#!/usr/bin/env python from influxdb import InfluxDBClient import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib from datetime import datetime # config host = '' port = 8086 user = 'root' password = 'root' dbname = 'giessomat' # data client = InfluxDBClient(host, port, user, password, dbname) print("Querying DB " + dbname + " on " + host) result = client.query('SELECT "id", "duration" FROM "plant";') #print("Result: {0}".format(result)) data = list(result.get_points()) print("Got " + str(len(data)) + " datapoints") #print(data) ids = list(set([ d['id'] for d in data ])) ids.sort() #ids = ['1'] print("IDs found: " + str(ids)) values = [] times = [] durations = [] for id in ids: values.append([d for d in data if d['id'] == id]) times.append([datetime.strptime(d['time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') for d in data if d['id'] == id]) durations.append([d['duration'] for d in data if d['id'] == id]) s1 = 0.0 s2 = 0.0 c2 = 0 for i in range(len(ids)): s = 0.0 for j in range(len(durations[i])): s += durations[i][j] s2 += durations[i][j] c2 += 1 avg = s / len(durations[i]) print("ID=" + ids[i] + " sum=" + str(s) + " len=" + str(len(durations[i])) + " avg=" + str(avg)) s1 += avg avg1 = s1 / len(ids) avg2 = s2 / c2 print("avg1=" + str(avg1) + " avg2=" + str(avg2)) # plot results plt.ioff() # --------------------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i in range(len(ids)): cumulative = [] for j in range(len(durations[i])): if j == 0: cumulative.append(durations[i][j]) else: cumulative.append(cumulative[j - 1] + durations[i][j]) dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(times[i]) ax.plot_date(dates, cumulative, '-', label='id ' + ids[i]) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Duration') ax.set_title('Cumulative Watering Durations') ax.legend() # --------------------------- smoothing_value = 3.0 fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i in range(len(ids)): cumulative = [] for j in range(len(durations[i])): if j == 0: cumulative.append(durations[i][j]) else: cumulative.append(cumulative[j - 1] + durations[i][j]) cumulative_clean = [] time_clean = [] xr = iter(range(len(durations[i]) - 1)) try: for j in xr: dx_dt = (times[i][j + 1] - times[i][j]) dx = dx_dt.seconds / 24 / 60 / 60 + dx_dt.days if dx <= smoothing_value: #print("combining diff=" + str(dx)) time_clean.append(times[i][j + 1]) cumulative_clean.append(cumulative[j + 1]) next(xr) else: time_clean.append(times[i][j]) cumulative_clean.append(cumulative[j]) except: pass cumulative_clean_2 = [] time_clean_2 = [] xr = iter(range(len(cumulative_clean) - 1)) try: for j in xr: dx_dt = (time_clean[j + 1] - time_clean[j]) dx = dx_dt.seconds / 24 / 60 / 60 + dx_dt.days if dx <= smoothing_value: #print("combining diff=" + str(dx)) time_clean_2.append(time_clean[j + 1]) cumulative_clean_2.append(cumulative_clean[j + 1]) next(xr) else: time_clean_2.append(time_clean[j]) cumulative_clean_2.append(cumulative_clean[j]) except: pass dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(time_clean_2) ax.plot_date(dates, cumulative_clean_2, '-', label='id ' + ids[i]) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Duration') ax.set_title('Smoothed Cumulative Watering Durations') ax.legend() # --------------------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i in range(len(ids)): cumulative = [] for j in range(len(durations[i])): if j == 0: cumulative.append(durations[i][j]) else: cumulative.append(cumulative[j - 1] + durations[i][j]) cumulative_clean = [] time_clean = [] xr = iter(range(len(durations[i]) - 1)) try: for j in xr: dx_dt = (times[i][j + 1] - times[i][j]) dx = dx_dt.seconds / 24 / 60 / 60 + dx_dt.days if dx <= smoothing_value: #print("combining diff=" + str(dx)) time_clean.append(times[i][j + 1]) cumulative_clean.append(cumulative[j + 1]) next(xr) else: time_clean.append(times[i][j]) cumulative_clean.append(cumulative[j]) except: pass cumulative_clean_2 = [] time_clean_2 = [] xr = iter(range(len(cumulative_clean) - 1)) try: for j in xr: dx_dt = (time_clean[j + 1] - time_clean[j]) dx = dx_dt.seconds / 24 / 60 / 60 + dx_dt.days if dx <= smoothing_value: #print("combining diff=" + str(dx)) time_clean_2.append(time_clean[j + 1]) cumulative_clean_2.append(cumulative_clean[j + 1]) next(xr) else: time_clean_2.append(time_clean[j]) cumulative_clean_2.append(cumulative_clean[j]) except: pass rate_of_change = [] for j in range(len(cumulative_clean_2)): if j < len(cumulative_clean_2) - 1: dy = cumulative_clean_2[j + 1] - cumulative_clean_2[j] dx_dt = (time_clean_2[j + 1] - time_clean_2[j]) dx = dx_dt.seconds / 24 / 60 / 60 + dx_dt.days roc = dy / dx #print(str(time_clean_2[j]) + " " + str(dy) + " / " + str(dx) + " = " + str(roc)) rate_of_change.append(roc) dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(time_clean_2) ax.plot_date(dates[:-1], rate_of_change, '-', label='id ' + ids[i]) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Rate of Change') ax.set_title('RoC of Cumulative Watering Durations') ax.legend() # --------------------------- plt.show()