Mac OS X gamepad emulator for serial RC transmitters
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readme.rtf 859B

{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;}

\f0\b\fs48 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
Gamepad Driver for Flysky compatible transmitters
\fs72 \

\b0\fs32 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0

\fs28 This project emulates a virtual Gamepad using input data from a serial port. This can be used to enable Flysky CT6A / CT6B compatible transmitters (Turbobrix, Exceed, Modelcraft) in games or simulators.\

\b\fs32 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0

\fs28 You need to install the virtual userspace IOKit HID driver
\i \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\i0 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
(included in this package).}