My Marlin configs for Fabrikator Mini and CTC i3 Pro B
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Sd2Card.h 9.1KB

  1. /**
  2. * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
  3. * Copyright (C) 2016 MarlinFirmware []
  4. *
  5. * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
  6. * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
  7. *
  8. * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  9. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  10. * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  11. * (at your option) any later version.
  12. *
  13. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  14. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  16. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  17. *
  18. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  19. * along with this program. If not, see <>.
  20. *
  21. */
  22. /**
  23. * Arduino Sd2Card Library
  24. * Copyright (C) 2009 by William Greiman
  25. *
  26. * This file is part of the Arduino Sd2Card Library
  27. */
  28. #include "Marlin.h"
  30. #ifndef Sd2Card_h
  31. #define Sd2Card_h
  32. /**
  33. * \file
  34. * \brief Sd2Card class for V2 SD/SDHC cards
  35. */
  36. #include "SdFatConfig.h"
  37. #include "SdInfo.h"
  38. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. // SPI speed is F_CPU/2^(1 + index), 0 <= index <= 6
  40. /** Set SCK to max rate of F_CPU/2. See Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
  41. uint8_t const SPI_FULL_SPEED = 0;
  42. /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/4. See Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
  43. uint8_t const SPI_HALF_SPEED = 1;
  44. /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/8. See Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
  45. uint8_t const SPI_QUARTER_SPEED = 2;
  46. /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/16. See Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
  47. uint8_t const SPI_EIGHTH_SPEED = 3;
  48. /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/32. See Sd2Card::setSckRate(). */
  49. uint8_t const SPI_SIXTEENTH_SPEED = 4;
  50. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. /** init timeout ms */
  52. uint16_t const SD_INIT_TIMEOUT = 2000;
  53. /** erase timeout ms */
  54. uint16_t const SD_ERASE_TIMEOUT = 10000;
  55. /** read timeout ms */
  56. uint16_t const SD_READ_TIMEOUT = 300;
  57. /** write time out ms */
  58. uint16_t const SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 600;
  59. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. // SD card errors
  61. /** timeout error for command CMD0 (initialize card in SPI mode) */
  62. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD0 = 0X1;
  63. /** CMD8 was not accepted - not a valid SD card*/
  64. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD8 = 0X2;
  65. /** card returned an error response for CMD12 (write stop) */
  66. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD12 = 0X3;
  67. /** card returned an error response for CMD17 (read block) */
  68. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD17 = 0X4;
  69. /** card returned an error response for CMD18 (read multiple block) */
  70. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD18 = 0X5;
  71. /** card returned an error response for CMD24 (write block) */
  72. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD24 = 0X6;
  73. /** WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS command failed */
  74. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD25 = 0X7;
  75. /** card returned an error response for CMD58 (read OCR) */
  76. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD58 = 0X8;
  77. /** SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT failed */
  78. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ACMD23 = 0X9;
  79. /** ACMD41 initialization process timeout */
  80. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ACMD41 = 0XA;
  81. /** card returned a bad CSR version field */
  82. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_BAD_CSD = 0XB;
  83. /** erase block group command failed */
  84. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ERASE = 0XC;
  85. /** card not capable of single block erase */
  86. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ERASE_SINGLE_BLOCK = 0XD;
  87. /** Erase sequence timed out */
  88. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ERASE_TIMEOUT = 0XE;
  89. /** card returned an error token instead of read data */
  90. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ = 0XF;
  91. /** read CID or CSD failed */
  92. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ_REG = 0X10;
  93. /** timeout while waiting for start of read data */
  94. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ_TIMEOUT = 0X11;
  95. /** card did not accept STOP_TRAN_TOKEN */
  96. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_STOP_TRAN = 0X12;
  97. /** card returned an error token as a response to a write operation */
  98. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE = 0X13;
  99. /** attempt to write protected block zero */
  100. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_BLOCK_ZERO = 0X14; // REMOVE - not used
  101. /** card did not go ready for a multiple block write */
  102. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_MULTIPLE = 0X15;
  103. /** card returned an error to a CMD13 status check after a write */
  104. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_PROGRAMMING = 0X16;
  105. /** timeout occurred during write programming */
  106. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 0X17;
  107. /** incorrect rate selected */
  108. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_SCK_RATE = 0X18;
  109. /** init() not called */
  110. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_INIT_NOT_CALLED = 0X19;
  111. /** crc check error */
  112. uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CRC = 0X20;
  113. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. // card types
  115. /** Standard capacity V1 SD card */
  116. uint8_t const SD_CARD_TYPE_SD1 = 1;
  117. /** Standard capacity V2 SD card */
  118. uint8_t const SD_CARD_TYPE_SD2 = 2;
  119. /** High Capacity SD card */
  120. uint8_t const SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC = 3;
  121. /**
  122. * define SOFTWARE_SPI to use bit-bang SPI
  123. */
  124. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. #if MEGA_SOFT_SPI && (defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__)||defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__))
  126. #define SOFTWARE_SPI
  127. #elif USE_SOFTWARE_SPI
  128. #define SOFTWARE_SPI
  129. #endif // MEGA_SOFT_SPI
  130. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. // SPI pin definitions - do not edit here - change in SdFatConfig.h
  132. //
  134. // hardware pin defs
  135. /** The default chip select pin for the SD card is SS. */
  136. uint8_t const SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN = SS_PIN;
  137. // The following three pins must not be redefined for hardware SPI.
  138. /** SPI Master Out Slave In pin */
  139. uint8_t const SPI_MOSI_PIN = MOSI_PIN;
  140. /** SPI Master In Slave Out pin */
  141. uint8_t const SPI_MISO_PIN = MISO_PIN;
  142. /** SPI Clock pin */
  143. uint8_t const SPI_SCK_PIN = SCK_PIN;
  144. #else // SOFTWARE_SPI
  145. /** SPI chip select pin */
  146. uint8_t const SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN = SOFT_SPI_CS_PIN;
  147. /** SPI Master Out Slave In pin */
  148. uint8_t const SPI_MOSI_PIN = SOFT_SPI_MOSI_PIN;
  149. /** SPI Master In Slave Out pin */
  150. uint8_t const SPI_MISO_PIN = SOFT_SPI_MISO_PIN;
  151. /** SPI Clock pin */
  152. uint8_t const SPI_SCK_PIN = SOFT_SPI_SCK_PIN;
  153. #endif // SOFTWARE_SPI
  154. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. /**
  156. * \class Sd2Card
  157. * \brief Raw access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards.
  158. */
  159. class Sd2Card {
  160. public:
  161. /** Construct an instance of Sd2Card. */
  162. Sd2Card() : errorCode_(SD_CARD_ERROR_INIT_NOT_CALLED), type_(0) {}
  163. uint32_t cardSize();
  164. bool erase(uint32_t firstBlock, uint32_t lastBlock);
  165. bool eraseSingleBlockEnable();
  166. /**
  167. * Set SD error code.
  168. * \param[in] code value for error code.
  169. */
  170. void error(uint8_t code) {errorCode_ = code;}
  171. /**
  172. * \return error code for last error. See Sd2Card.h for a list of error codes.
  173. */
  174. int errorCode() const {return errorCode_;}
  175. /** \return error data for last error. */
  176. int errorData() const {return status_;}
  177. /**
  178. * Initialize an SD flash memory card with default clock rate and chip
  179. * select pin. See sd2Card::init(uint8_t sckRateID, uint8_t chipSelectPin).
  180. *
  181. * \return true for success or false for failure.
  182. */
  183. bool init(uint8_t sckRateID = SPI_FULL_SPEED,
  184. uint8_t chipSelectPin = SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN);
  185. bool readBlock(uint32_t block, uint8_t* dst);
  186. /**
  187. * Read a card's CID register. The CID contains card identification
  188. * information such as Manufacturer ID, Product name, Product serial
  189. * number and Manufacturing date.
  190. *
  191. * \param[out] cid pointer to area for returned data.
  192. *
  193. * \return true for success or false for failure.
  194. */
  195. bool readCID(cid_t* cid) {
  196. return readRegister(CMD10, cid);
  197. }
  198. /**
  199. * Read a card's CSD register. The CSD contains Card-Specific Data that
  200. * provides information regarding access to the card's contents.
  201. *
  202. * \param[out] csd pointer to area for returned data.
  203. *
  204. * \return true for success or false for failure.
  205. */
  206. bool readCSD(csd_t* csd) {
  207. return readRegister(CMD9, csd);
  208. }
  209. bool readData(uint8_t* dst);
  210. bool readStart(uint32_t blockNumber);
  211. bool readStop();
  212. bool setSckRate(uint8_t sckRateID);
  213. /** Return the card type: SD V1, SD V2 or SDHC
  214. * \return 0 - SD V1, 1 - SD V2, or 3 - SDHC.
  215. */
  216. int type() const {return type_;}
  217. bool writeBlock(uint32_t blockNumber, const uint8_t* src);
  218. bool writeData(const uint8_t* src);
  219. bool writeStart(uint32_t blockNumber, uint32_t eraseCount);
  220. bool writeStop();
  221. private:
  222. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  223. uint8_t chipSelectPin_;
  224. uint8_t errorCode_;
  225. uint8_t spiRate_;
  226. uint8_t status_;
  227. uint8_t type_;
  228. // private functions
  229. uint8_t cardAcmd(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) {
  230. cardCommand(CMD55, 0);
  231. return cardCommand(cmd, arg);
  232. }
  233. uint8_t cardCommand(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg);
  234. bool readData(uint8_t* dst, uint16_t count);
  235. bool readRegister(uint8_t cmd, void* buf);
  236. void chipSelectHigh();
  237. void chipSelectLow();
  238. void type(uint8_t value) {type_ = value;}
  239. bool waitNotBusy(uint16_t timeoutMillis);
  240. bool writeData(uint8_t token, const uint8_t* src);
  241. };
  242. #endif // Sd2Card_h
  243. #endif