Open Source Tomb Raider Engine
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OpenRaider.ini 709B

  1. # OpenRaider configuration file
  2. # File locations
  3. set basedir "~/.OpenRaider"
  4. set pakdir "$(basedir)/paks"
  5. set audiodir "$(basedir)/music"
  6. set datadir "$(basedir)/data"
  7. set font "$(datadir)/test.ttf"
  8. # Not needed for Mac OS X
  9. set gldriver "/usr/lib/"
  10. # Windowing
  11. set size "1280x720"
  12. set fullscreen false
  13. # Audio
  14. set audio true # Enable Audio Output
  15. set volume 0.5
  16. # Input
  17. set mouse_x 0.75
  18. set mouse_y 0.75
  19. bind menu "escape"
  20. bind console "backquote"
  21. bind forward 'w'
  22. bind backward 's'
  23. bind left 'a'
  24. bind right 'd'
  25. bind jump "space"
  26. bind crouch "leftctrl"
  27. bind use "leftmouse"
  28. bind holster "rightmouse"
  29. bind walk "leftshift"