# # offset_and_rename.py # # - If 'build.offset' is provided, either by JSON or by the environment... # - Set linker flag LD_FLASH_OFFSET and relocate the VTAB based on 'build.offset'. # - Set linker flag LD_MAX_DATA_SIZE based on 'build.maximum_ram_size'. # - Define STM32_FLASH_SIZE from 'upload.maximum_size' for use by Flash-based EEPROM emulation. # # - For 'board_build.rename' add a post-action to rename the firmware file. # import pioutil if pioutil.is_pio_build(): import os,sys,marlin Import("env") from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment board = DefaultEnvironment().BoardConfig() board_keys = board.get("build").keys() # # For build.offset define LD_FLASH_OFFSET, used by ldscript.ld # if 'offset' in board_keys: LD_FLASH_OFFSET = board.get("build.offset") marlin.relocate_vtab(LD_FLASH_OFFSET) # Flash size maximum_flash_size = int(board.get("upload.maximum_size") / 1024) marlin.replace_define('STM32_FLASH_SIZE', maximum_flash_size) # Get upload.maximum_ram_size (defined by /buildroot/share/PlatformIO/boards/VARIOUS.json) maximum_ram_size = board.get("upload.maximum_ram_size") for i, flag in enumerate(env["LINKFLAGS"]): if "-Wl,--defsym=LD_FLASH_OFFSET" in flag: env["LINKFLAGS"][i] = "-Wl,--defsym=LD_FLASH_OFFSET=" + LD_FLASH_OFFSET if "-Wl,--defsym=LD_MAX_DATA_SIZE" in flag: env["LINKFLAGS"][i] = "-Wl,--defsym=LD_MAX_DATA_SIZE=" + str(maximum_ram_size - 40) # # For build.encrypt rename and encode the firmware file. # if 'encrypt' in board_keys: # Encrypt ${PROGNAME}.bin and save it with the name given in build.encrypt def encrypt(source, target, env): marlin.encrypt_mks(source, target, env, board.get("build.encrypt")) if board.get("build.encrypt") != "": marlin.add_post_action(encrypt) # # For build.rename simply rename the firmware file. # if 'rename' in board_keys: def rename_target(source, target, env): firmware = os.path.join(target[0].dir.path, board.get("build.rename")) os.replace(target[0].path, firmware) marlin.add_post_action(rename_target)