Overview: 1) Install Sublime 2) Install Deviot (?optional?) 3) Install WebDevShell (this will execute the auto-build script) 4) Copy the menu configuration to the proper Sublime directory 5) Add platformio to your path (usually not needed) Sublime with autobuild Tools Install Package Control Tools Command Palette Package Control: Install Package type in deviot and click on it Tools Command Palette Package Control: Install Package type in WebDevShell and click on it in Sublime, open Marlin directory with "platformio.ini" in it starting in the top level directory, go to the folder "Buildroot/shared/Sublime" copy the folder "auto_build_sublime_menu" and contents to: Windows \Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages Linux /home/your_user_name/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User macOS (Click on the Finder's 'Go' menu and hold down Option to open...) ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User The menu should now be visible If you get an error message that says "file not found" and "subprocess.Popen(['platformio' ... " then you'll need to add platformio to your path. macOS sudo nano /etc/paths add these to the bottom /Users/bob/.platformio /Users/bob/.platformio/penv/bin