/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Thomas Buck * * This file is part of Giess-o-mat. * * Giess-o-mat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Giess-o-mat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Giess-o-mat. If not, see . */ #include "Plants.h" #include "DebugLog.h" #include "Statemachine.h" #include "config.h" Statemachine::DigitBuffer::DigitBuffer(int _size) { size = _size; pos = 0; digits = new int[size]; } Statemachine::DigitBuffer::~DigitBuffer() { delete digits; } bool Statemachine::DigitBuffer::spaceLeft(void) { return (pos < size); } bool Statemachine::DigitBuffer::hasDigits(void) { return (pos > 0); } int Statemachine::DigitBuffer::countDigits(void) { return pos; } void Statemachine::DigitBuffer::addDigit(int d) { if (spaceLeft()) { digits[pos] = d; pos++; } } void Statemachine::DigitBuffer::removeDigit(void) { if (hasDigits()) { pos--; } } void Statemachine::DigitBuffer::clear(void) { pos = 0; } uint32_t Statemachine::DigitBuffer::getNumber(void) { uint32_t fact = 1; uint32_t sum = 0; for (int i = (pos - 1); i >= 0; i--) { sum += digits[i] * fact; fact *= 10; } return sum; } static const char *state_names[] = { stringify(init), stringify(menu), stringify(auto_mode), stringify(auto_fert), stringify(auto_fert_run), stringify(auto_tank_run), stringify(auto_plant), stringify(auto_plant_run), stringify(auto_done), stringify(menu_pumps), stringify(menu_pumps_time), stringify(menu_pumps_go), stringify(menu_pumps_run), stringify(menu_pumps_done), stringify(menu_valves), stringify(menu_valves_time), stringify(menu_valves_go), stringify(menu_valves_run), stringify(menu_valves_done), stringify(error) }; const char *Statemachine::getStateName(void) { return state_names[state]; } Statemachine::Statemachine(print_fn _print, backspace_fn _backspace) : db(7), selected_plants(plants.countPlants()) { state = init; old_state = init; print = _print; backspace = _backspace; selected_id = 0; selected_time = 0; start_time = 0; stop_time = 0; last_animation_time = 0; error_condition = ""; } void Statemachine::begin(void) { switch_to(init); } void Statemachine::input(int n) { if (state == init) { switch_to(menu); } else if (state == menu) { if (n == 1) { switch_to(auto_mode); } else if (n == 2) { switch_to(menu_pumps); } else if (n == 3) { switch_to(menu_valves); } else if ((n == -1) || (n == -2)) { switch_to(init); } } else if (state == auto_mode) { if (n == 1) { switch_to(auto_fert); } else if (n == 2) { auto wl = plants.getWaterlevel(); if ((wl != Plants::full) && (wl != Plants::invalid)) { plants.openWaterInlet(); selected_id = plants.countPlants() + 1; selected_time = MAX_TANK_FILL_TIME; start_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_tank_run); } else if (wl == Plants::full) { stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_mode); } else if (wl == Plants::invalid) { error_condition = "Invalid sensor state"; state = auto_mode; switch_to(error); } } else if (n == 3) { selected_plants.clear(); switch_to(auto_plant); } else if ((n == -1) || (n == -2)) { switch_to(menu); } } else if (state == auto_fert) { if ((n >= 1) && (n <= 3)) { auto wl = plants.getWaterlevel(); if ((wl != Plants::full) && (wl != Plants::invalid)) { plants.startFertilizer(n - 1); selected_id = n; selected_time = AUTO_PUMP_RUNTIME; start_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_fert_run); } else if (wl == Plants::full) { stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_mode); } else if (wl == Plants::invalid) { error_condition = "Invalid sensor state"; state = auto_mode; switch_to(error); } } else if ((n == -1) || (n == -2)) { switch_to(auto_mode); } } else if (state == auto_fert_run) { plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_done); } else if (state == auto_tank_run) { plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_done); } else if (state == auto_plant) { if (n == -1) { if (db.hasDigits()) { backspace(); db.removeDigit(); } else { switch_to(auto_mode); } } else if (n == -2) { if (!db.hasDigits()) { auto wl = plants.getWaterlevel(); if ((wl != Plants::empty) && (wl != Plants::invalid)) { for (int i = 0; i < plants.countPlants(); i++) { if (selected_plants.isSet(i)) { plants.startPlant(i); } } selected_plants.clear(); selected_time = MAX_AUTO_PLANT_RUNTIME; start_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_plant_run); } else if (wl == Plants::empty) { stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_mode); } else if (wl == Plants::invalid) { error_condition = "Invalid sensor state"; state = auto_mode; switch_to(error); } } else { selected_id = number_input(); if ((selected_id <= 0) || (selected_id > plants.countPlants())) { error_condition = "Invalid plant ID!"; switch_to(error); } else { selected_plants.set(selected_id - 1); switch_to(auto_plant); } } } else { if (db.spaceLeft()) { db.addDigit(n); } else { backspace(); } } } else if (state == auto_plant_run) { plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_done); } else if (state == auto_done) { switch_to(auto_mode); } else if (state == menu_pumps) { if (n == -1) { if (db.hasDigits()) { backspace(); db.removeDigit(); } else { switch_to(menu); } } else if (n == -2) { if (!db.hasDigits()) { return; } selected_id = number_input(); if ((selected_id <= 0) || (selected_id > plants.countFertilizers())) { error_condition = "Invalid pump ID!"; switch_to(error); } else { switch_to(menu_pumps_time); } } else { if (db.spaceLeft()) { db.addDigit(n); } else { backspace(); } } } else if (state == menu_pumps_time) { if (n == -1) { if (db.hasDigits()) { backspace(); db.removeDigit(); } else { switch_to(menu_pumps); } } else if (n == -2) { if (!db.hasDigits()) { return; } selected_time = number_input(); if ((selected_time <= 0) || (selected_time > MAX_PUMP_RUNTIME)) { error_condition = "Invalid time range!"; switch_to(error); } else { switch_to(menu_pumps_go); } } else { if (db.spaceLeft()) { db.addDigit(n); } else { backspace(); } } } else if (state == menu_pumps_go) { if (n == -2) { start_time = millis(); last_animation_time = start_time; auto wl = plants.getWaterlevel(); if ((wl != Plants::full) && (wl != Plants::invalid)) { plants.startFertilizer(selected_id - 1); switch_to(menu_pumps_run); } else if (wl == Plants::full) { stop_time = millis(); switch_to(menu_pumps_done); } else if (wl == Plants::invalid) { error_condition = "Invalid sensor state"; state = menu_pumps; switch_to(error); } } else { switch_to(menu_pumps_time); } } else if (state == menu_pumps_run) { plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(menu_pumps_done); } else if (state == menu_pumps_done) { switch_to(menu); } else if (state == menu_valves) { if (n == -1) { if (db.hasDigits()) { backspace(); db.removeDigit(); } else { switch_to(menu); } } else if (n == -2) { if (!db.hasDigits()) { return; } selected_id = number_input(); if ((selected_id <= 0) || (selected_id > (plants.countPlants() + 1))) { error_condition = "Invalid valve ID!"; switch_to(error); } else { switch_to(menu_valves_time); } } else { if (db.spaceLeft()) { db.addDigit(n); } else { backspace(); } } } else if (state == menu_valves_time) { if (n == -1) { if (db.hasDigits()) { backspace(); db.removeDigit(); } else { switch_to(menu_valves); } } else if (n == -2) { if (!db.hasDigits()) { return; } selected_time = number_input(); if ((selected_time <= 0) || (selected_time > MAX_VALVE_RUNTIME)) { error_condition = "Invalid time range!"; switch_to(error); } else { switch_to(menu_valves_go); } } else { if (db.spaceLeft()) { db.addDigit(n); } else { backspace(); } } } else if (state == menu_valves_go) { if (n == -2) { start_time = millis(); last_animation_time = start_time; auto wl = plants.getWaterlevel(); if ((wl != Plants::full) && (wl != Plants::invalid)) { if (selected_id >= (plants.countPlants() + 1)) { plants.openWaterInlet(); } else { plants.startPlant(selected_id - 1); } switch_to(menu_valves_run); } else if (wl == Plants::full) { stop_time = millis(); switch_to(menu_valves_done); } else if (wl == Plants::invalid) { error_condition = "Invalid sensor state"; state = menu_valves; switch_to(error); } } else { switch_to(menu_valves_time); } } else if (state == menu_valves_run) { plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(menu_valves_done); } else if (state == menu_valves_done) { switch_to(menu); } else if (state == error) { if (old_state != error) { switch_to(old_state); } else { switch_to(menu); } } } uint32_t Statemachine::number_input(void) { for (int i = 0; i < db.countDigits(); i++) { backspace(); } uint32_t n = db.getNumber(); db.clear(); debug.print("Whole number input: "); debug.println(n); return n; } void Statemachine::act(void) { if ((state == menu_pumps_run) || (state == menu_valves_run)) { unsigned long runtime = millis() - start_time; if ((runtime / 1000UL) >= selected_time) { // stop if timeout has been reached plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to((state == menu_pumps_run) ? menu_pumps_done : menu_valves_done); } else if ((millis() - last_animation_time) >= 500) { // update animation if needed last_animation_time = millis(); switch_to(state); } } #ifdef CHECK_SENSORS_VALVE_PUMP_MENU_FULL if ((state == menu_pumps_run) || ((state == menu_valves_run) && (selected_id == (plants.countPlants() + 1)))) { // check water level state auto wl = plants.getWaterlevel(); if (wl == Plants::full) { plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to((state == menu_pumps_run) ? menu_pumps_done : menu_valves_done); } else if (wl == Plants::invalid) { plants.abort(); error_condition = "Invalid sensor state"; state = (state == menu_pumps_run) ? menu_pumps : menu_valves; switch_to(error); } } #endif // CHECK_SENSORS_VALVE_PUMP_MENU_FULL #ifdef CHECK_SENSORS_VALVE_PUMP_MENU_EMPTY if ((state == menu_valves_run) && (selected_id <= plants.countPlants())) { // check water level state auto wl = plants.getWaterlevel(); if (wl == Plants::empty) { plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(menu_valves_done); } else if (wl == Plants::invalid) { plants.abort(); error_condition = "Invalid sensor state"; state = menu_valves; switch_to(error); } } #endif // CHECK_SENSORS_VALVE_PUMP_MENU_EMPTY if ((state == auto_fert_run) || (state == auto_tank_run)) { unsigned long runtime = millis() - start_time; if ((runtime / 1000UL) >= selected_time) { // stop if timeout has been reached plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_done); } else if ((millis() - last_animation_time) >= 500) { // update animation if needed last_animation_time = millis(); switch_to(state); } // check water level state auto wl = plants.getWaterlevel(); if (wl == Plants::full) { plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_done); } else if (wl == Plants::invalid) { plants.abort(); error_condition = "Invalid sensor state"; state = auto_mode; switch_to(error); } } if (state == auto_plant_run) { unsigned long runtime = millis() - start_time; if ((runtime / 1000UL) >= selected_time) { // stop if timeout has been reached plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_done); } else if ((millis() - last_animation_time) >= 500) { // update animation if needed last_animation_time = millis(); switch_to(state); } // check water level state auto wl = plants.getWaterlevel(); if (wl == Plants::empty) { plants.abort(); stop_time = millis(); switch_to(auto_done); } else if (wl == Plants::invalid) { plants.abort(); error_condition = "Invalid sensor state"; state = auto_mode; switch_to(error); } } } void Statemachine::switch_to(States s) { old_state = state; state = s; if (s == init) { String a = String("- Giess-o-mat V") + FIRMWARE_VERSION + String(" -"); print(a.c_str(), "Usage: Enter number", "* Delete prev. digit", "# Execute input num.", -1); } else if (s == menu) { print("------- Menu -------", "1: Automatic program", "2: Fertilizer pumps", "3: Outlet valves", -1); } else if (s == auto_mode) { print("------- Auto -------", "1: Add Fertilizer", "2: Fill Reservoir", "3: Water a plant", -1); } else if (s == auto_fert) { print("---- Fertilizer ----", "1: Vegetation Phase", "2: Bloom Phase", "3: Special", -1); } else if (s == auto_fert_run) { unsigned long runtime = millis() - start_time; String a = String("Runtime: ") + String(runtime / 1000UL) + String("s / ") + String(selected_time) + String('s'); unsigned long anim = runtime * 20UL / (selected_time * 1000UL); String b; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < anim; i++) { b += '#'; } print("---- Dispensing ----", a.c_str(), b.c_str(), "Hit any key to stop!", -1); } else if (s == auto_tank_run) { unsigned long runtime = millis() - start_time; String a = String("Runtime: ") + String(runtime / 1000UL) + String("s / ") + String(selected_time) + String('s'); unsigned long anim = runtime * 20UL / (selected_time * 1000UL); String b; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < anim; i++) { b += '#'; } print("--- Filling Tank ---", a.c_str(), b.c_str(), "Hit any key to stop!", -1); } else if (s == auto_plant) { String a = String("(Input 1 to ") + String(plants.countPlants()) + String(")"); print("--- Select Plant ---", "Leave empty if done!", a.c_str(), "Plant: ", 3); } else if (s == auto_plant_run) { unsigned long runtime = millis() - start_time; String a = String("Runtime: ") + String(runtime / 1000UL) + String("s / ") + String(selected_time) + String('s'); unsigned long anim = runtime * 20UL / (selected_time * 1000UL); String b; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < anim; i++) { b += '#'; } print("----- Watering -----", a.c_str(), b.c_str(), "Hit any key to stop!", -1); } else if (s == auto_done) { String a = String("after ") + String((stop_time - start_time) / 1000UL) + String("s."); print("------- Done -------", "Dispensing finished", a.c_str(), "Hit any key for menu", -1); } else if (s == menu_pumps) { String a = String("(Input 1 to ") + String(plants.countFertilizers()) + String(")"); print("------- Pump -------", "Please select pump", a.c_str(), "Pump: ", 3); } else if (s == menu_pumps_time) { String header = String("------ Pump ") + String(selected_id) + String(" ------"); print(header.c_str(), "Please set runtime", "(Input in seconds)", "Runtime: ", 3); } else if (s == menu_pumps_go) { String a = String("Pump No. ") + String(selected_id); String b = String("Runtime ") + String(selected_time) + String('s'); print("----- Confirm? -----", a.c_str(), b.c_str(), " # Confirm", -1); } else if (s == menu_pumps_run) { unsigned long runtime = millis() - start_time; String a = String("Runtime: ") + String(runtime / 1000UL) + String("s / ") + String(selected_time) + String('s'); unsigned long anim = runtime * 20UL / (selected_time * 1000UL); String b; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < anim; i++) { b += '#'; } print("---- Dispensing ----", a.c_str(), b.c_str(), "Hit any key to stop!", -1); } else if (s == menu_pumps_done) { String a = String("after ") + String((stop_time - start_time) / 1000UL) + String("s."); print("------- Done -------", "Dispensing finished", a.c_str(), "Hit any key for menu", -1); } else if (s == menu_valves) { String a = String("(Input 1 to ") + String(plants.countPlants() + 1) + String(")"); print("------ Valves ------", "Please select valve", a.c_str(), "Valve: ", 3); } else if (s == menu_valves_time) { String header = String("----- Valve ") + String(selected_id) + String(" -----"); print(header.c_str(), "Please set runtime", "(Input in seconds)", "Runtime: ", 3); } else if (s == menu_valves_go) { String a = String("Valve No. ") + String(selected_id); String b = String("Runtime ") + String(selected_time) + String('s'); print("----- Confirm? -----", a.c_str(), b.c_str(), " # Confirm", -1); } else if (s == menu_valves_run) { unsigned long runtime = millis() - start_time; String a = String("Runtime: ") + String(runtime / 1000UL) + String("s / ") + String(selected_time) + String('s'); unsigned long anim = runtime * 20UL / (selected_time * 1000UL); String b; for (unsigned long i = 0; i <= anim; i++) { b += '#'; } print("---- Dispensing ----", a.c_str(), b.c_str(), "Hit any key to stop!", -1); } else if (s == menu_valves_done) { String a = String("after ") + String((stop_time - start_time) / 1000UL) + String("s."); print("------- Done -------", "Dispensing finished", a.c_str(), "Hit any key for menu", -1); } else if (s == error) { print("------ Error! ------", "There is a problem:", error_condition.c_str(), " Press any key...", -1); } }