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imguifilesystem.cpp 72KB

  1. // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
  2. // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
  3. // arising from the use of this software.
  4. // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
  5. // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
  6. // freely, subject to the following restrictions:
  7. // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
  8. // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
  9. // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
  10. // appreciated but is not required.
  11. // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
  12. // misrepresented as being the original software.
  13. // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
  14. #include "imguifilesystem.h"
  15. #ifdef _WIN32
  16. #include <shlobj.h> // Known Directory locations
  17. # ifndef CSIDL_MYPICTURES
  18. # define CSIDL_MYPICTURES 0x0027
  19. # endif //CSIDL_MYPICTURES
  20. # ifndef CSIDL_MYMUSIC
  21. # define CSIDL_MYMUSIC 0x000d
  22. # endif //CSIDL_MYMUSIC
  23. # ifndef CSIDL_MYVIDEO
  24. # define CSIDL_MYVIDEO 0x000e
  25. # endif //CSIDL_MYVIDEO
  26. #else // _WIN32
  27. # include <unistd.h> // getpwuid
  28. # include <pwd.h> // getenv ?
  29. #endif //#ifdef _WIN32
  30. #include "dirent_portable.h"
  31. #include <sys/stat.h>
  32. #include <ctype.h> // tolower,...
  33. #include <string.h> // strcmp
  34. #include <stdio.h> // FILENAME_MAX
  35. #include <new> // operator new
  36. #ifndef PATH_MAX
  37. #define PATH_MAX 4096
  38. #endif
  39. namespace ImGuiFs {
  41. const int MAX_PATH_BYTES = PATH_MAX;
  42. enum Sorting {
  52. };
  53. // Definitions of some helper classes (String,Path,SortingHelper,Directory). Better not expose them in the header file----------
  54. /*
  55. // MAIN ISSUE: All these string handling methods work with ASCII strings,
  56. // but the ones returned by dirent are multibyte OS dependant strings.
  57. // That means that there are some limitations:
  59. // -> paths with '/','\\','.' bytes (and possibly a few others) inside multibyte codepoints are not supported (*)
  60. // -> file extensions composed by characters with more than one byte are not supported (**)
  61. //(*) That's because when I call something like: mystring.find_last_of('/') or Path::Split('/')
  62. // the result might not be correct if there's some multibyte codepoint that includes that byte(s) (bytes include '/','\\','.').
  63. // (**) String::ToLower() deeply breaks any multibyte char.
  64. // They're currently used only in:
  65. // Path::GetExtension(...)
  66. // Directory::GetFiles(const string& path,const string& wantedExtensions,const string& unwantedExtensions)
  67. // That's because file extensions must be returned lowercase, so that e.g. ".PNG" and ".png" can be string matched (even on case sensitive file systems).
  68. */
  69. class String {
  70. protected:
  71. String() {}
  72. public:
  73. inline static void PushBack(ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]>& rv,const char* s) {
  74. const size_t sz = rv.size();
  75. rv.resize(sz+1);
  76. strcpy(&rv[sz][0], s ? s : "\0");
  77. }
  78. # if (FILENAME_MAX!=PATH_MAX) // Will this work ? (I don't want to use templates)
  79. inline static void PushBack(ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]>& rv,const char* s) {
  80. const size_t sz = rv.size();
  81. rv.resize(sz+1);
  82. strcpy(&rv[sz][0], s ? s : "\0");
  83. }
  84. # endif //#if (FILENAME_MAX!=PATH_MAX)
  85. inline static void Substr(const char* text,char* rv,int start,int count=-1) {
  86. if (!text) count=0;
  87. if (count<0) count = (int) strlen(text) - start;
  88. if (count>0) strncpy(rv,&text[start],count);
  89. rv[count]='\0';
  90. }
  91. inline static int Find(const char* text,const char toFind,int beg=0) {
  92. if (!text) return -1;
  93. for (size_t i=beg,len=strlen(text);i<len;i++) {
  94. if (text[i]==toFind) return i;
  95. }
  96. return -1;
  97. }
  98. inline static int FindLastOf(const char* text,const char toFind) {
  99. if (!text) return -1;
  100. for (int i=(int)strlen(text)-1;i>=0;i--) {
  101. if (text[i]==toFind) return i;
  102. }
  103. return -1;
  104. }
  105. inline static void ToLower(const char* text,char* rv) {
  106. if (!text) {
  107. rv[0]='\0';
  108. return;
  109. }
  110. const size_t len = strlen(text);
  111. for (size_t i=0;i<len;i++) {
  112. rv[i]=tolower(text[i]);
  113. }
  114. rv[len]='\0';
  115. }
  116. inline static void ToLowerInPlace(char* text) {
  117. if (!text) return;
  118. for (size_t i=0,len = strlen(text);i<len;i++) {
  119. char& c = text[i];
  120. c=tolower(c);
  121. }
  122. }
  123. inline static void Split(const char* text,ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]>& rv,const char c=' ') {
  124. rv.clear();
  125. if (!text) return;
  126. const int len = (int)strlen(text);
  127. if (len==0) return;
  128. int beg = 0;char tmp[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES];
  129. for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
  130. const char ch = text[i];
  131. if (ch==c) {
  132. Substr(text,tmp,beg,i-beg);
  133. PushBack(rv,tmp);
  134. beg = i+1;
  135. }
  136. }
  137. if (beg<len) {
  138. Substr(text,tmp,beg,len-beg);
  139. PushBack(rv,tmp);
  140. }
  141. }
  142. inline static void Replace(const char* baseText,const char textToReplace,const char replacement,char* rv) {
  143. strcpy(rv,baseText);
  144. ReplaceInPlace(rv,textToReplace,replacement);
  145. }
  146. inline static void ReplaceInPlace(char* text,const char toReplace,const char replacement) {
  147. if (!text) return;
  148. for (size_t i=0,len = strlen(text);i<len;i++) {
  149. char& c = text[i];
  150. if (c==toReplace) c=replacement;
  151. }
  152. }
  153. # ifdef _WIN32
  154. // Convert a wide Unicode string to an UTF8 string
  155. inline static void wide_to_utf8(const wchar_t* wstr,char* rv) {
  156. rv[0]='\0';
  157. if (!wstr) return;
  158. int size_needed = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wstr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
  159. WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, wstr, -1, &rv[0], size_needed, NULL, NULL);
  160. //rv[size_needed]='\0'; // If the parameter after wstr is -1, the function processes the entire input string, including the terminating null character. Therefore, the resulting character string has a terminating null character, and the length returned by the function includes this character.
  161. return ;
  162. }
  163. // Convert an UTF8 string to a wide Unicode String
  164. inline static void utf8_to_wide(const char* str,wchar_t* rv) {
  165. rv[0]=L'\0';
  166. if (!str) return;
  167. int size_needed = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0);
  168. MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, &rv[0], size_needed);
  169. //rv[size_needed]=L'\0'; // // If the parameter after str is -1, the function processes the entire input string, including the terminating null character. Therefore, the resulting character string has a terminating null character, and the length returned by the function includes this character.
  170. return;
  171. }
  172. # endif // _WIN32
  173. };
  174. class Path {
  175. protected:
  176. Path() {}
  177. public:
  178. static void GetAbsolutePath(const char *path, char *rv) {
  179. rv[0]='\0';
  180. # ifndef _WIN32
  181. if (!path || strlen(path)==0) realpath("./", rv);
  182. else realpath(path, rv);
  183. # else //_WIN32
  184. static const int bufferSize = PATH_MAX+1; // 4097 is good (PATH_MAX should be in <limits.h>, or something like that)
  185. static wchar_t buffer[bufferSize];
  186. static wchar_t wpath[bufferSize];
  187. String::utf8_to_wide(path ? path : "",wpath);
  188. ::GetFullPathNameW(&wpath[0],bufferSize,&buffer[0],NULL);
  189. String::wide_to_utf8(&buffer[0],rv);
  190. String::ReplaceInPlace(rv,'\\','/');
  191. size_t len;
  192. while ( (len=strlen(rv))>0 && rv[len-1]=='/') rv[len-1]='\0';
  193. //fprintf(stderr,"AbsolutePath = \"%s\" (len:%d)\n",rv,(int) strlen(rv)); // TO remove!
  194. # endif // _WIN32
  195. }
  196. static void GetDirectoryName(const char *filePath, char *rv) {
  197. rv[0]='\0';if (!filePath) return;
  198. const int sz = strlen(filePath);
  199. if (sz==0 || strcmp(filePath,"/")==0 || strcmp(filePath,"\\")==0) {
  200. strcpy(rv,filePath);
  201. return;
  202. }
  203. const char c = filePath[sz-1];
  204. if (c == '/' || c=='\\') {
  205. char tmp[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  206. String::Substr(filePath,tmp,0,sz-1);
  207. GetDirectoryName(tmp,rv);
  208. return;
  209. }
  210. if (c==':') {
  211. strcpy(rv,filePath);
  212. return;
  213. }
  214. int beg=String::FindLastOf(filePath,'\\');
  215. int beg2=String::FindLastOf(filePath,'/');
  216. beg=(beg>beg2?beg:beg2);
  217. if (beg==0) {
  218. String::Substr(filePath,rv,0,1);
  219. return;
  220. }
  221. if (beg!=-1) {
  222. String::Substr(filePath,rv,0,beg);
  223. return;
  224. }
  225. rv[0]='\0';
  226. return;
  227. }
  228. static void GetFileName(const char *filePath, char *rv) {
  229. int beg=String::FindLastOf(filePath,'\\');
  230. int beg2=String::FindLastOf(filePath,'/');
  231. beg=(beg>beg2?beg:beg2);
  232. if (beg!=-1) {
  233. String::Substr(filePath,rv,beg+1);
  234. return;
  235. }
  236. strcpy(rv,filePath);
  237. return;
  238. }
  239. static void GetExtension(const char* filePath,char *rv) {
  240. int beg=String::FindLastOf(filePath,'.');
  241. int beg2=String::FindLastOf(filePath,'/');
  242. int beg3=String::FindLastOf(filePath,'\\');
  243. if (beg2!=-1) {
  244. if (beg3!=-1) beg2 = beg3;
  245. else beg2 = beg2 > beg3 ? beg2 : beg3;
  246. }
  247. else if (beg3!=-1) beg2 = beg3;
  248. else {
  249. if (beg!=-1) {
  250. String::Substr(filePath,rv,beg);
  251. String::ToLowerInPlace(rv);
  252. return;
  253. }
  254. }
  255. if (beg>beg2) {
  256. if (beg!=-1) {
  257. String::Substr(filePath,rv,beg);
  258. String::ToLowerInPlace(rv);
  259. return;
  260. }
  261. }
  262. rv[0]='\0';
  263. return;
  264. }
  265. static void Combine(const char* directory,const char* fileName,char* rv,bool appendMode=true) {
  266. if (!appendMode) rv[0]='\0';
  267. const size_t size= directory ? strlen(directory) : 0;
  268. if (size==0) {
  269. strcat(rv,fileName);
  270. return;
  271. }
  272. strcat(rv,directory);
  273. if (directory[size-1]!='\\' && directory[size-1]!='/') {
  274. strcat(rv,"/");
  275. strcat(rv,fileName);
  276. }
  277. else strcat(rv,fileName);
  278. return;
  279. }
  280. static void Append(const char* directory,char* rv) {
  281. if (!directory || strlen(directory)==0) return;
  282. size_t size = strlen(rv);
  283. if (size>0 && (rv[size-1]!='\\' && rv[size-1]!='/')) {strcat(rv,"/");++size;}
  284. strcat(rv,directory);
  285. size = strlen(rv);
  286. while (size>0 && (rv[size-1]=='\\' || rv[size-1]=='/')) {rv[size-1]='\0';--size;}
  287. if (size==0 || rv[size-1]==':') strcat(rv,"/");
  288. }
  289. static void Split(const char* path,ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]>& rv,bool leaveIntermediateTrailingSlashes=true) {
  290. rv.clear();
  291. static char tex[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  292. String::Replace(path,'\\','/',tex);
  293. size_t len = strlen(tex);
  294. static char tex2[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  295. # ifdef _WIN32
  296. while ((len = strlen(tex))>0 && tex[len-1]=='/') {
  297. strncpy(tex2,tex,len+1);
  298. String::Substr(tex2,tex,0,len-1);
  299. }
  300. # endif //_WIN32
  301. if (len==0) return;
  302. int beg=-1;
  303. while ( (beg = String::Find(tex,'/'))!=-1) {
  304. static char tmp[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES];
  305. String::Substr(tex,tmp,0,leaveIntermediateTrailingSlashes ? beg+1 : beg);
  306. String::PushBack(rv,tmp);
  307. strcpy(tex2,tex);
  308. String::Substr(tex2,tex,beg+1);
  309. }
  310. String::PushBack(rv,tex);
  311. if (rv.size()>0 && strlen(rv[0])==0) strcpy((char*)&rv[0][0],"/\0");
  312. # ifdef _WIN32
  313. if (rv.size()==1 && strlen(rv[0])>0 && rv[0][strlen(rv[0])-1]==':') strcat((char*)&rv[0][0],"/");
  314. # endif //_WIN32
  315. return;
  316. }
  317. /*
  318. inline static bool Exists(const char* path) {
  319. struct stat statbuf;
  320. return (stat(path, &statbuf) != -1);
  321. }
  322. */
  323. };
  324. /*
  325. class File {
  326. public:
  327. inline static bool Exists(const char* filePath) {
  328. struct stat statbuf;
  329. return (stat(path, &statbuf) != -1 && (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)));// || (acceptLinks ? S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode) : 1));
  330. }
  331. protected:
  332. File() {}
  333. };
  334. */
  335. class SortingHelper {
  336. public:
  337. typedef int (*SorterSignature)(const struct dirent **e1,const struct dirent **e2);
  338. inline static const SorterSignature& SetSorter(Sorting sorting) {
  339. const int isort =(int) sorting;
  340. if (isort>=0 && isort<(int)SORT_ORDER_COUNT) return (sorter = Sorters[isort]);
  341. return (sorter = Sorters[0]);
  342. }
  343. protected:
  344. SortingHelper() {}
  345. const static SorterSignature Sorters[];
  346. static struct stat stat1;
  347. static struct stat stat2;
  348. static SorterSignature sorter;
  349. # ifdef _MSC_VER
  350. // Never tested (I've just been told that cl.exe does not have strcasecmp: please search the web for other possible alternative implementations)
  351. inline static int strcasecmp( const char *s1, const char *s2 ) {
  352. return _stricmp(s1,s2);
  353. //return lstrcmpiA(s1,s2); // Not sure this is better
  354. }
  355. # endif //_MSC_VER
  356. // Possible problem: sorting is in ASCII with these methods
  357. static int Alphasort(const struct dirent **e1,const struct dirent **e2) {
  358. return strcasecmp((*e1)->d_name,(*e2)->d_name);
  359. }
  360. static int Alphasortinverse (const struct dirent **e1,const struct dirent **e2) {
  361. return -strcasecmp((*e1)->d_name,(*e2)->d_name);
  362. }
  363. // Please note that calling stat(...) every time inside sorters is a suicide! And that I'm doing right that! (but I guess and hope that on many systems the calls get cached somewhere: otherwise it would take ages to sort)
  364. static int Lastmodsort (const struct dirent **e1,const struct dirent **e2) {
  365. if (stat((*e1)->d_name,&stat1)==-1) return -1;
  366. if (stat((*e2)->d_name,&stat2)==-1) return 1;
  367. return (stat1.st_mtime < stat2.st_mtime ? -1 : stat1.st_mtime > stat2.st_mtime ? 1 : 0);
  368. }
  369. static int Lastmodsortinverse(const struct dirent **e1,const struct dirent **e2) {
  370. if (stat((*e1)->d_name,&stat1)==-1) return 1;
  371. if (stat((*e2)->d_name,&stat2)==-1) return -1;
  372. return (stat2.st_mtime < stat1.st_mtime ? -1 : stat2.st_mtime > stat1.st_mtime ? 1 : 0);
  373. }
  374. static int Sizesort (const struct dirent **e1,const struct dirent **e2) {
  375. if (stat((*e1)->d_name,&stat1)==-1) return -1;
  376. if (stat((*e2)->d_name,&stat2)==-1) return 1;
  377. return (stat1.st_size < stat2.st_size ? -1 : stat1.st_size > stat2.st_size ? 1 : 0);
  378. }
  379. static int Sizesortinverse(const struct dirent **e1,const struct dirent **e2) {
  380. if (stat((*e1)->d_name,&stat1)==-1) return 1;
  381. if (stat((*e2)->d_name,&stat2)==-1) return -1;
  382. return (stat2.st_size < stat1.st_size ? -1 : stat2.st_size > stat1.st_size ? 1 : 0);
  383. }
  384. // Please note that calculating the file extension every time inside sorters is a suicide (well, much less than before...)!
  385. static int Typesort(const struct dirent **e1,const struct dirent **e2) {
  386. static const int dot = (int) '.';
  387. const char * p1 = strrchr((const char*) (*e1)->d_name, dot );
  388. const char * p2 = strrchr((const char*) (*e2)->d_name, dot );
  389. if (!p1) return (!p2?0:-1);
  390. else if (!p2) return 1;
  391. return strcasecmp(p1,p2);
  392. }
  393. static int Typesortinverse (const struct dirent **e1,const struct dirent **e2) {
  394. static const int dot = (int) '.';
  395. const char * p1 = strrchr((const char*) (*e1)->d_name, dot );
  396. const char * p2 = strrchr((const char*) (*e2)->d_name, dot );
  397. if (!p1) return (!p2?0:1);
  398. else if (!p2) return -1;
  399. return -strcasecmp(p1,p2);
  400. }
  401. };
  402. const SortingHelper::SorterSignature SortingHelper::Sorters[] = {&SortingHelper::Alphasort,&SortingHelper::Alphasortinverse,&SortingHelper::Lastmodsort,&SortingHelper::Lastmodsortinverse,&SortingHelper::Sizesort,&SortingHelper::Sizesortinverse,&Typesort,&SortingHelper::Typesortinverse};
  403. SortingHelper::SorterSignature SortingHelper::sorter;
  404. struct stat SortingHelper::stat1;
  405. struct stat SortingHelper::stat2;
  406. class Directory {
  407. public:
  408. static void GetDirectories(const char* directoryName,ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]>& result,ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]>* pOptionalNamesOut=NULL,Sorting sorting= SORT_ORDER_ALPHABETIC) {
  409. result.clear();if (pOptionalNamesOut) pOptionalNamesOut->clear();
  410. static char tempString[MAX_PATH_BYTES];size_t sz;
  411. struct dirent **eps = NULL;
  412. sz = strlen(directoryName);
  413. static char directoryName2[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  414. strcpy(directoryName2,directoryName);
  415. # ifdef _WIN32
  416. if (sz>0 && directoryName[sz-1]==':') {directoryName2[sz]='\\';directoryName2[sz+1]='\0';}
  417. # endif //_WIN32
  418. const int n = scandir (directoryName2, &eps, DirentGetDirectories, SortingHelper::SetSorter(sorting));
  419. static char directoryNameWithoutSlash[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  420. if (sz>0 && directoryName[sz-1] == '/') String::Substr(directoryName,directoryNameWithoutSlash,0,sz-1);
  421. else strcpy(directoryNameWithoutSlash,directoryName);
  422. if (n >= 0) {
  423. result.reserve((size_t)n);if (pOptionalNamesOut) pOptionalNamesOut->reserve((size_t)n);
  424. for (int cnt = 0; cnt < n; ++cnt) {
  425. const char* pName = &eps[cnt]->d_name[0];
  426. sz = strlen(pName);
  427. if (sz==0) continue;
  428. if (strcmp(pName,".")!=0 && strcmp(pName,"..")!=0 && pName[0]!='.' && pName[sz-1]!='~') {
  429. strcpy(tempString,directoryNameWithoutSlash);
  430. strcat(tempString,"/");
  431. strcat(tempString,pName);
  432. String::PushBack(result,tempString);
  433. if (pOptionalNamesOut) String::PushBack(*pOptionalNamesOut,pName);
  434. }
  435. }
  436. }
  437. if (eps) {free(eps);eps=NULL;}
  438. }
  439. static void GetFiles(const char* directoryName,ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]>& result,ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]>* pOptionalNamesOut=NULL, Sorting sorting= SORT_ORDER_ALPHABETIC) {
  440. result.clear();if (pOptionalNamesOut) pOptionalNamesOut->clear();
  441. static char tempString[MAX_PATH_BYTES];size_t sz;
  442. struct dirent **eps = NULL;
  443. sz = strlen(directoryName);
  444. static char directoryName2[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  445. strcpy(directoryName2,directoryName);
  446. # ifdef _WIN32
  447. if (sz>0 && directoryName[sz-1]==':') {directoryName2[sz]='\\';directoryName2[sz+1]='\0';}
  448. # endif //_WIN32
  449. const int n = scandir (directoryName2, &eps, DirentGetFiles, SortingHelper::SetSorter(sorting));
  450. static char directoryNameWithoutSlash[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  451. if (sz>0 && directoryName[sz-1] == '/') String::Substr(directoryName,directoryNameWithoutSlash,0,sz-1);
  452. else strcpy(directoryNameWithoutSlash,directoryName);
  453. if (n >= 0) {
  454. result.reserve((size_t)n);if (pOptionalNamesOut) pOptionalNamesOut->reserve((size_t)n);
  455. for (int cnt = 0; cnt < n; ++cnt) {
  456. const char* pName = &eps[cnt]->d_name[0];
  457. sz = strlen(pName);
  458. if (sz==0) continue;
  459. if (pName[0]!='.' && pName[sz-1]!='~') {
  460. strcpy(tempString,directoryNameWithoutSlash);
  461. strcat(tempString,"/");
  462. strcat(tempString,pName);
  463. String::PushBack(result,tempString);
  464. if (pOptionalNamesOut) String::PushBack(*pOptionalNamesOut,pName);
  465. }
  466. }
  467. }
  468. if (eps) {free(eps);eps=NULL;}
  469. }
  470. // e.g. ".txt;.jpg;.png". To use unwantedExtensions, set wantedExtensions="".
  471. static void GetFiles(const char* path,ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]>& files,const char* wantedExtensions,const char* unwantedExtensions=NULL,ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]>* pOptionalNamesOut=NULL,Sorting sorting= SORT_ORDER_ALPHABETIC) {
  472. ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]> filesIn;
  473. ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]> namesIn;
  474. GetFiles(path,filesIn,&namesIn,sorting);
  475. if ((wantedExtensions==0 || strlen(wantedExtensions)==0) && (unwantedExtensions==0 || strlen(unwantedExtensions)==0)) {files = filesIn;return;}
  476. files.clear();if (pOptionalNamesOut) pOptionalNamesOut->clear();
  477. char wext[MAX_PATH_BYTES];String::ToLower(wantedExtensions,wext);
  478. char woext[MAX_PATH_BYTES];String::ToLower(unwantedExtensions,woext);
  479. char ext[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  480. if (wantedExtensions && strlen(wantedExtensions)>0) {
  481. files.reserve(filesIn.size());if (pOptionalNamesOut) pOptionalNamesOut->reserve(namesIn.size());
  482. ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]> wExts;String::Split(wext,wExts,';');
  483. const size_t wExtsSize = wExts.size();
  484. if (wExtsSize>0) {
  485. for (size_t i = 0,sz = filesIn.size();i<sz;i++) {
  486. Path::GetExtension(filesIn[i],ext);
  487. for (size_t e=0;e<wExtsSize;e++) {
  488. if (strcmp(ext,wExts[e])==0) {
  489. String::PushBack(files,filesIn[i]);
  490. if (pOptionalNamesOut) String::PushBack(*pOptionalNamesOut,namesIn[i]);
  491. }
  492. }
  493. }
  494. }
  495. else return;
  496. }
  497. else if (unwantedExtensions && strlen(unwantedExtensions)>0) {
  498. files.reserve(filesIn.size());if (pOptionalNamesOut) pOptionalNamesOut->reserve(namesIn.size());
  499. ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]> woExts;String::Split(woext,woExts,';');
  500. const size_t woExtsSize = woExts.size();
  501. if (woExts.size()==0) {files = filesIn;return;}
  502. bool match;
  503. for (size_t i = 0,sz = filesIn.size();i<sz;i++) {
  504. Path::GetExtension(filesIn[i],ext);
  505. match = false;
  506. for (size_t e=0;e<woExtsSize;e++) {
  507. if (strcmp(ext,woExts[e])==0) {
  508. match = true;
  509. break;
  510. }
  511. }
  512. if (!match) {
  513. String::PushBack(files,filesIn[i]);
  514. if (pOptionalNamesOut) String::PushBack(*pOptionalNamesOut,namesIn[i]);
  515. }
  516. }
  517. }
  518. else {
  519. files = filesIn;
  520. if (pOptionalNamesOut) *pOptionalNamesOut = namesIn;
  521. }
  522. }
  523. inline static void Create(const char* directoryName) {
  524. # ifndef _WIN32
  525. const mode_t mode = S_IFDIR | S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO;
  526. mkdir(directoryName,mode);
  527. # else //_WIN32
  528. static wchar_t name[PATH_MAX+1];
  529. String::utf8_to_wide(directoryName,name);
  530. ::CreateDirectoryW(name,NULL);
  531. # endif //_WIN32
  532. }
  533. inline static bool Exists(const char* path) {
  534. struct stat statbuf;
  535. return (stat(path, &statbuf) != -1 && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode));
  536. }
  537. inline static const ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]> &GetUserKnownDirectories(const ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]> **pOptionalUserKnownDirectoryDisplayNamesOut,const int** pOptionalNumberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives=NULL,bool forceUpdate=false) {
  538. static bool init = false;
  539. static ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]> rv;
  540. static ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]> dn;
  541. static ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]> mediaFolders;
  542. static int numberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives = 0;
  543. if (pOptionalUserKnownDirectoryDisplayNamesOut) *pOptionalUserKnownDirectoryDisplayNamesOut = &dn;
  544. if (pOptionalNumberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives) *pOptionalNumberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives = &numberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives;
  545. if (init && !forceUpdate) return rv;
  546. init = true;
  547. rv.clear();dn.clear();
  548. # ifdef _WIN32
  549. static const int csid[] = {
  551. CSIDL_PERSONAL, //(Documents)
  557. };
  558. static const char* name[] = {
  559. "Desktop",
  560. "Documents",
  561. "Favorites",
  562. "Music",
  563. "Pictures",
  564. "Recent",
  565. "Video"
  566. };
  567. static const int csidSize = sizeof(csid)/sizeof(csid[0]);
  568. static const int nameSize = sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0]);
  569. IM_ASSERT(csidSize==nameSize);
  570. if (csidSize!=nameSize) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR in file: imguifilesystem.cpp. Directory::GetUserKnownDirectories(...) csidSize!=nameSize.\n");
  571. char tmp[MAX_PATH_BYTES] = "C:/";while (tmp[0]<='Z') {if (Directory::Exists(tmp)) String::PushBack(mediaFolders,tmp);tmp[0]=(char)((int)tmp[0]+1);}
  572. rv.reserve(csidSize+mediaFolders.size());
  573. dn.reserve(csidSize+mediaFolders.size());
  574. WCHAR path[MAX_PATH+1];
  575. for (int i=0;i<csidSize;i++) {
  576. if (!GetSpecialFolderPathW(csid[i],&path[0],NULL)) continue;
  577. static char tmp2[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  578. String::wide_to_utf8(&path[0],tmp2);
  579. String::PushBack(rv,tmp2);
  580. String::PushBack(dn,name[i]);
  581. }
  582. numberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives = (int) rv.size();
  583. static char mediaFolderName[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  584. for (int i=0,msz=mediaFolders.size();i<msz;i++) {
  585. const char* mediaFolder = mediaFolders[i];
  586. String::PushBack(rv,mediaFolder);
  587. String::Substr(mediaFolder,mediaFolderName,0,strlen(mediaFolder)-1);
  588. String::PushBack(dn,mediaFolderName);
  589. }
  590. # else //_WIN32
  591. const char* homedir = NULL;
  592. if ((homedir = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) {
  593. homedir = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir;
  594. }
  595. if (homedir==NULL) return rv;
  596. char homeString[MAX_PATH_BYTES];strcpy(homeString,homedir);
  597. char userString[MAX_PATH_BYTES];Path::GetFileName(homeString,userString);
  598. // Known folders ---------------------------------------------
  599. static const char folder[][MAX_FILENAME_BYTES] = {
  600. "Desktop",
  601. "Documents",
  602. "Downloads",
  603. "Music",
  604. "Pictures",
  605. "Videos"
  606. };
  607. static const int folderSize = sizeof(folder)/sizeof(folder[0]);
  608. rv.reserve(folderSize+1);
  609. dn.reserve(rv.size());
  610. String::PushBack(rv,homeString);
  611. char temp[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  612. strcpy(temp,"Home");
  613. String::PushBack(dn,temp);
  614. for (int i=0;i<folderSize;i++) {
  615. Path::Combine(homeString,folder[i],temp,false);
  616. if (Directory::Exists(temp)) {
  617. String::PushBack(rv,temp);
  618. String::PushBack(dn,folder[i]);
  619. }
  620. }
  621. numberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives = (int) rv.size();
  622. // Additional Drives --------------------------------------------
  623. static const char* mountLocations[] = {"/media","/mnt","/Volumes","/vol","/data"};
  624. static const int mountLocationSize = sizeof(mountLocations)/sizeof(mountLocations[0]);
  625. static const bool ifHomeSubfolerIsFoundInMountLocationsForgetThatRootMountLocation = true; // That means: if "/media/myusername" exists, don't add any other "/media/..." entries.
  626. char userMediaString[MAX_PATH_BYTES];bool lastGood = false;
  627. for (int mntLocIndex=0,sz = 2*mountLocationSize;mntLocIndex<sz;mntLocIndex++) {
  628. const int index = mntLocIndex/2;
  629. const char* mntLocString = mountLocations[index];
  630. const bool useUserSuffix = (mntLocIndex%2)==0;
  631. if (useUserSuffix) {
  632. Path::Combine(mntLocString,userString,userMediaString,false);
  633. strcpy(temp,userMediaString);
  634. }
  635. else if (lastGood && ifHomeSubfolerIsFoundInMountLocationsForgetThatRootMountLocation) {lastGood = false;continue;} // see "ifHomeSubfolerIsFoundInMountLocationsForgetThatRootMountLocation" above
  636. else strcpy(userMediaString,mntLocString);
  637. lastGood = Directory::Exists(userMediaString);
  638. if (!lastGood) continue;
  639. Directory::GetDirectories(userMediaString,mediaFolders);
  640. if (mediaFolders.size()==0) continue;
  641. rv.reserve(rv.size()+mediaFolders.size());
  642. dn.reserve(rv.size());
  643. for (int i=0,msz=mediaFolders.size();i<msz;i++) {
  644. if (strcmp(mediaFolders[i],temp)==0) continue; // I we have processed "/media/myusername" once cycle before, exclude it from processing "/media" subfolders
  645. String::PushBack(rv,mediaFolders[i]);
  646. static char tmp[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES];
  647. Path::GetFileName(mediaFolders[i],tmp);
  648. String::PushBack(dn,tmp);
  649. }
  650. }
  651. # endif //_WIN32
  652. return rv;
  653. }
  654. protected:
  655. Directory() {}
  656. static int DirentGetDirectories(const struct dirent *de) {
  657. if (de->d_type==DT_DIR) return 1;
  658. return 0;
  659. }
  660. static int DirentGetFiles(const struct dirent *de) {
  661. if (de->d_type==DT_REG) return 1;
  662. return 0;
  663. }
  664. # ifdef _WIN32
  665. static bool GetSpecialFolderPathW(int specialFolderCSIDL,WCHAR* pathOutWithSizeMaxPathPlusOne,HWND parent) {
  672. WCHAR* temp_path = pathOutWithSizeMaxPathPlusOne;//[MAX_PATH+1];
  673. temp_path[0]=L'\0';
  675. if (!SUCCEEDED(::SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(parent,specialFolderCSIDL, &pidl)))
  676. {
  677. temp_path[0]=L'\0';return false;
  678. }
  679. bool ok=SUCCEEDED(::SHGetPathFromIDListW(pidl,&temp_path[0]));
  680. LPMALLOC mal = NULL;
  681. if ( ::SHGetMalloc( & mal ) == E_FAIL || !mal ) ::free( pidl );
  682. else
  683. {
  684. mal->Free( pidl );
  685. mal->Release();
  686. }
  687. if (!ok)
  688. {
  689. temp_path[0]=L'\0';return false;
  690. }
  691. return true;
  692. }
  693. # endif //_WIN32
  694. };
  695. // End definitions of some helper classes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  696. // Internal usage----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  697. struct FolderInfo {
  698. char fullFolder[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  699. char currentFolder[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  700. int splitPathIndex;
  701. static ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]> SplitPath; // tmp field used internally
  702. void display() const {
  703. fprintf(stderr,"fullFolder=\"%s\" currentFolder=\"%s\" splitPathIndex=%d\n",fullFolder,currentFolder,splitPathIndex);
  704. }
  705. void getSplitPath(ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]>& splitPath) const {
  706. Path::Split(fullFolder,splitPath);
  707. }
  708. const FolderInfo& operator=(const FolderInfo& o) {
  709. strcpy(currentFolder,o.currentFolder);
  710. strcpy(fullFolder,o.fullFolder);
  711. splitPathIndex = o.splitPathIndex;
  712. return *this;
  713. }
  714. inline void reset() {
  715. currentFolder[0]='\0';fullFolder[0]='\0';splitPathIndex=-1;
  716. }
  717. FolderInfo() {reset();}
  718. FolderInfo(const FolderInfo& o) {*this=o;}
  719. void fromCurrentFolder(const char* path) {
  720. if (!path || strlen(path)==0) reset();
  721. else {
  722. strcpy(currentFolder,path);
  723. strcpy(fullFolder,path);
  724. Path::Split(fullFolder,SplitPath);
  725. splitPathIndex = (int) SplitPath.size()-1;
  726. }
  727. }
  728. bool isEqual(const FolderInfo& fi) const {
  729. return strcmp(fullFolder,fi.fullFolder)==0 && strcmp(currentFolder,fi.currentFolder)==0;
  730. }
  731. bool isEqual(const char* path) const {
  732. return strcmp(fullFolder,path)==0 && strcmp(currentFolder,path)==0;
  733. }
  734. int getSplitPathIndexFor(const char* path) const {
  735. if (!path || strncmp(path,fullFolder,strlen(path))!=0) return -1;
  736. Path::Split(fullFolder,SplitPath);
  737. char tmp[MAX_PATH_BYTES];tmp[0]='\0';
  738. for (int i=0,sz=(int)SplitPath.size();i<sz;i++) {
  739. Path::Append(SplitPath[i],tmp);
  740. //fprintf(stderr,"%d) \"%s\" <-> \"%s\"\n",i,tmp,path);
  741. if (strcmp(tmp,path)==0) return i;
  742. }
  743. return -1;
  744. }
  745. bool getFolderInfoForSplitPathIndex(int _splitPathIndex,FolderInfo& rv) const {
  746. Path::Split(fullFolder,SplitPath);
  747. const int splitPathSize = (int)SplitPath.size();
  748. if (_splitPathIndex<0 || _splitPathIndex>=splitPathSize) return false;
  749. rv = *this;
  750. rv.splitPathIndex = _splitPathIndex;
  751. rv.currentFolder[0]='\0';
  752. if (_splitPathIndex>=0 && _splitPathIndex<splitPathSize) {
  753. for (int i=0;i<=_splitPathIndex;i++) {
  754. Path::Append(SplitPath[i],rv.currentFolder);
  755. //fprintf(stderr,"%d) \"%s\" (\"%s\")\n",i,rv.currentFolder,SplitPath[i]);
  756. }
  757. }
  758. /*fprintf(stderr,"getFolderInfoForSplitPathIndex(%d):\nSource: ",_splitPathIndex);
  759. this->display();
  760. fprintf(stderr,"Result: ");
  761. rv.display();*/
  762. return true;
  763. }
  764. };
  765. ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]> FolderInfo::SplitPath; // tmp field used internally
  766. struct History {
  767. protected:
  768. ImVector<FolderInfo> info;
  769. int currentInfoIndex; // into info
  770. public:
  771. inline bool canGoBack() {
  772. return currentInfoIndex>0;
  773. }
  774. inline bool canGoForward() {
  775. return currentInfoIndex>=0 && currentInfoIndex<(int)info.size()-1;
  776. }
  777. void reset() {info.clear();currentInfoIndex=-1;}
  778. History() {reset();}
  779. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  780. void goBack() {
  781. if (canGoBack()) --currentInfoIndex;
  782. }
  783. void goForward() {
  784. if (canGoForward()) ++currentInfoIndex;
  785. }
  786. bool switchTo(const char* currentFolder) {
  787. if (!currentFolder || strlen(currentFolder)==0) return false;
  788. if (currentInfoIndex<0) {
  789. ++currentInfoIndex;
  790. info.resize(currentInfoIndex+1);
  791. FolderInfo& fi = info[currentInfoIndex];
  792. fi.fromCurrentFolder(currentFolder);
  793. return true;
  794. }
  795. else {
  796. const FolderInfo& lastInfo = info[currentInfoIndex];
  797. if (lastInfo.isEqual(currentFolder)) return false;
  798. const int splitPathIndexInsideLastInfo = lastInfo.getSplitPathIndexFor(currentFolder);
  799. ++currentInfoIndex;
  800. info.resize(currentInfoIndex+1);
  801. FolderInfo& fi = info[currentInfoIndex];
  802. if (splitPathIndexInsideLastInfo==-1) fi.fromCurrentFolder(currentFolder);
  803. else {
  804. fi = lastInfo;
  805. fi.splitPathIndex = splitPathIndexInsideLastInfo;
  806. strcpy(fi.currentFolder,currentFolder);
  807. }
  808. return true;
  809. }
  810. }
  811. bool switchTo(const FolderInfo& fi) {
  812. if (!fi.currentFolder || strlen(fi.currentFolder)==0) return false;
  813. if (currentInfoIndex>=0) {
  814. const FolderInfo& lastInfo = info[currentInfoIndex];
  815. if (lastInfo.isEqual(fi)) return false;
  816. }
  817. ++currentInfoIndex;
  818. info.resize(currentInfoIndex+1);
  819. info[currentInfoIndex] = fi;
  820. return true;
  821. }
  822. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  823. inline bool isValid() const {return (currentInfoIndex>=0 && currentInfoIndex<(int)info.size());}
  824. const FolderInfo* getCurrentFolderInfo() const {return isValid() ? &info[currentInfoIndex] : NULL;}
  825. const char* getCurrentFolder() const {return isValid() ? &info[currentInfoIndex].currentFolder[0] : NULL;}
  826. bool getCurrentSplitPath(ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]>& rv) const {
  827. if (isValid()) {
  828. info[currentInfoIndex].getSplitPath(rv);
  829. return true;
  830. }
  831. else return false;
  832. }
  833. const int* getCurrentSplitPathIndex() const {return isValid() ? &info[currentInfoIndex].splitPathIndex : NULL;}
  834. size_t getInfoSize() const {return info.size();}
  835. };
  836. struct Internal {
  837. ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]> dirs,files;
  838. ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]> dirNames,fileNames,currentSplitPath;
  839. char currentFolder[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  840. bool forceRescan;
  841. bool open;
  842. ImVec2 wndPos;
  843. ImVec2 wndSize;
  844. char wndTitle[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  845. int sortingMode;
  846. History history;
  847. //-----------------------------------------------------
  848. bool isSelectFolderDialog;
  849. bool isSaveFileDialog;
  850. bool allowDirectoryCreation,forbidDirectoryCreation;
  851. bool allowKnownDirectoriesSection;
  852. char newDirectoryName[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES];
  853. char saveFileName[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES];
  854. //----------------------------------------------------
  855. char chosenPath[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  856. bool rescan;
  857. int uniqueNumber;
  858. ImGuiTextFilter filter;
  859. bool allowFiltering;
  860. int totalNumBrowsingEntries;
  861. int numBrowsingColumns;
  862. int numBrowsingEntriesPerColumn;
  863. static bool BrowsingPerRow;
  864. bool allowDisplayByOption;
  865. bool detectKnownDirectoriesAtEveryOpening;
  866. bool mustFilterSaveFilePathWithFileFilterExtensionString;
  867. bool editLocationCheckButtonPressed;
  868. char editLocationInputText[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  869. void resetVariables() {
  870. strcpy(currentFolder,"./");
  871. forceRescan = false;
  872. open = true;
  873. wndTitle[0] = '\0';
  874. sortingMode = 0;
  875. history.reset();
  876. isSelectFolderDialog = false;
  877. isSaveFileDialog = false;
  878. allowDirectoryCreation = true;
  879. forbidDirectoryCreation = false;
  880. strcpy(newDirectoryName,"New Folder");
  881. saveFileName[0] = '\0';
  882. uniqueNumber = 0;
  883. rescan = true;
  884. chosenPath[0] = '\0';
  885. filter.Clear();
  886. allowFiltering = false;
  887. totalNumBrowsingEntries = 0;
  888. numBrowsingColumns = 1;
  889. numBrowsingEntriesPerColumn = 1000;
  890. detectKnownDirectoriesAtEveryOpening = false;
  891. allowDisplayByOption = false;
  892. allowKnownDirectoriesSection = true;
  893. mustFilterSaveFilePathWithFileFilterExtensionString = true;
  894. editLocationCheckButtonPressed = false;
  895. strcpy(editLocationInputText,"\0");
  896. }
  897. // Just a convenience enum used internally
  898. enum Color {
  899. ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Background,
  900. ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Hover,
  901. ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Pressed,
  902. ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Text,
  903. ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Background,
  904. ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Hover,
  905. ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Pressed,
  906. ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Text,
  907. ImGuiCol_Dialog_SelectedFolder_Text,
  908. ImGuiCol_Dialog_Size
  909. };
  910. inline static void ColorCombine(ImVec4& c,const ImVec4& r,const ImVec4& factor) {
  911. const float rr = (r.x+r.y+r.z)*0.3334f;
  912. c.x = rr * factor.x;c.y = rr * factor.y;c.z = rr * factor.z;c.w = r.w;
  913. }
  914. };
  915. bool Internal::BrowsingPerRow = false;
  916. // End Internal Usage-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  917. Dialog::Dialog(bool noKnownDirectoriesSection,bool noCreateDirectorySection,bool noFilteringSection,bool detectKnownDirectoriesAtEachOpening,bool addDisplayByOption,bool dontFilterSaveFilePathsEnteredByTheUser) {
  918. internal = (Internal*) ImGui::MemAlloc(sizeof(Internal));
  919. new(internal) Internal();
  920. internal->resetVariables();
  921. static int un = 0;
  922. internal->uniqueNumber = un++;
  923. internal->detectKnownDirectoriesAtEveryOpening = detectKnownDirectoriesAtEachOpening;
  924. internal->allowDisplayByOption = addDisplayByOption;
  925. internal->forbidDirectoryCreation = noCreateDirectorySection;
  926. internal->allowKnownDirectoriesSection = !noKnownDirectoriesSection;
  927. internal->allowFiltering = !noFilteringSection;
  928. internal->mustFilterSaveFilePathWithFileFilterExtensionString = !dontFilterSaveFilePathsEnteredByTheUser;
  929. }
  930. Dialog::~Dialog() {
  931. if (internal) {
  932. ImGui::MemFree(internal);
  933. //delete internal;
  934. internal = NULL;
  935. }
  936. }
  937. const char* Dialog::getChosenPath() const {return internal->chosenPath;}
  938. const char* Dialog::getLastDirectory() const {return internal->currentFolder;}
  939. // -- from imgui.cpp --
  940. static size_t ImFormatString(char* buf, size_t buf_size, const char* fmt, ...)
  941. {
  942. va_list args;
  943. va_start(args, fmt);
  944. int w = vsnprintf(buf, buf_size, fmt, args);
  945. va_end(args);
  946. buf[buf_size-1] = 0;
  947. return (w == -1) ? buf_size : (size_t)w;
  948. }
  949. // ---------------------
  950. // 90% of the functionality of the whole imguifilesystem.cpp is inside this single method
  951. const char* ChooseFileMainMethod(Dialog& ist,const char* directory,const bool _isFolderChooserDialog,const bool _isSaveFileDialog,const char* _saveFileName,const char* fileFilterExtensionString,const char* windowTitle,const ImVec2& windowSize,const ImVec2& windowPos,const float windowAlpha) {
  952. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  953. Internal& I = *ist.internal;
  954. char* rv = I.chosenPath;rv[0] = '\0';
  955. //-----------------------------------------------------
  956. bool& isSelectFolderDialog = I.isSelectFolderDialog = _isFolderChooserDialog;
  957. bool& isSaveFileDialog = I.isSaveFileDialog = _isSaveFileDialog;
  958. bool& allowDirectoryCreation = I.allowDirectoryCreation = I.forbidDirectoryCreation ? false : (isSelectFolderDialog || isSaveFileDialog);
  959. //----------------------------------------------------------
  960. static const int* pNumberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives=NULL;
  961. static const ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]>* pUserKnownDirectoryDisplayNames=NULL;
  962. static const ImVector<char[MAX_PATH_BYTES]>* pUserKnownDirectories = &Directory::GetUserKnownDirectories(&pUserKnownDirectoryDisplayNames,&pNumberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives);
  963. //----------------------------------------------------------
  964. const ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
  965. ImVec4 dummyButtonColor(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.5f); // Only the alpha is twickable from here
  966. static ImVec4 ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Size];
  967. // Fill ColorSet above and fix dummyButtonColor here
  968. {
  969. static const ImVec4 df(0.9,0.9,0.3,1); // directory color factor
  970. static const ImVec4 ff(0.7,0.7,0.7,1); // file color factor
  971. for (int i=0,sz=(int)Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Text;i<=sz;i++) {
  972. ImVec4& c = ColorSet[i];
  973. const ImVec4& r = style.Colors[i<sz ? ((int)ImGuiCol_Button + i) : ImGuiCol_Text];
  974. Internal::ColorCombine(c,r,df);
  975. }
  976. for (int i=(int)Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Background,sz=(int)Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Text;i<=sz;i++) {
  977. ImVec4& c = ColorSet[i];
  978. const ImVec4& r = style.Colors[i<sz ? ((int)ImGuiCol_Button-(int)Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Background + i) : ImGuiCol_Text];
  979. Internal::ColorCombine(c,r,ff);
  980. }
  981. if (dummyButtonColor.w>0) {
  982. const ImVec4& bbc = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button];
  983. dummyButtonColor.x = bbc.x;dummyButtonColor.y = bbc.y;dummyButtonColor.z = bbc.z;dummyButtonColor.w *= bbc.w;
  984. }
  985. }
  986. if (I.rescan) {
  987. char validDirectory[MAX_PATH_BYTES];validDirectory[0]='\0'; // for robustness
  988. if (directory && strlen(directory)>0) {
  989. if (Directory::Exists(directory)) strcpy(validDirectory,directory);
  990. else {
  991. Path::GetDirectoryName(directory,validDirectory);
  992. if (!Directory::Exists(validDirectory)) validDirectory[0]='\0';
  993. }
  994. }
  995. Path::GetAbsolutePath(validDirectory,I.currentFolder);
  996. I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed = false;
  997. I.history.reset(); // reset history
  998. I.history.switchTo(I.currentFolder); // init history
  999. I.dirs.clear();I.files.clear();I.dirNames.clear();I.fileNames.clear();I.currentSplitPath.clear();
  1000. strcpy(&I.newDirectoryName[0],"New Folder");
  1001. if (_saveFileName) {
  1002. //strcpy(&I.saveFileName[0],_saveFileName);
  1003. Path::GetFileName(_saveFileName,I.saveFileName); // Better!
  1004. }
  1005. else I.saveFileName[0]='\0';
  1006. isSelectFolderDialog = _isFolderChooserDialog;
  1007. isSaveFileDialog = _isSaveFileDialog;
  1008. allowDirectoryCreation = I.forbidDirectoryCreation ? false : (isSelectFolderDialog || isSaveFileDialog);
  1009. if (isSelectFolderDialog && I.sortingMode>SORT_ORDER_LAST_MODIFICATION_INVERSE) I.sortingMode = 0;
  1010. I.forceRescan = true;
  1011. = true;
  1012. I.filter.Clear();
  1013. if (!windowTitle || strlen(windowTitle)==0) {
  1014. if (isSelectFolderDialog) strcpy(I.wndTitle,"Please select a folder");
  1015. else if (isSaveFileDialog) strcpy(I.wndTitle,"Please choose/create a file for saving");
  1016. else strcpy(I.wndTitle,"Please choose a file");
  1017. }
  1018. else strcpy(I.wndTitle,windowTitle);
  1019. strcat(I.wndTitle,"##");
  1020. char tmpWndTitleNumber[12];
  1021. ImFormatString(tmpWndTitleNumber,11,"%d",I.uniqueNumber);
  1022. strcat(I.wndTitle,tmpWndTitleNumber);
  1023. I.wndPos = windowPos;
  1024. I.wndSize = windowSize;
  1025. if (I.wndSize.x<=0) I.wndSize.x = 400;
  1026. if (I.wndSize.y<=0) I.wndSize.y = 400;
  1027. const ImVec2 mousePos = ImGui::GetMousePos();//
  1028. ImGui::GetCursorPos();
  1029. if (I.wndPos.x<=0) I.wndPos.x = mousePos.x - I.wndSize.x*0.5f;
  1030. if (I.wndPos.y<=0) I.wndPos.y = mousePos.y - I.wndSize.y*0.5f;
  1031. const ImVec2 screenSize = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize;
  1032. if (I.wndPos.x>screenSize.x-I.wndSize.x) I.wndPos.x = screenSize.x-I.wndSize.x;
  1033. if (I.wndPos.y>screenSize.y-I.wndSize.y) I.wndPos.y = screenSize.y-I.wndSize.y;
  1034. if (I.wndPos.x < 0) I.wndPos.x = 0;
  1035. if (I.wndPos.y < 0) I.wndPos.y = 0;
  1036. //fprintf(stderr,"screenSize = %f,%f mousePos = %f,%f wndPos = %f,%f wndSize = %f,%f\n",screenSize.x,screenSize.y,mousePos.x,mousePos.y,wndPos.x,wndPos.y,wndSize.x,wndSize.y);
  1037. if (I.detectKnownDirectoriesAtEveryOpening) pUserKnownDirectories = &Directory::GetUserKnownDirectories(&pUserKnownDirectoryDisplayNames,&pNumberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives,true);
  1038. }
  1039. if (! return rv;
  1040. if (I.forceRescan) {
  1041. I.forceRescan = false;
  1042. const int sortingModeForDirectories = (I.sortingMode <= (int)SORT_ORDER_LAST_MODIFICATION_INVERSE) ? I.sortingMode : (I.sortingMode%2);
  1043. Directory::GetDirectories(I.currentFolder,I.dirs,&I.dirNames,(Sorting)sortingModeForDirectories); // this is because directories don't return their size or their file extensions (so if needed we sort them alphabetically)
  1044. //I.dirNames.resize(I.dirs.size());for (int i=0,sz=I.dirs.size();i<sz;i++) Path::GetFileName(I.dirs[i],(char*)I.dirNames[i]);
  1045. if (!isSelectFolderDialog) {
  1046. if (!fileFilterExtensionString || strlen(fileFilterExtensionString)==0) Directory::GetFiles(I.currentFolder,I.files,&I.fileNames,(Sorting)I.sortingMode);
  1047. else Directory::GetFiles(I.currentFolder,I.files,fileFilterExtensionString,NULL,&I.fileNames,(Sorting)I.sortingMode);
  1048. //I.fileNames.resize(I.files.size());for (int i=0,sz=I.files.size();i<sz;i++) Path::GetFileName(I.files[i],(char*)I.fileNames[i]);
  1049. }
  1050. else {
  1051. I.files.clear();I.fileNames.clear();
  1052. I.saveFileName[0]='\0';
  1053. char currentFolderName[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES];
  1054. Path::GetFileName(I.currentFolder,currentFolderName);
  1055. const size_t currentFolderNameSize = strlen(currentFolderName);
  1056. if (currentFolderNameSize==0 || currentFolderName[currentFolderNameSize-1]==':') strcat(currentFolderName,"/");
  1057. strcat(I.saveFileName,currentFolderName);
  1058. }
  1059. I.history.getCurrentSplitPath(I.currentSplitPath);
  1060. const static int approxNumEntriesPerColumn = 20;//(int) (20.f / browseSectionFontScale);// tweakable
  1061. I.totalNumBrowsingEntries = (int)(I.dirs.size()+I.files.size());
  1062. I.numBrowsingColumns = I.totalNumBrowsingEntries/approxNumEntriesPerColumn;
  1063. if (I.numBrowsingColumns<=0) I.numBrowsingColumns = 1;
  1064. if (I.totalNumBrowsingEntries%approxNumEntriesPerColumn>(approxNumEntriesPerColumn/2)) ++I.numBrowsingColumns;
  1065. if (I.numBrowsingColumns>6) I.numBrowsingColumns = 6;
  1066. I.numBrowsingEntriesPerColumn = I.totalNumBrowsingEntries/I.numBrowsingColumns;
  1067. if (I.totalNumBrowsingEntries%I.numBrowsingColumns!=0) ++I.numBrowsingEntriesPerColumn;
  1068. //# define DEBUG_HISTORY
  1069. # ifdef DEBUG_HISTORY
  1070. if (I.history.getInfoSize()>0) fprintf(stderr,"\nHISTORY: currentFolder:\"%s\" history.canGoBack=%s history.canGoForward=%s currentHistory:\n",I.currentFolder,I.history.canGoBack()?"true":"false",I.history.canGoForward()?"true":"false");
  1071. if (I.history.getCurrentFolderInfo()) I.history.getCurrentFolderInfo()->display();
  1072. # endif //DEBUG_HISTORY
  1073. }
  1074. if (I.rescan) {
  1075. I.rescan = false; // Mandatory
  1076. ImGui::Begin(I.wndTitle, &, I.wndSize,windowAlpha);
  1077. ImGui::SetWindowPos(I.wndPos);
  1078. ImGui::SetWindowSize(I.wndSize);
  1079. //fprintf(stderr,"\"%s\" wndPos={%1.2f,%1.2f}\n",wndTitle.c_str(),wndPos.x,wndPos.y);
  1080. }
  1081. else ImGui::Begin(I.wndTitle, &,ImVec2(0,0),windowAlpha);
  1082. ImGui::Separator();
  1083. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1084. // History (=buttons: < and >)
  1085. {
  1086. bool historyBackClicked = false;
  1087. bool historyForwardClicked = false;
  1088. // history -----------------------------------------------
  1089. ImGui::PushID("historyDirectoriesID");
  1090. const bool historyCanGoBack = I.history.canGoBack();
  1091. const bool historyCanGoForward = I.history.canGoForward();
  1092. if (!historyCanGoBack) {
  1093. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button,dummyButtonColor);
  1094. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered,dummyButtonColor);
  1095. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive,dummyButtonColor);
  1096. }
  1097. historyBackClicked = ImGui::Button("<")&historyCanGoBack;
  1098. ImGui::SameLine();
  1099. if (!historyCanGoBack) {
  1100. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1101. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1102. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1103. }
  1104. if (!historyCanGoForward) {
  1105. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button,dummyButtonColor);
  1106. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered,dummyButtonColor);
  1107. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive,dummyButtonColor);
  1108. }
  1109. historyForwardClicked = ImGui::Button(">")&historyCanGoForward;
  1110. ImGui::SameLine();
  1111. if (!historyCanGoForward) {
  1112. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1113. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1114. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1115. }
  1116. ImGui::PopID();
  1117. // -------------------------------------------------------
  1118. if (historyBackClicked || historyForwardClicked) {
  1119. ImGui::End();
  1120. if (historyBackClicked) I.history.goBack();
  1121. else if (historyForwardClicked) I.history.goForward();
  1122. I.forceRescan = true;
  1123. strcpy(I.currentFolder,I.history.getCurrentFolder());
  1124. strcpy(I.editLocationInputText,I.currentFolder);
  1125. # ifdef DEBUG_HISTORY
  1126. if (historyBackClicked) fprintf(stderr,"\nPressed BACK to\t");
  1127. else fprintf(stderr,"\nPressed FORWARD to\t");
  1128. fprintf(stderr,"\"%s\" (%d)\n",I.currentFolder,(int)*I.history.getCurrentSplitPathIndex());
  1129. # undef DEBUG_HISTOTY
  1130. # endif //DEBUG_HISTORY
  1131. return rv;
  1132. }
  1133. }
  1134. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1135. // Edit Location CheckButton
  1136. bool editLocationInputTextReturnPressed = false;
  1137. {
  1138. bool mustValidateInputPath = false;
  1139. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button,I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed ? dummyButtonColor : style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Button]);
  1140. if (ImGui::Button("L##EditLocationCheckButton")) {
  1141. I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed = !I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed;
  1142. if (I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed) {
  1143. strcpy(I.editLocationInputText,I.currentFolder);
  1144. ImGui::SetKeyboardFocusHere();
  1145. }
  1146. //if (!I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed) mustValidateInputPath = true; // or not ? I mean: the user wants to quit or to validate in this case ?
  1147. }
  1148. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1149. if (I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed) {
  1150. ImGui::SameLine();
  1151. editLocationInputTextReturnPressed = ImGui::InputText("##EditLocationInputText",I.editLocationInputText,MAX_PATH_BYTES,ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll|ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue);
  1152. if (editLocationInputTextReturnPressed) mustValidateInputPath = true;
  1153. else ImGui::Separator();
  1154. }
  1155. if (mustValidateInputPath) {
  1156. // it's better to clean the input path here from trailing slashes:
  1157. char cleanEnteredPath[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  1158. strcpy(cleanEnteredPath,I.editLocationInputText);
  1159. size_t len = strlen(cleanEnteredPath);
  1160. while (len>0 && (cleanEnteredPath[len-1]=='/' || cleanEnteredPath[len-1]=='\\')) {cleanEnteredPath[len-1]='\0';len = strlen(cleanEnteredPath);}
  1161. if (len==0 || strcmp(I.currentFolder,cleanEnteredPath)==0) I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed = false;
  1162. else if (Directory::Exists(cleanEnteredPath)) {
  1163. I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed = false; // Optional (return to split-path buttons)
  1164. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1165. I.history.switchTo(cleanEnteredPath);
  1166. strcpy(I.currentFolder,cleanEnteredPath);
  1167. I.forceRescan = true;
  1168. }
  1169. //else fprintf(stderr,"mustValidateInputPath NOOP: \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",I.currentFolder,cleanEnteredPath);
  1170. }
  1171. else ImGui::SameLine();
  1172. }
  1173. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1174. // Split Path control
  1175. if (!I.editLocationCheckButtonPressed && !editLocationInputTextReturnPressed) {
  1176. bool mustSwitchSplitPath = false;
  1177. const FolderInfo& fi = *I.history.getCurrentFolderInfo();
  1178. ImVec2& framePadding = ImGui::GetStyle().FramePadding;
  1179. const float originalFramePaddingX = framePadding.x;
  1180. framePadding.x = 0;
  1181. // Split Path
  1182. // Tab:
  1183. {
  1184. //-----------------------------------------------------
  1185. // TAB LABELS
  1186. //-----------------------------------------------------
  1187. {
  1188. const int numTabs=(int) I.currentSplitPath.size();
  1189. int newSelectedTab = fi.splitPathIndex;
  1190. for (int t=0;t<numTabs;t++) {
  1191. if (t>0) ImGui::SameLine(0,0);
  1192. if (t==fi.splitPathIndex) {
  1193. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button,dummyButtonColor);
  1194. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered,dummyButtonColor);
  1195. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive,dummyButtonColor);
  1196. }
  1197. ImGui::PushID(&I.currentSplitPath[t]);
  1198. const bool pressed = ImGui::Button(I.currentSplitPath[t]);
  1199. ImGui::PopID();
  1200. if (pressed) {
  1201. if (fi.splitPathIndex!=t && !mustSwitchSplitPath) mustSwitchSplitPath = true;
  1202. newSelectedTab = t;
  1203. }
  1204. if (t==fi.splitPathIndex) {
  1205. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1206. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1207. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1208. }
  1209. }
  1210. if (mustSwitchSplitPath) {
  1211. FolderInfo mfi;
  1212. fi.getFolderInfoForSplitPathIndex(newSelectedTab,mfi);
  1213. I.history.switchTo(mfi);
  1214. I.forceRescan = true;
  1215. strcpy(I.currentFolder,I.history.getCurrentFolder());
  1216. strcpy(I.editLocationInputText,I.currentFolder);
  1217. //fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",I.currentFolder);
  1218. }
  1219. }
  1220. }
  1221. framePadding.x = originalFramePaddingX;
  1222. }
  1223. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1224. // Start collapsable regions----------------------------------------------------------
  1225. // User Known directories-------------------------------------------------------------
  1226. if (I.allowKnownDirectoriesSection && pUserKnownDirectories->size()>0) {
  1227. ImGui::Separator();
  1228. if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Known Directories##UserKnownDirectories")) {
  1229. static int id;
  1230. ImGui::PushID(&id);
  1231. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Text]);
  1232. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Background]);
  1233. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Hover]);
  1234. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Pressed]);
  1235. for (int i=0,sz=(int)pUserKnownDirectories->size();i<sz;i++) {
  1236. const char* userKnownFolder = (*pUserKnownDirectories)[i];
  1237. const char* userKnownFolderDisplayName = (*pUserKnownDirectoryDisplayNames)[i];
  1238. if (ImGui::SmallButton(userKnownFolderDisplayName) && strcmp(userKnownFolder,I.currentFolder)!=0) {
  1239. strcpy(I.currentFolder,userKnownFolder);
  1240. strcpy(I.editLocationInputText,I.currentFolder);
  1241. I.history.switchTo(I.currentFolder);
  1242. I.forceRescan = true;
  1243. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1244. }
  1245. if (i!=sz-1 && (i>=*pNumberKnownUserDirectoriesExceptDrives || i%7!=6)) ImGui::SameLine();
  1246. }
  1247. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1248. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1249. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1250. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1251. ImGui::PopID();
  1252. }
  1253. }
  1254. // End User Known directories---------------------------------------------------------
  1255. // Allow directory creation ----------------------------------------------------------
  1256. if (allowDirectoryCreation) {
  1257. ImGui::Separator();
  1258. bool mustCreate = false;
  1259. if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("New Directory##allowDirectoryCreation")) {
  1260. static int id;
  1261. ImGui::PushID(&id);
  1262. ImGui::InputText("##createNewFolderName",&I.newDirectoryName[0],MAX_FILENAME_BYTES);
  1263. ImGui::SameLine();
  1264. mustCreate = ImGui::Button("CREATE");
  1265. ImGui::PopID();
  1266. }
  1267. if (mustCreate && strlen(I.newDirectoryName)>0) {
  1268. char newDirPath[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  1269. Path::Combine(I.currentFolder,I.newDirectoryName,newDirPath,false);
  1270. if (!Directory::Exists(newDirPath)) {
  1271. //# define SIMULATING_ONLY
  1272. # ifdef SIMULATING_ONLY
  1273. fprintf(stderr,"creating: \"%s\"\n",newDirPath);
  1274. # undef SIMULATING_ONLY
  1275. # else //SIMULATING_ONLY
  1276. Directory::Create(newDirPath);
  1277. if (!Directory::Exists(newDirPath)) fprintf(stderr,"Error creating new folder: \"%s\"\n",newDirPath);
  1278. else I.forceRescan = true; // Just update
  1279. # endif //SIMULATING_ONLY
  1280. }
  1281. }
  1282. }
  1283. // End allow directory creation ------------------------------------------------------
  1284. // Filtering entries -----------------------------------------------------------------
  1285. if (I.allowFiltering) {
  1286. ImGui::Separator();
  1287. if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Filtering##fileNameFiltering")) {
  1288. static int id;
  1289. ImGui::PushID(&id);
  1290. I.filter.Draw();
  1291. ImGui::PopID();
  1292. }
  1293. }
  1294. // End filtering entries -------------------------------------------------------------
  1295. // End collapsable regions------------------------------------------------------------
  1296. // Selection field -------------------------------------------------------------------
  1297. if (isSaveFileDialog || isSelectFolderDialog) {
  1298. ImGui::Separator();
  1299. bool selectionButtonPressed = false;
  1300. static int id;
  1301. ImGui::PushID(&id);
  1302. if (isSaveFileDialog) {
  1303. ImGui::AlignFirstTextHeightToWidgets();
  1304. ImGui::Text("File:");ImGui::SameLine();
  1305. ImGui::InputText("##saveFileName",&I.saveFileName[0],MAX_FILENAME_BYTES);
  1306. ImGui::SameLine();
  1307. }
  1308. else {
  1309. ImGui::AlignFirstTextHeightToWidgets();
  1310. ImGui::Text("Folder:");ImGui::SameLine();
  1311. static const ImVec4 sf(1.0,0.8,0.5,1); // delected folder color factor
  1312. ImVec4& c = ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_SelectedFolder_Text];
  1313. const ImVec4& r = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text];
  1314. Internal::ColorCombine(c,r,sf);
  1315. ImGui::TextColored(ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_SelectedFolder_Text],"%s",&I.saveFileName[0],MAX_FILENAME_BYTES);
  1316. ImGui::SameLine();
  1317. }
  1318. if (isSelectFolderDialog) selectionButtonPressed = ImGui::Button("Select");
  1319. else selectionButtonPressed = ImGui::Button("Save");
  1320. ImGui::PopID();
  1321. if (selectionButtonPressed) {
  1322. if (isSelectFolderDialog) {
  1323. strcpy(rv,I.currentFolder);
  1324. = true;
  1325. }
  1326. else if (isSaveFileDialog) {
  1327. if (strlen(I.saveFileName)>0) {
  1328. bool pathOk = true;
  1329. if (I.mustFilterSaveFilePathWithFileFilterExtensionString && fileFilterExtensionString && strlen(fileFilterExtensionString)>0) {
  1330. pathOk = false;
  1331. char saveFileNameExtension[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES];Path::GetExtension(I.saveFileName,saveFileNameExtension);
  1332. const bool saveFileNameHasExtension = strlen(saveFileNameExtension)>0;
  1333. //-------------------------------------------------------------------
  1334. ImVector<char[MAX_FILENAME_BYTES]> wExts;String::Split(fileFilterExtensionString,wExts,';');
  1335. const size_t wExtsSize = wExts.size();
  1336. if (!saveFileNameHasExtension) {
  1337. if (wExtsSize==0) pathOk = true; // Bad situation, better allow this case
  1338. else strcat(I.saveFileName,wExts[0]);
  1339. }
  1340. else {
  1341. // saveFileNameHasExtension
  1342. for (size_t i = 0;i<wExtsSize;i++) {
  1343. const char* ext = wExts[i];
  1344. if (strcmp(ext,saveFileNameExtension)==0) {
  1345. pathOk = true;
  1346. break;
  1347. }
  1348. }
  1349. if (!pathOk && wExtsSize>0) strcat(I.saveFileName,wExts[0]);
  1350. }
  1351. }
  1352. if (pathOk) {
  1353. char savePath[MAX_PATH_BYTES];
  1354. Path::Combine(I.currentFolder,I.saveFileName,savePath,false);
  1355. strcpy(rv,savePath);
  1356. = true;
  1357. }
  1358. }
  1359. }
  1360. }
  1361. //ImGui::Spacing();
  1362. }
  1363. // End selection field----------------------------------------------------------------
  1364. ImGui::Separator();
  1365. // sorting --------------------------------------------------------------------
  1366. ImGui::Text("Sorting by: ");ImGui::SameLine();
  1367. {
  1368. const int oldSortingMode = I.sortingMode;
  1369. const int oldSelectedTab = I.sortingMode/2;
  1370. //-----------------------------------------------------
  1371. // TAB LABELS
  1372. //-----------------------------------------------------
  1373. {
  1374. static const int numTabs=(int)SORT_ORDER_COUNT/2;
  1375. int newSortingMode = oldSortingMode;
  1376. static const char* names[numTabs] = {"Name","Modified","Size","Type"};
  1377. const int numUsedTabs = isSelectFolderDialog ? 2 : numTabs;
  1378. for (int t=0;t<numUsedTabs;t++) {
  1379. if (t>0) ImGui::SameLine();
  1380. if (t==oldSelectedTab) {
  1381. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button,dummyButtonColor);
  1382. }
  1383. ImGui::PushID(&names[t]);
  1384. const bool pressed = ImGui::SmallButton(names[t]);
  1385. ImGui::PopID();
  1386. if (pressed) {
  1387. if (oldSelectedTab==t) {
  1388. newSortingMode = oldSortingMode;
  1389. if (newSortingMode%2==0) ++newSortingMode;// 0,2,4
  1390. else --newSortingMode;
  1391. }
  1392. else newSortingMode = t*2;
  1393. }
  1394. if (t==oldSelectedTab) {
  1395. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1396. }
  1397. }
  1398. if (newSortingMode!=oldSortingMode) {
  1399. I.sortingMode = newSortingMode;
  1400. //printf("sortingMode = %d\n",sortingMode);
  1401. I.forceRescan = true;
  1402. }
  1403. //-- Browsing per row -----------------------------------
  1404. if (I.allowDisplayByOption && I.numBrowsingColumns>1) {
  1405. ImGui::SameLine();
  1406. ImGui::Text(" Display by:");
  1407. ImGui::SameLine();
  1408. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button,dummyButtonColor);
  1409. if (ImGui::SmallButton(!Internal::BrowsingPerRow ? "Column##browsingPerRow" : "Row##browsingPerRow")) {
  1410. Internal::BrowsingPerRow = !Internal::BrowsingPerRow;
  1411. }
  1412. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1413. }
  1414. //-- End browsing per row -------------------------------
  1415. }
  1416. }
  1417. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1418. ImGui::Separator();
  1419. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1421. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1422. {
  1423. ImGui::BeginChild("BrowsingFrame");
  1424. // ImGui::SetScrollPosHere(); // possible future ref: while drawing to place the scroll bar
  1425. ImGui::Columns(I.numBrowsingColumns);
  1426. static int id;
  1427. ImGui::PushID(&id);
  1428. int cntEntries = 0;
  1429. // Directories --------------------------------------------------------------
  1430. if (I.dirs.size()>0) {
  1431. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Text]);
  1432. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Background]);
  1433. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Hover]);
  1434. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_Directory_Pressed]);
  1435. for (int i=0,sz=(int)I.dirs.size();i<sz;i++) {
  1436. const char* dirName = &I.dirNames[i][0];
  1437. if (I.filter.PassFilter(dirName)) {
  1438. if (ImGui::SmallButton(dirName)) {
  1439. strcpy(I.currentFolder,I.dirs[i]);
  1440. strcpy(I.editLocationInputText,I.currentFolder);
  1441. I.history.switchTo(I.currentFolder);
  1442. I.forceRescan = true;
  1443. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1444. }
  1445. ++cntEntries;
  1446. if (Internal::BrowsingPerRow) ImGui::NextColumn();
  1447. else if (cntEntries==I.numBrowsingEntriesPerColumn) {
  1448. cntEntries = 0;
  1449. ImGui::NextColumn();
  1450. }
  1451. }
  1452. }
  1453. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1454. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1455. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1456. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1457. }
  1458. // Files ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1459. if (!isSelectFolderDialog && I.files.size()>0) {
  1460. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Text]);
  1461. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Background]);
  1462. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Hover]);
  1463. ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive,ColorSet[Internal::ImGuiCol_Dialog_File_Pressed]);
  1464. for (int i=0,sz=(int)I.files.size();i<sz;i++) {
  1465. const char* fileName = &I.fileNames[i][0];
  1466. if (I.filter.PassFilter(fileName)) {
  1467. if (ImGui::SmallButton(fileName)) {
  1468. if (!isSaveFileDialog) {
  1469. strcpy(rv,I.files[i]);
  1470. = true;
  1471. }
  1472. else {
  1473. Path::GetFileName(I.files[i],I.saveFileName);
  1474. }
  1475. }
  1476. ++cntEntries;
  1477. if (Internal::BrowsingPerRow) ImGui::NextColumn();
  1478. else if (cntEntries==I.numBrowsingEntriesPerColumn) {
  1479. cntEntries = 0;
  1480. ImGui::NextColumn();
  1481. }
  1482. }
  1483. }
  1484. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1485. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1486. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1487. ImGui::PopStyleColor();
  1488. }
  1489. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1490. ImGui::PopID();
  1491. ImGui::EndChild();
  1492. }
  1493. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1494. ImGui::End();
  1495. return rv;
  1496. }
  1497. const char* Dialog::chooseFileDialog(bool dialogTriggerButton,const char* directory,const char* fileFilterExtensionString,const char* windowTitle,const ImVec2& windowSize,const ImVec2& windowPos,const float windowAlpha) {
  1498. if (dialogTriggerButton) {internal->rescan = true;internal->chosenPath[0]='\0';}
  1499. if (dialogTriggerButton || (!internal->rescan && strlen(getChosenPath())==0)) {
  1500. ChooseFileMainMethod(*this,directory,false,false,"",fileFilterExtensionString,windowTitle,windowSize,windowPos,windowAlpha);
  1501. }
  1502. return getChosenPath();
  1503. }
  1504. const char* Dialog::chooseFolderDialog(bool dialogTriggerButton,const char* directory,const char* windowTitle,const ImVec2& windowSize,const ImVec2& windowPos,const float windowAlpha) {
  1505. if (dialogTriggerButton) {internal->rescan = true;internal->chosenPath[0]='\0';}
  1506. if (dialogTriggerButton || (!internal->rescan && strlen(getChosenPath())==0)) {
  1507. ChooseFileMainMethod(*this,directory,true,false,"","",windowTitle,windowSize,windowPos,windowAlpha);
  1508. }
  1509. return getChosenPath();
  1510. }
  1511. const char* Dialog::saveFileDialog(bool dialogTriggerButton,const char* directory,const char* startingFileNameEntry,const char* fileFilterExtensionString,const char* windowTitle,const ImVec2& windowSize,const ImVec2& windowPos,const float windowAlpha) {
  1512. if (dialogTriggerButton) {internal->rescan = true;internal->chosenPath[0]='\0';}
  1513. if (dialogTriggerButton || (!internal->rescan && strlen(getChosenPath())==0)) {
  1514. ChooseFileMainMethod(*this,directory,false,true,startingFileNameEntry,fileFilterExtensionString,windowTitle,windowSize,windowPos,windowAlpha);
  1515. }
  1516. return getChosenPath();
  1517. }
  1518. } // namespace ImGuiFs