Open Source Tomb Raider Engine
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WorldData.h 3.4KB

  1. /*!
  2. * \file include/WorldData.h
  3. * \brief Structs and enums for the game world (model)
  4. *
  5. * \author Mongoose
  6. * \author xythobuz
  7. */
  8. #ifndef _WORLDDATA_H_
  9. #define _WORLDDATA_H_
  10. #include "math/math.h"
  11. #include "SkeletalModel.h"
  12. // Mirrors TombRaider class' room flags really
  13. typedef enum {
  14. roomFlag_underWater = 0x0001
  15. } room_flags_t;
  16. typedef enum {
  17. worldMoveType_walkNoSwim = -1,
  18. worldMoveType_walk = 0,
  19. worldMoveType_noClipping = 1,
  20. worldMoveType_fly = 2,
  21. worldMoveType_swim = 3
  22. } worldMoveType;
  23. typedef struct {
  24. vec3_t pos;
  25. } vertex_t;
  26. typedef struct {
  27. vec2_t st;
  28. } texel_t;
  29. typedef struct {
  30. int num_verts; //!< 4 == Quad, 3 == Triangle, rendered as triangles
  31. vertex_t vertex[4];
  32. texel_t texel[4];
  33. float pos[3];
  34. float radius; //!< \fixme yeah, I know (I don't? --xythobuz)
  35. int texture;
  36. } sprite_t;
  37. typedef struct {
  38. int num_sprites;
  39. sprite_t *sprite;
  40. } sprite_seq_t;
  41. /*! \fixme For now shaders are textures on tex objects
  42. * and materials on color objects. If -1
  43. * then it doesn't have that information yet.
  44. */
  45. typedef struct {
  46. int index[3];
  47. vec_t st[6];
  48. int texture;
  49. unsigned short transparency;
  50. } texture_tri_t;
  51. typedef struct {
  52. std::vector<texture_tri_t *> texturedTriangles;
  53. std::vector<texture_tri_t *> coloredTriangles;
  54. std::vector<texture_tri_t *> texturedRectangles;
  55. std::vector<texture_tri_t *> coloredRectangles;
  56. vec3_t center;
  57. float radius;
  58. unsigned int vertexCount;
  59. vec_t *vertices;
  60. unsigned int colorCount;
  61. vec_t *colors;
  62. unsigned int normalCount;
  63. vec_t *normals;
  64. } model_mesh_t;
  65. typedef struct entity_s {
  66. int id; //!< Unique identifier
  67. float pos[3]; //!< World position
  68. float angles[3]; //!< Euler angles (pitch, yaw, roll)
  69. int type; //!< {(0x00, item), (0x01, ai), (0x02, player)}
  70. int room; //!< Current room entity is in
  71. worldMoveType moveType; //!< Type of motion/clipping
  72. bool moving; //!< In motion?
  73. struct entity_s *master; //!< Part of entity chain?
  74. int state; //!< State of the Player, AI, or object
  75. int objectId; //!< What kind of entity?
  76. int modelId; //!< Animation model
  77. SkeletalModel *tmpHook;
  78. bool animate;
  79. /*
  80. float time, lastTime;
  81. int state, lastState;
  82. int event, lastEvent;
  83. int goal;
  84. */
  85. } entity_t;
  86. typedef struct {
  87. int index; //!< model_mesh index
  88. float yaw; //!< angle of rotation on Y
  89. float pos[3]; //!< position
  90. //vec3_t bboxMax;
  91. //vec3_t bboxMin;
  92. } static_model_t;
  93. typedef struct {
  94. float vertices[4][3];
  95. float normal[3];
  96. int adjoining_room;
  97. } portal_t;
  98. typedef struct {
  99. vertex_t a;
  100. vertex_t b;
  101. vertex_t c;
  102. vertex_t d;
  103. } box_t;
  104. typedef struct {
  105. vec_t floor;
  106. vec_t ceiling;
  107. bool wall;
  108. } sector_t;
  109. //! \fixme No room mesh list or sprites and etc
  110. typedef struct {
  111. std::vector<int> adjacentRooms;
  112. std::vector<portal_t *> portals;
  113. std::vector<static_model_t *> models;
  114. std::vector<sprite_t *> sprites;
  115. std::vector<box_t *> boxes;
  116. std::vector<sector_t *> sectors;
  117. int id;
  118. unsigned int flags;
  119. unsigned int numXSectors;
  120. unsigned int numZSectors;
  121. float pos[3];
  122. vec3_t bbox_min;
  123. vec3_t bbox_max;
  124. } room_mesh_t;
  125. #endif