MQTT smart home web interface
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Thomas Buck 6b64afe5a2 add giessomat state 1 рік тому
lights add giessomat state 1 рік тому
.gitignore add sensors, credentials.js file 1 рік тому implement living room switches. load last tab on page refresh. 1 рік тому initial commit 1 рік тому tweak layout 1 рік тому

Lights Web

Simple Bootstrap webinterface to control room lights via MQTT.

Getting Started

To set up the MQTT broker credentials, run the following commands:

echo "const mqttUsername = 'MQTT_USERNAME'" > lights/credentials.js
echo "const mqttPassword = 'MQTT_PASSWORD'" >> lights/credentials.js
echo "const mqttUrl = 'wss://MQTT_HOST:MQTT_PORT'" >> lights/credentials.js

Then run and open http://localhost:8080 to access local test instance.
