# `picowota` - Raspberry Pi Pico W OTA bootloader > `picowota`, kinda sounds like you're speaking [Belter](https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Belter) This project implements a bootloader for the Raspberry Pi Pico W which allows upload of program code over WiFi ("Over The Air"). The easiest way to use it is to include this repository as a submodule in the application which you want to be able to update over WiFi. There's an example project using picowota at https://github.com/usedbytes/picowota_blink The simplest way to build `picowota` by itself is: ``` mkdir build cd build export PICOWOTA_WIFI_SSID=picowota export PICOWOTA_WIFI_PASS=password export PICOWOTA_WIFI_AP=1 cmake -DPICO_BOARD=pico_w -DPICO_SDK_PATH=/your/path/to/pico-sdk ../ make ``` ## Using in your project First add `picowota` as a submodule to your project: ``` git submodule add https://github.com/usedbytes/picowota git submodule update --init picowota git commit -m "Add picowota submodule" ``` Then modifiy your project's CMakeLists.txt to include the `picowota` directory: ``` add_subdirectory(picowota) ``` `picowota` either connects to an existing WiFi network (by default) or creates one, in both cases with the given SSID and password. You can either provide the following as environment variables, or set them as CMake variables: ``` PICOWOTA_WIFI_SSID # The WiFi network SSID PICOWOTA_WIFI_PASS # The WiFi network password PICOWOTA_WIFI_AP # Optional; 0 = connect to the network, 1 = create it ``` Then, you can either build just your standalone app binary (suitable for updating via `picowota` when it's already on the Pico), or a combined binary which contains the bootloader and the app (suitable for flashing the first time): ``` picowota_build_standalone(my_executable_name) picowota_build_combined(my_executable_name) ``` Note: The combined target will also build the standalone binary. To be able to update your app, you must provide a way to return to the bootloader. By default, if GPIO15 is pulled low at boot time, then `picowota` will stay in bootloader mode, ready to receive new app code. You can also return to the bootloader from your app code - for example when a button is pressed, or in response to some network request. The `picowota_reboot` library provides a `picowota_reboot(bool to_bootloader)` function, which your app can call to get back in to the bootloader. ``` CMakeLists.txt: target_link_libraries(my_executable_name picowota_reboot) your_c_code.c: #include "picowota/reboot.h" ... { ... if (should_reboot_to_bootloader) { picowota_reboot(true); } ... } ``` ## Uploading code via `picowota` Once you've got the `picowota` bootloader installed on your Pico, you can use the https://github.com/usedbytes/serial-flash tool to upload code to it. As long as the Pico is "in" the `picowota` bootloader (i.e. because there's no valid app code uploaded yet, or your app called `picowota_reboot(true);`), you can upload an app `.elf` file which was built by `picowota_build_standalone()`: If using the AP mode, the Pico's IP address will be (at the time of writing), and the connected device's something in the same subnet. Otherwise it depends on your network settings. (Assuming your Pico's IP address is ``` serial-flash tcp: my_executable_name.elf ``` After uploading the code, if successful, the Pico will jump to the newly uploaded app. ## How it works This is derived from my Pico non-W bootloader, https://github.com/usedbytes/rp2040-serial-bootloader, which I wrote about in a blog post: https://blog.usedbytes.com/2021/12/pico-serial-bootloader/ The bootloader code attempts to avoid "bricking" by storing a CRC of the app code which gets uploaded. If the CRC doesn't match, then the app won't get run and the Pico will stay in `picowota` bootloader mode. This should make it fairly robust against errors in transfers etc. ## Known issues ### Bootloader/app size and `cyw43` firmware The WiFi chip on a Pico W needs firmware, which gets built in to any program you build with the Pico SDK. This is relatively large - 300-400 kB, which is why this bootloader is so large. This gets duplicated in the `picowota` bootloader binary and _also_ the app binary, which obviously uses up a significant chunk of the Pico's 2 MB flash. It would be nice to be able to avoid this duplication, but the Pico SDK libraries don't give a mechanism to do so. I've raised https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk/issues/928 for consideration.