };
  48. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  49. // Constructors
  50. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  51. ViewVolume();
  52. /*------------------------------------------------------
  53. * Pre :
  54. * Post : Constructs an object of ViewVolume
  55. *
  56. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  57. *
  58. * 2002.12.15:
  59. * Mongoose - Created
  60. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  61. ~ViewVolume();
  62. /*------------------------------------------------------
  63. * Pre : ViewVolume object is allocated
  64. * Post : Deconstructs an object of ViewVolume
  65. *
  66. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  67. *
  68. * 2002.12.15:
  69. * Mongoose - Created
  70. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  71. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  72. // Public Accessors
  73. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  74. bool isBoundingVolumeInFrustum(BoundingVolume bvol);
  75. /*------------------------------------------------------
  76. * Pre :
  77. * Post : Returns true if frustum contains the given
  78. * bounding volume
  79. *
  80. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  81. *
  82. * 2002.12.15:
  83. * Mongoose - Created
  84. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  85. bool isBoundingSphereInFrustum(BoundingSphere bvol);
  86. /*------------------------------------------------------
  87. * Pre :
  88. * Post : Returns true if frustum contains the given
  89. * bounding volume
  90. *
  91. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  92. *
  93. * 2002.12.15:
  94. * Mongoose - Created
  95. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  96. bool isBoundingBoxInFrustum(BoundingBox bvol);
  97. /*------------------------------------------------------
  98. * Pre :
  99. * Post : Returns true if frustum contains the given
  100. * bounding volume
  101. *
  102. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  103. *
  104. * 2002.12.15:
  105. * Mongoose - Created
  106. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  107. bool isPointInFrustum(vec_t x, vec_t y, vec_t z);
  108. /*------------------------------------------------------
  109. * Pre :
  110. * Post :
  111. *
  112. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  113. *
  114. * 2002.12.15:
  115. * Mongoose - Created
  116. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  117. bool isSphereInFrustum(vec_t x, vec_t y, vec_t z, vec_t radius);
  118. /*------------------------------------------------------
  119. * Pre : Abstract sphere is valid
  120. * Post : Returns true if abstract sphere in view volume
  121. *
  122. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  123. *
  124. * 2002.12.15:
  125. * Mongoose - Created
  126. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  127. bool isBboxInFrustum(vec3_t min, vec3_t max);
  128. /*------------------------------------------------------
  129. * Pre : Abstract bounding box is valid
  130. * Post : Returns true if abstract bounding box in view volume
  131. *
  132. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  133. *
  134. * 2002.12.15:
  135. * Mongoose - Created
  136. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  137. vec_t getDistToSphereFromNear(vec_t x, vec_t y, vec_t z, vec_t radius);
  138. /*------------------------------------------------------
  139. * Pre : Abstract sphere is valid
  140. * Post : Returns distance to abstract sphere
  141. * bounding volume
  142. *
  143. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  144. *
  145. * 2002.12.15:
  146. * Mongoose - Created
  147. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  148. vec_t getDistToBboxFromNear(vec3_t min, vec3_t max);
  149. /*------------------------------------------------------
  150. * Pre : Abstract bounding box is valid
  151. * Post : Returns distance to abstract box
  152. * bounding volume
  153. *
  154. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  155. *
  156. * 2002.12.15:
  157. * Mongoose - Created
  158. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  159. void getFrustum(vec_t frustum[6][4]);
  160. /*------------------------------------------------------
  161. * Pre : Frustum is allocated 6x4 vec_t
  162. * Post : Get a copy of the view volume
  163. *
  164. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  165. *
  166. * 2002.12.26:
  167. * Mongoose - Created
  168. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  169. void getPlane(ViewVolumeSide p, vec4_t plane);
  170. /*------------------------------------------------------
  171. * Pre :
  172. * Post : Get a copy of a given plane in view volume
  173. *
  174. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  175. *
  176. * 2002.12.26:
  177. * Mongoose - Created
  178. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  179. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  180. // Public Mutators
  181. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  182. void updateFrame(matrix_t proj, matrix_t mdl);
  183. /*------------------------------------------------------
  184. * Pre : Given valid projection and model matrices
  185. * Post : Updates view volume for this frame
  186. *
  187. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  188. *
  189. * 2002.12.15:
  190. * Mongoose - Created
  191. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  192. void updateFrame();
  193. /*------------------------------------------------------
  194. * Pre : Called setModel() and setProjection()
  195. * Post : Updates view volume for this frame
  196. *
  197. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  198. *
  199. * 2002.12.15:
  200. * Mongoose - Created
  201. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  202. void setModel(matrix_t mdl);
  203. /*------------------------------------------------------
  204. * Pre : It's valid model matrix
  205. * Post : Sets this class' model matrix
  206. *
  207. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  208. *
  209. * 2002.12.15:
  210. * Mongoose - Created
  211. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  212. void setProjection(matrix_t proj);
  213. /*------------------------------------------------------
  214. * Pre : It's the valid projection matrix
  215. * Post : Sets this class' projection matrix
  216. *
  217. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  218. *
  219. * 2002.12.15:
  220. * Mongoose - Created
  221. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  222. private:
  223. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  224. // Private Accessors
  225. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  226. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  227. // Private Mutators
  228. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  229. void updateClip();
  230. /*------------------------------------------------------
  231. * Pre : model and projection matrices are set
  232. * Post : Computes clipping matrix
  233. *
  234. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  235. *
  236. * 2002.12.15:
  237. * Mongoose - Created
  238. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  239. void updateFrustum();
  240. /*------------------------------------------------------
  241. * Pre : model, projection, clip matrices are set
  242. * Post : Computes planes of frustum
  243. *
  244. *-- History ------------------------------------------
  245. *
  246. * 2002.12.15:
  247. * Mongoose - Created
  248. ------------------------------------------------------*/
  249. Matrix mProjection; /* Projection matrix */
  250. Matrix mModel; /* Model matrix */
  251. Matrix mClip; /* Clipping matrix */
  252. vec_t mFrustum[6][4]; /* View volume */
  253. };
  254. #endif