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pmw3360.c 17KB

  1. /*
  2. * pmw3360.c
  3. *
  4. * Based on:
  5. * - PMW3360 Datasheet
  6. * - https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/blob/master/spi/bme280_spi/bme280_spi.c
  7. *
  8. * Pinout:
  9. * GPIO 16 (pin 21) MISO -> MISO on PMW3360 board
  10. * GPIO 17 (pin 22) CS -> NCS on PMW3360 board
  11. * GPIO 18 (pin 24) SCK -> SCK on PMW3360 board
  12. * GPIO 19 (pin 25) MOSI -> MOSI on PMW3360 board
  13. * 3.3v (pin 36) -> VCC on PMW3360 board
  14. * GND (pin 38) -> GND on PMW3360 board
  15. *
  16. * NOTE: Ensure the PMW3360 breakout board is capable of being driven at 3.3v NOT 5v.
  17. * The Pico GPIO (and therefore SPI) cannot be used at 5v.
  18. */
  19. #include <stdio.h>
  20. #include "pico/stdlib.h"
  21. #include "pico/binary_info.h"
  22. #include "hardware/spi.h"
  23. #include "hardware/watchdog.h"
  24. #include "ff.h"
  25. #include "config.h"
  26. #include "log.h"
  27. #include "util.h"
  28. #include "pmw3360_registers.h"
  29. #include "pmw3360_srom.h"
  30. #include "pmw3360.h"
  31. #define HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS 1000
  32. #if !defined(spi_default) || !defined(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_SCK_PIN) || !defined(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_TX_PIN) || !defined(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_RX_PIN) || !defined(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_CSN_PIN)
  33. #error PMW3360 API requires a board with SPI pins
  34. #endif
  35. static volatile int32_t delta_x = 0, delta_y = 0;
  36. static volatile bool mouse_motion = false;
  37. static uint32_t last_health_check = 0;
  38. #ifdef PMW_IRQ_COUNTERS
  39. static uint64_t pmw_irq_count_all = 0;
  40. static uint64_t pmw_irq_count_motion = 0;
  41. static uint64_t pmw_irq_count_no_motion = 0;
  42. static uint64_t pmw_irq_count_on_surface = 0;
  43. static uint64_t pmw_irq_count_lifted = 0;
  44. static uint64_t pmw_irq_count_run = 0;
  45. static uint64_t pmw_irq_count_rest1 = 0;
  46. static uint64_t pmw_irq_count_rest2 = 0;
  47. static uint64_t pmw_irq_count_rest3 = 0;
  48. #endif // PMW_IRQ_COUNTERS
  49. void pmw_print_status(char *buff, size_t len) {
  50. size_t pos = 0;
  51. bool com = pmw_is_alive();
  52. if (com) {
  53. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, "Communication to PMW3360 is working\r\n");
  54. } else {
  55. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, "ERROR: can not communicate to PMW3360\r\n");
  56. }
  57. #ifdef PMW_IRQ_COUNTERS
  58. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, "Interrupt statistics:\r\n");
  59. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, " pmw_irq_cnt_all = %llu\r\n", pmw_irq_count_all);
  60. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, " pmw_irq_cnt_motion = %llu\r\n", pmw_irq_count_motion);
  61. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, "pmw_irq_cnt_no_move = %llu\r\n", pmw_irq_count_no_motion);
  62. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, "pmw_irq_cnt_surface = %llu\r\n", pmw_irq_count_on_surface);
  63. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, " pmw_irq_cnt_lifted = %llu\r\n", pmw_irq_count_lifted);
  64. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, " pmw_irq_cnt_run = %llu\r\n", pmw_irq_count_run);
  65. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, " pmw_irq_cnt_rest1 = %llu\r\n", pmw_irq_count_rest1);
  66. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, " pmw_irq_cnt_rest2 = %llu\r\n", pmw_irq_count_rest2);
  67. pos += snprintf(buff + pos, len - pos, " pmw_irq_cnt_rest3 = %llu\r\n", pmw_irq_count_rest3);
  68. #endif // PMW_IRQ_COUNTERS
  69. }
  70. struct pmw_motion pmw_get(void) {
  71. struct pmw_motion r;
  72. r.motion = mouse_motion;
  73. r.delta_x = 0;
  74. r.delta_y = 0;
  75. if (r.motion) {
  76. gpio_set_irq_enabled(PMW_MOTION_PIN, GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_LOW, false);
  77. r.delta_x = delta_x;
  78. r.delta_y = delta_y;
  79. delta_x = 0;
  80. delta_y = 0;
  81. gpio_set_irq_enabled(PMW_MOTION_PIN, GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_LOW, true);
  82. }
  83. return r;
  84. }
  85. static inline void pmw_cs_select() {
  86. asm volatile("nop \n nop \n nop");
  87. gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_CSN_PIN, 0); // Active low
  88. asm volatile("nop \n nop \n nop");
  89. }
  90. static inline void pmw_cs_deselect() {
  91. asm volatile("nop \n nop \n nop");
  92. gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_CSN_PIN, 1);
  93. asm volatile("nop \n nop \n nop");
  94. }
  95. static void pmw_write_register(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data) {
  96. pmw_cs_select();
  97. reg |= WRITE_BIT;
  98. spi_write_blocking(spi_default, &reg, 1);
  99. busy_wait_us(15);
  100. spi_write_blocking(spi_default, &data, 1);
  101. busy_wait_us(20);
  102. pmw_cs_deselect();
  103. busy_wait_us(100);
  104. }
  105. static uint8_t pmw_read_register(uint8_t reg) {
  106. pmw_cs_select();
  107. reg &= ~WRITE_BIT;
  108. spi_write_blocking(spi_default, &reg, 1);
  109. busy_wait_us(160);
  110. uint8_t buf = 0;
  111. spi_read_blocking(spi_default, 0, &buf, 1);
  112. busy_wait_us(1);
  113. pmw_cs_deselect();
  114. busy_wait_us(20);
  115. return buf;
  116. }
  117. static void pmw_write_register_burst(uint8_t reg, const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) {
  118. pmw_cs_select();
  119. reg |= WRITE_BIT;
  120. spi_write_blocking(spi_default, &reg, 1);
  121. busy_wait_us(15);
  122. for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  123. spi_write_blocking(spi_default, buf + i, 1);
  124. busy_wait_us(15);
  125. }
  126. pmw_cs_deselect();
  127. busy_wait_us(1);
  128. }
  129. static void pmw_read_register_burst(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) {
  130. pmw_cs_select();
  131. reg &= ~WRITE_BIT;
  132. spi_write_blocking(spi_default, &reg, 1);
  133. busy_wait_us(35);
  134. spi_read_blocking(spi_default, 0, buf, len);
  135. pmw_cs_deselect();
  136. busy_wait_us(1);
  137. }
  138. static uint8_t pmw_srom_download(void) {
  139. // Write 0 to Rest_En bit of Config2 register to disable Rest mode
  140. pmw_write_register(REG_CONFIG2, 0x00);
  141. // Write 0x1d to SROM_Enable register for initializing
  142. pmw_write_register(REG_SROM_ENABLE, 0x1D);
  143. // Wait for 10 ms
  144. busy_wait_ms(10);
  145. // Write 0x18 to SROM_Enable register again to start SROM Download
  146. pmw_write_register(REG_SROM_ENABLE, 0x18);
  147. busy_wait_us(120);
  148. // Write SROM file into SROM_Load_Burst register, 1st data must start with SROM_Load_Burst address.
  149. pmw_write_register_burst(REG_SROM_LOAD_BURST, pmw_fw_data, pmw_fw_length);
  150. busy_wait_us(200);
  151. // Read the SROM_ID register to verify the ID before any other register reads or writes
  152. uint8_t srom_id = pmw_read_register(REG_SROM_ID);
  153. return srom_id;
  154. }
  155. static uint8_t pmw_power_up(void) {
  156. pmw_cs_deselect();
  157. pmw_cs_select();
  158. pmw_cs_deselect();
  159. // Write 0x5A to Power_Up_Reset register
  160. pmw_write_register(REG_POWER_UP_RESET, 0x5A);
  161. // Wait for at least 50ms
  162. busy_wait_ms(50);
  163. // Read from registers 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05 and 0x06 one time
  164. for (uint8_t reg = REG_MOTION; reg <= REG_DELTA_Y_H; reg++) {
  165. pmw_read_register(reg);
  166. }
  167. // Perform SROM download
  168. uint8_t srom_id = pmw_srom_download();
  169. return srom_id;
  170. }
  171. static struct pmw_motion_report pmw_motion_read(void) {
  172. // Write any value to Motion_Burst register
  173. pmw_write_register(REG_MOTION_BURST, 0x42);
  174. // Start reading SPI Data continuously up to 12 bytes
  175. struct pmw_motion_report motion_report;
  176. pmw_read_register_burst(REG_MOTION_BURST, (uint8_t *)&motion_report, sizeof(motion_report));
  177. return motion_report;
  178. }
  179. static uint16_t pmw_srom_checksum(void) {
  180. pmw_write_register(REG_SROM_ENABLE, 0x15);
  181. // Wait for at least 10 ms
  182. busy_wait_ms(10);
  183. uint16_t data = pmw_read_register(REG_DATA_OUT_LOWER);
  184. data |= pmw_read_register(REG_DATA_OUT_UPPER) << 8;
  185. return data;
  186. }
  187. static void pmw_spi_init(void) {
  188. // Use SPI0 at 2MHz
  189. spi_init(spi_default, 2 * 1000 * 1000);
  190. gpio_set_function(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_RX_PIN, GPIO_FUNC_SPI);
  191. gpio_set_function(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_SCK_PIN, GPIO_FUNC_SPI);
  192. gpio_set_function(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_TX_PIN, GPIO_FUNC_SPI);
  193. // Chip select is active-low, so we'll initialise it to a driven-high state
  194. gpio_init(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_CSN_PIN);
  195. gpio_set_dir(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_CSN_PIN, GPIO_OUT);
  196. gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_CSN_PIN, 1);
  197. spi_set_format(spi_default,
  198. 8, // Number of bits per transfer
  199. 1, // Polarity (CPOL)
  200. 1, // Phase (CPHA)
  201. SPI_MSB_FIRST);
  202. // make the SPI pins available to picotool
  204. bi_decl(bi_1pin_with_name(PICO_DEFAULT_SPI_CSN_PIN, "SPI CS"));
  205. }
  206. static void pmw_handle_interrupt(void) {
  207. struct pmw_motion_report motion_report = pmw_motion_read();
  208. #ifdef PMW_IRQ_COUNTERS
  209. pmw_irq_count_all++;
  210. if (motion_report.motion & (1 << REG_MOTION_MOT)) {
  211. pmw_irq_count_motion++;
  212. } else {
  213. pmw_irq_count_no_motion++;
  214. }
  215. if (motion_report.motion & (1 << REG_MOTION_LIFT)) {
  216. pmw_irq_count_lifted++;
  217. } else {
  218. pmw_irq_count_on_surface++;
  219. }
  220. if ((motion_report.motion & (1 << REG_MOTION_OP_1))
  221. && (motion_report.motion & (1 << REG_MOTION_OP_2))) {
  222. pmw_irq_count_rest3++;
  223. } else if (motion_report.motion & (1 << REG_MOTION_OP_1)) {
  224. pmw_irq_count_rest1++;
  225. } else if (motion_report.motion & (1 << REG_MOTION_OP_2)) {
  226. pmw_irq_count_rest2++;
  227. } else {
  228. pmw_irq_count_run++;
  229. }
  230. #endif // PMW_IRQ_COUNTERS
  231. uint16_t delta_x_raw = motion_report.delta_x_l | (motion_report.delta_x_h << 8);
  232. uint16_t delta_y_raw = motion_report.delta_y_l | (motion_report.delta_y_h << 8);
  233. delta_x += convert_two_complement(delta_x_raw);
  234. delta_y += convert_two_complement(delta_y_raw);
  235. mouse_motion = true;
  236. }
  237. static void pmw_motion_irq(void) {
  238. if (gpio_get_irq_event_mask(PMW_MOTION_PIN) & GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_LOW) {
  239. gpio_acknowledge_irq(PMW_MOTION_PIN, GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_LOW);
  240. pmw_handle_interrupt();
  241. }
  242. }
  243. static void pmw_irq_start(void) {
  244. gpio_set_irq_enabled(PMW_MOTION_PIN, GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_LOW, true);
  245. }
  246. static void pmw_irq_stop(void) {
  247. gpio_set_irq_enabled(PMW_MOTION_PIN, GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_LOW, false);
  248. }
  249. void pmw_set_sensitivity(uint8_t sens) {
  250. if (sens > 0x77) {
  251. debug("invalid sense, clamping (0x%X > 0x77)", sens);
  252. sens = 0x77;
  253. }
  254. pmw_irq_stop();
  255. pmw_write_register(REG_CONFIG1, sens);
  256. pmw_write_register(REG_CONFIG5, sens);
  257. pmw_irq_start();
  258. }
  259. uint8_t pmw_get_sensitivity(void) {
  260. pmw_irq_stop();
  261. uint8_t sense_y = pmw_read_register(REG_CONFIG1);
  262. uint8_t sense_x = pmw_read_register(REG_CONFIG5);
  263. if (sense_y != sense_x) {
  264. debug("sensitivity differs for x (0x%02X) and y (0x%02X). resetting.", sense_x, sense_y);
  265. pmw_write_register(REG_CONFIG5, sense_y);
  266. }
  267. pmw_irq_start();
  268. return sense_y;
  269. }
  270. void pmw_set_angle(int8_t angle) {
  271. pmw_irq_stop();
  272. uint8_t tmp = *((uint8_t *)(&angle));
  273. pmw_write_register(REG_ANGLE_TUNE, tmp);
  274. pmw_irq_start();
  275. }
  276. int8_t pmw_get_angle(void) {
  277. pmw_irq_stop();
  278. uint8_t tmp = pmw_read_register(REG_ANGLE_TUNE);
  279. int8_t angle = *((int8_t *)(&tmp));
  280. pmw_irq_start();
  281. return angle;
  282. }
  283. static void pmw_irq_init(void) {
  284. static bool first_init = false;
  285. if (!first_init) {
  286. // setup MOTION pin interrupt to handle reading data
  287. gpio_add_raw_irq_handler(PMW_MOTION_PIN, pmw_motion_irq);
  288. irq_set_enabled(IO_IRQ_BANK0, true);
  289. first_init = true;
  290. }
  291. pmw_irq_start();
  292. // make MOTION pin available to picotool
  293. bi_decl(bi_1pin_with_name(PMW_MOTION_PIN, "PMW3360 MOTION"));
  294. }
  295. bool pmw_is_alive(void) {
  296. bool r = true;
  297. gpio_set_irq_enabled(PMW_MOTION_PIN, GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_LOW, false);
  298. uint8_t prod_id = pmw_read_register(REG_PRODUCT_ID);
  299. uint8_t inv_prod_id = pmw_read_register(REG_INVERSE_PRODUCT_ID);
  300. if (prod_id != ((~inv_prod_id) & 0xFF)) {
  301. r = false;
  302. }
  303. gpio_set_irq_enabled(PMW_MOTION_PIN, GPIO_IRQ_LEVEL_LOW, true);
  304. return r;
  305. }
  306. ssize_t pmw_frame_capture(uint8_t *buff, size_t buffsize) {
  307. if ((buffsize < PMW_FRAME_CAPTURE_LEN) || (buff == NULL)) {
  308. debug("invalid or too small buffer (%u < %u)", buffsize, PMW_FRAME_CAPTURE_LEN);
  309. return -1;
  310. }
  311. pmw_irq_stop();
  312. // write 0 to Rest_En bit of Config2 register to disable Rest mode
  313. pmw_write_register(REG_CONFIG2, 0x00);
  314. // write 0x83 to Frame_Capture register
  315. pmw_write_register(REG_FRAME_CAPTURE, 0x83);
  316. // write 0xC5 to Frame_Capture register
  317. pmw_write_register(REG_FRAME_CAPTURE, 0xC5);
  318. // wait for 20ms
  319. busy_wait_ms(20);
  320. // continue burst read from Raw_data_Burst register until all 1296 raw data are transferred
  321. pmw_read_register_burst(REG_RAW_DATA_BURST, buff, PMW_FRAME_CAPTURE_LEN);
  322. return PMW_FRAME_CAPTURE_LEN;
  323. }
  324. #define PMW_DATA_DUMP_SAMPLES 1000
  325. #define PRINTRAW(fmt, ...) { \
  326. if (serial) { \
  327. print(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
  328. } else { \
  329. int n = snprintf(line, 100, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
  330. UINT bw; \
  331. f_write(&file, line, n, &bw); \
  332. } \
  333. }
  334. void pmw_dump_data(bool serial) {
  335. char line[100];
  336. FIL file;
  337. if (!serial) {
  338. FRESULT res = f_open(&file, "pmw_data.csv", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
  339. if (res != FR_OK) {
  340. debug("error: f_open returned %d", res);
  341. return;
  342. }
  343. }
  344. struct pmw_motion_report buff[PMW_DATA_DUMP_SAMPLES];
  345. println("Will now capture %u data samples from PMW3360", PMW_DATA_DUMP_SAMPLES);
  346. println("Move trackball to generate some data!");
  347. pmw_irq_stop();
  348. for (size_t i = 0; i < PMW_DATA_DUMP_SAMPLES; i++) {
  349. // wait until MOTION pin is set
  350. while (gpio_get(PMW_MOTION_PIN)) {
  351. watchdog_update();
  352. }
  353. buff[i] = pmw_motion_read();
  354. }
  355. if (serial) {
  356. println();
  357. } else {
  358. println("Now writing data");
  359. }
  360. PRINTRAW("time,motion,observation,delta_x,delta_y,squal,raw_sum,raw_max,raw_min,shutter\r\n");
  361. for (size_t i = 0; i < PMW_DATA_DUMP_SAMPLES; i++) {
  362. watchdog_update();
  363. uint16_t delta_x_raw = buff[i].delta_x_l | (buff[i].delta_x_h << 8);
  364. uint16_t delta_y_raw = buff[i].delta_y_l | (buff[i].delta_y_h << 8);
  365. uint16_t shutter_raw = buff[i].shutter_lower | (buff[i].shutter_upper << 8);
  366. PRINTRAW("%llu,", to_us_since_boot(get_absolute_time()));
  367. PRINTRAW("%u,", buff[i].motion);
  368. PRINTRAW("%u,", buff[i].observation);
  369. PRINTRAW("%ld,", convert_two_complement(delta_x_raw));
  370. PRINTRAW("%ld,", convert_two_complement(delta_y_raw));
  371. PRINTRAW("%u,", buff[i].squal);
  372. PRINTRAW("%u,", buff[i].raw_data_sum);
  373. PRINTRAW("%u,", buff[i].maximum_raw_data);
  374. PRINTRAW("%u,", buff[i].minimum_raw_data);
  375. PRINTRAW("%u\r\n", shutter_raw);
  376. }
  377. if (serial) {
  378. println();
  379. }
  380. pmw_irq_start();
  381. if (!serial) {
  382. FRESULT res = f_close(&file);
  383. if (res != FR_OK) {
  384. debug("error: f_close returned %d", res);
  385. }
  386. }
  387. }
  388. int pmw_init(void) {
  389. // initializing takes a while (~160ms)
  390. watchdog_update();
  391. pmw_irq_stop();
  392. pmw_spi_init();
  393. uint8_t srom_id = pmw_power_up();
  394. uint8_t prod_id = pmw_read_register(REG_PRODUCT_ID);
  395. uint8_t inv_prod_id = pmw_read_register(REG_INVERSE_PRODUCT_ID);
  396. uint16_t srom_checksum = pmw_srom_checksum();
  397. #ifdef PMW_PRINT_IDS
  398. uint8_t rev_id = pmw_read_register(REG_REVISION_ID);
  399. debug("SROM ID: 0x%02X", srom_id);
  400. debug("Product ID: 0x%02X", prod_id);
  401. debug("~ Prod. ID: 0x%02X", inv_prod_id);
  402. debug("Revision ID: 0x%02X", rev_id);
  403. debug("SROM CRC: 0x%04X", srom_checksum);
  404. #endif // PMW_PRINT_IDS
  405. if (prod_id != ((~inv_prod_id) & 0xFF)) {
  406. debug("SPI communication error (0x%02X != ~0x%02X)", prod_id, inv_prod_id);
  407. return -1;
  408. }
  409. if ((srom_id != pmw_fw_id) || (srom_checksum != pmw_fw_crc)) {
  410. if (srom_id != pmw_fw_id) {
  411. debug("PMW3360 error: invalid SROM ID (0x%02X != 0x%02X)", srom_id, pmw_fw_id);
  412. }
  413. if (srom_checksum != pmw_fw_crc) {
  414. debug("PMW3360 error: invalid SROM CRC (0x%04X != 0x%04X)", srom_checksum, pmw_fw_crc);
  415. }
  416. debug("this may require a power-cycle to fix!");
  417. return -1;
  418. }
  419. // Write 0x00 to Config2 register for wired mouse or 0x20 for wireless mouse design
  421. pmw_write_register(REG_CONFIG2, 0x20);
  422. #else // ! PMW_FEATURE_WIRELESS
  423. pmw_write_register(REG_CONFIG2, 0x00);
  424. #endif // PMW_FEATURE_WIRELESS
  425. // Set sensitivity for each axis
  426. pmw_write_register(REG_CONFIG2, pmw_read_register(REG_CONFIG2) | 0x04);
  427. pmw_set_sensitivity(DEFAULT_MOUSE_SENSITIVITY);
  428. // Set lift-detection threshold to 3mm (max)
  429. pmw_write_register(REG_LIFT_CONFIG, 0x03);
  430. pmw_set_angle(DEFAULT_MOUSE_ANGLE);
  431. pmw_irq_init();
  432. return 0;
  433. }
  434. void pmw_run(void) {
  435. uint32_t now = to_ms_since_boot(get_absolute_time());
  436. if (now >= (last_health_check + HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS)) {
  437. last_health_check = now;
  438. if (!pmw_is_alive()) {
  439. debug("PMW3360 is dead. resetting!");
  440. reset_to_main();
  441. }
  442. }
  443. }