# This HAL is for the STM32F765 board "The Borg" used with STM32Generic Arduino core by danieleff. # Original core is located at: https://github.com/danieleff/STM32GENERIC but i have not committed the changes needed for the Borg there yet, so please use: https://github.com/Spawn32/STM32GENERIC Unzip it into [Arduino]/hardware folder Download the latest GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain: https://developer.arm.com/open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads (The one in Arduino dosen't support STM32F7). Change compiler.path in platform.txt to point to that you downloaded. # This HAL is in development. # Currently only tested on "The Borg". You will also need the latest Arduino 1.9.0-beta or newer. This HAL is a modified version of Chris Barr's Picoprint STM32F4 HAL, so shouldn't be to hard to get it to work on a F4.