/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Thomas Buck * * This file is part of Giess-o-mat. * * Giess-o-mat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Giess-o-mat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Giess-o-mat. If not, see . */ #include #include "wifi.h" #include "config.h" #include "config_pins.h" #include "DebugLog.h" #include "Functionality.h" #ifdef FUNCTION_UI #ifndef FUNCTION_CONTROL #include #include CircularBuffer keybuffer; String linebuffer[4]; bool sm_is_idle(void) { return true; } #endif // ! FUNCTION_CONTROL #include "SerialLCD.h" #include "Keymatrix.h" SerialLCD lcd(SERIAL_LCD_TX_PIN); Keymatrix keys(KEYMATRIX_ROWS, KEYMATRIX_COLS); int keymatrix_pins[KEYMATRIX_ROWS + KEYMATRIX_COLS] = { KEYMATRIX_ROW_PINS, KEYMATRIX_COL_PINS }; unsigned long last_input_time = 0; bool backlight_state = true; bool doing_multi_input = false; #endif // FUNCTION_UI #ifdef FUNCTION_CONTROL #include #include "Plants.h" #include "Statemachine.h" #include "WifiStuff.h" Plants plants(VALVE_COUNT, PUMP_COUNT, SWITCH_COUNT, AUX_COUNT); int valve_pins[VALVE_COUNT] = { VALVE_PINS }; int pump_pins[PUMP_COUNT] = { PUMP_PINS }; int switch_pins[SWITCH_COUNT] = { SWITCH_PINS }; int aux_pins[AUX_COUNT] = { AUX_PINS }; int kickstart_pins[VALVE_COUNT - 1] = { KICKSTART_PINS }; Statemachine sm(write_to_all, backspace); bool sm_is_idle(void) { return sm.isIdle(); } #if defined(TELEGRAM_TOKEN) || defined(MQTT_HOST) void sm_bot_abort(void) { sm.bot_abort(); } void sm_bot_start_auto(BoolField ferts, BoolField plants) { sm.bot_start_auto(ferts, plants); } #endif // TELEGRAM_TOKEN || MQTT_HOST #endif // FUNCTION_CONTROL // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void write_lcd_to_serial(const char *a, const char *b, const char *c, const char *d) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLE_LCD_OUTPUT_ON_SERIAL int la = strlen(a); int lb = strlen(b); int lc = strlen(c); int ld = strlen(d); Serial.println(); Serial.println(" ----------------------"); Serial.print("| "); Serial.print(a); if (la < 20) { for (int i = 0; i < (20 - la); i++) { Serial.print(' '); } } Serial.println(" |"); Serial.print("| "); Serial.print(b); if (lb < 20) { for (int i = 0; i < (20 - lb); i++) { Serial.print(' '); } } Serial.println(" |"); Serial.print("| "); Serial.print(c); if (lc < 20) { for (int i = 0; i < (20 - lc); i++) { Serial.print(' '); } } Serial.println(" |"); Serial.print("| "); Serial.print(d); if (ld < 20) { for (int i = 0; i < (20 - ld); i++) { Serial.print(' '); } } Serial.println(" |"); Serial.println(" ----------------------"); Serial.println("Please provide keypad input:"); #endif // DEBUG_ENABLE_LCD_OUTPUT_ON_SERIAL } void handle_input(int n) { #ifdef FUNCTION_CONTROL sm.input(n); #else keybuffer.push(n); #endif // FUNCTION_CONTROL } void input_serial(void) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLE_KEYPAD_INPUT_ON_SERIAL if (Serial.available() > 0) { #ifdef FUNCTION_UI last_input_time = millis(); if (!backlight_state) { backlight_state = true; lcd.setBacklight(255); } #endif // FUNCTION_UI int c = Serial.read(); if (c == '*') { Serial.write(c); Serial.write('\n'); #ifdef FUNCTION_UI if (doing_multi_input) { char s[2] = { (char)(c), '\0' }; lcd.write(s); } #endif // FUNCTION_UI handle_input(-1); } else if (c == '#') { Serial.write(c); Serial.write('\n'); #ifdef FUNCTION_UI if (doing_multi_input) { char s[2] = { (char)(c), '\0' }; lcd.write(s); } #endif // FUNCTION_UI handle_input(-2); } else if (c == '\n') { Serial.write('#'); Serial.write('\n'); #ifdef FUNCTION_UI if (doing_multi_input) { char s[2] = { '#', '\0' }; lcd.write(s); } #endif // FUNCTION_UI handle_input(-2); } else if (c == '\b') { Serial.write(c); handle_input(-1); } else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { Serial.write(c); #ifdef FUNCTION_UI if (!doing_multi_input) { Serial.write('\n'); } if (doing_multi_input) { char s[2] = { (char)(c), '\0' }; lcd.write(s); } #endif // FUNCTION_UI handle_input(c - '0'); } } #endif // DEBUG_ENABLE_KEYPAD_INPUT_ON_SERIAL } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FUNCTION_UI #ifndef FUNCTION_CONTROL void ui_i2c_request(void) { if (keybuffer.isEmpty()) { Wire.write(252); return; } debug.print("ui_i2c_request: "); while (!keybuffer.isEmpty()) { int n = keybuffer.shift(); if (n == -1) { n = 254; } else if (n == -2) { n = 253; } else if ((n < 0) || (n > 9)) { continue; } debug.print(n); debug.print(", "); Wire.write(n); } debug.println(); } void ui_i2c_receive(int count) { char buff[I2C_BUF_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < I2C_BUF_SIZE; i++) { buff[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; (i < count) && (Wire.available()); i++) { buff[i] = Wire.read(); } if (count <= 0) { debug.println("ui_i2c_receive: count is 0"); return; } if (buff[0] == 0x01) { if (count < 3) { debug.println("ui_i2c_receive: blink lcd too short"); return; } int n = buff[1]; int wait = buff[2] * 10; debug.println("ui_i2c_receive: blink lcd command"); blink_lcd(n, wait); } else if (buff[0] == 0x02) { debug.println("ui_i2c_receive: backspace command"); backspace(); } else if (buff[0] == 0x03) { if (count < 3) { debug.println("ui_i2c_receive: display far too short"); return; } int line = buff[1]; int len = buff[2]; String s; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { s += buff[3 + i]; } debug.println("ui_i2c_receive: display command"); linebuffer[line] = s; } else if (buff[0] == 0x04) { if (count < 2) { debug.println("ui_i2c_receive: num input too short"); return; } int8_t num_input = buff[1]; debug.println("ui_i2c_receive: num input"); write_to_all(linebuffer[0].c_str(), linebuffer[1].c_str(), linebuffer[2].c_str(), linebuffer[3].c_str(), num_input); } else { debug.println("ui_i2c_receive: unknown command"); return; } } #endif // ! FUNCTION_CONTROL void ui_setup(void) { keys.setPins(keymatrix_pins); debug.println("Setting up LCD, please wait"); delay(1000); // give LCD some time to boot lcd.init(); lcd.disableSplash(); #ifdef DEBUG_WAIT_FOR_SERIAL_CONN lcd.write(0, "Waiting for serial"); lcd.write(1, "connection on debug"); lcd.write(2, "USB port..."); while (!Serial); lcd.clear(); #endif // DEBUG_WAIT_FOR_SERIAL_CONN #ifndef FUNCTION_CONTROL debug.println("Initializing I2C Slave"); Wire.begin(OWN_I2C_ADDRESS); Wire.onReceive(ui_i2c_receive); Wire.onRequest(ui_i2c_request); String a = String("- Giess-o-mat V") + FIRMWARE_VERSION + String(" -"); String b = String(" Address 0x") + String(OWN_I2C_ADDRESS, HEX) + String(" "); lcd.write(0, a.c_str()); lcd.write(1, " I2C UI Panel "); lcd.write(2, "Waiting for data...."); lcd.write(3, b.c_str()); #endif // ! FUNCTION_CONTROL } void input_keypad(void) { keys.scan(); while (keys.hasEvent()) { auto ke = keys.getEvent(); if (ke.getType() == Keymatrix::Event::button_down) { last_input_time = millis(); if (!backlight_state) { backlight_state = true; lcd.setBacklight(255); // swallow input when used to activate light continue; } int n = ke.getNum(); debug.print("Got keypad input: \""); if (n < 0) { debug.print((n == -1) ? '*' : '#'); } else { debug.print(n); if (doing_multi_input) { char s[2] = { (char)(n + '0'), '\0' }; lcd.write(s); } } debug.println("\""); blink_lcd(1, 100); handle_input(n); } } } void ui_run(void) { input_keypad(); input_serial(); if (backlight_state && (millis() >= (last_input_time + DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT_TIMEOUT))) { backlight_state = false; lcd.setBacklight(0); } } void write_to_all(const char *a, const char *b, const char *c, const char *d, int num_input) { lcd.clear(); if (num_input >= 0) { lcd.write(0, a); if (num_input >= 1) { lcd.write(1, b); } if (num_input >= 2) { lcd.write(2, c); } if (num_input >= 3) { lcd.write(3, d); } lcd.cursor(3); doing_multi_input = true; } else { lcd.write(0, a); lcd.write(1, b); lcd.write(2, c); lcd.write(3, d); lcd.cursor(0); doing_multi_input = false; } write_lcd_to_serial(a, b, c, d); } void backspace(void) { lcd.write("\b"); } void blink_lcd(int n, int wait) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { lcd.setBacklight(0); delay(wait); lcd.setBacklight(255); if (i < (n - 1)) delay(wait); } } #endif // FUNCTION_UI // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef FUNCTION_CONTROL const char *control_state_name(void) { return sm.getStateName(); } void control_act_input(int n) { sm.input(n); } Plants *get_plants(void) { return &plants; } void control_setup(void) { debug.println("Initializing I2C Master"); Wire.setClock(I2C_BUS_SPEED); #if defined(I2C_SDA_PIN) && defined(I2C_SCL_PIN) Wire.begin(I2C_SDA_PIN, I2C_SCL_PIN); #else Wire.begin(); #endif // defined(I2C_SDA_PIN) && defined(I2C_SCL_PIN) gpio_i2c_init(); #ifdef DEBUG_WAIT_FOR_SERIAL_CONN debug.println("Wait for Serial"); while (!Serial); #endif // DEBUG_WAIT_FOR_SERIAL_CONN debug.println("Initializing GPIOs"); plants.setValvePins(valve_pins); plants.setPumpPins(pump_pins); plants.setSwitchPins(switch_pins, true); plants.setAuxPins(aux_pins); plants.setKickstartPins(kickstart_pins); } void control_begin(void) { sm.begin(); } void control_run(void) { #ifndef FUNCTION_UI Wire.requestFrom(OWN_I2C_ADDRESS, I2C_BUF_SIZE); while (Wire.available()) { int c = Wire.read(); if (((c >= 0) && (c <= 9)) || (c == 254) || (c == 253)) { debug.print("control_run: got input '"); debug.print(c); debug.println("'"); if (c == 254) { c = -1; } else if (c == 253) { c = -2; } sm.input(c); } } input_serial(); #endif // ! FUNCTION_UI sm.act(); } #ifndef FUNCTION_UI void blink_lcd(int n, int wait) { debug.println("blink_lcd i2c"); Wire.beginTransmission(OWN_I2C_ADDRESS); Wire.write(0x01); // blink command Wire.write(n); // count Wire.write(wait / 10); // time Wire.endTransmission(); } void backspace(void) { debug.println("backspace i2c"); Wire.beginTransmission(OWN_I2C_ADDRESS); Wire.write(0x02); // backspace command Wire.endTransmission(); } void write_to_all(const char *a, const char *b, const char *c, const char *d, int num_input) { const char *lines[4] = { a, b, c, d }; //debug.println("write_to_all i2c"); // rarely some lines don't update delay(50); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Wire.beginTransmission(OWN_I2C_ADDRESS); Wire.write(0x03); // display command Wire.write(i); int l = strlen(lines[i]); Wire.write(l); for (int n = 0; n < l; n++) { Wire.write(lines[i][n]); } Wire.endTransmission(); } Wire.beginTransmission(OWN_I2C_ADDRESS); Wire.write(0x04); // button command Wire.write((int8_t)num_input); Wire.endTransmission(); write_lcd_to_serial(a, b, c, d); #ifdef PLATFORM_ESP wifi_set_message_buffer(a, b, c, d); wifi_send_status_broadcast(); #endif // PLATFORM_ESP } #endif // ! FUNCTION_UI #endif // FUNCTION_CONTROL