Python RGB Matrix games and animations
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # Uses the Gitea API to fetch the latest revision of the project from a repo.
  3. #
  4. # Inspired by:
  5. #
  6. #
  7. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. # "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
  9. # <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice
  10. # you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you
  11. # think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Thomas Buck
  12. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. import util
  14. import sys
  15. import os
  16. import gc
  17. # to check if we're actually running on MicroPython
  18. on_pico = False
  19. try:
  20. import machine
  21. on_pico = True
  22. except Exception as e:
  23. print()
  24. if hasattr(sys, "print_exception"):
  25. sys.print_exception(e)
  26. else:
  27. print(e)
  28. print()
  29. class PicoOTA:
  30. def __init__(self, host, repo, branch = None):
  31. = host
  32. self.repo = repo
  33. self.branch = branch
  34. self.get = None
  35. self.update_path = "."
  36. self.exe_path = ""
  37. self.version_file = "ota_version"
  38. self.blacklist = []
  39. self.gui = None
  40. self.text = None
  41. def ui(self, g, t):
  42. self.gui = g
  43. self.text = t
  44. def path(self, p):
  45. self.update_path = p
  46. def exe(self, e):
  47. self.exe_path = e
  48. def ignore(self, path):
  49. if not path in self.blacklist:
  50. self.blacklist.append(path)
  51. def fetch(self, url):
  52. # lazily initialize WiFi
  53. if self.get == None:
  54. self.get = util.getRequests()
  55. if self.get == None:
  56. return None
  57. try:
  58. #print("GET " + url)
  59. r = self.get(url)
  60. # explitic close on Response object not needed,
  61. # handled internally by r.content / r.text / r.json()
  62. # to avoid this automatic behaviour, first access r.content
  63. # to trigger caching it in response object, then close
  64. # socket.
  65. tmp = r.content
  66. if hasattr(r, "raw"):
  67. if r.raw != None:
  68. r.raw.close()
  69. r.raw = None
  70. return r
  71. except Exception as e:
  72. print()
  73. if hasattr(sys, "print_exception"):
  74. sys.print_exception(e)
  75. else:
  76. print(e)
  77. print()
  78. return None
  79. def get_stored_commit(self):
  80. current = "unknown"
  81. try:
  82. f = open(self.update_path + "/" + self.version_file, "r")
  83. current = f.readline().strip()
  84. f.close()
  85. except Exception as e:
  86. print()
  87. if hasattr(sys, "print_exception"):
  88. sys.print_exception(e)
  89. else:
  90. print(e)
  91. print()
  92. return current
  93. def get_previous_commit(self, commit):
  94. r = self.fetch( + "/" + self.repo + "/commit/" + commit).text
  95. for line in r.splitlines():
  96. if not (self.repo + "/commit/") in line:
  97. continue
  98. line = line[line.find("/commit/") : ][8 : ][ : 40]
  99. if line != commit:
  100. return line
  101. return "unknown"
  102. def check(self, verbose = False):
  103. if self.branch == None:
  104. # get default branch
  105. r = self.fetch( + "/api/v1/repos/" + self.repo).json()
  106. self.branch = r["default_branch"]
  107. if verbose:
  108. print("Selected default branch " + self.branch)
  109. # check for latest commit in branch
  110. r = self.fetch( + "/api/v1/repos/" + self.repo + "/branches/" + self.branch).json()
  111. commit = r["commit"]["id"]
  112. if verbose:
  113. print("Latest commit is " + commit)
  114. current = self.get_stored_commit()
  115. if verbose:
  116. if current != commit:
  117. print("Current commit " + current + " is different!")
  118. else:
  119. print("No update required")
  120. return (current != commit, commit)
  121. def update_to_commit(self, commit, verbose = False):
  122. # list all files for a commit
  123. r = self.fetch( + "/api/v1/repos/" + self.repo + "/git/trees/" + commit).json()
  124. # TODO does not support sub-folders
  125. if verbose:
  126. if len(r["tree"]) > 0:
  127. print(str(len(r["tree"])) + " files in repo:")
  128. for f in r["tree"]:
  129. if f["path"] in self.blacklist:
  130. print(" - (IGNORED) " + f["path"])
  131. else:
  132. print(" - " + f["path"])
  133. else:
  134. print("No files in repo?!")
  135. for f in r["tree"]:
  136. if f["path"] in self.blacklist:
  137. continue
  138. if (self.gui != None) and (self.text != None):
  139. self.gui.loop_start()
  140. self.text.fg = (255, 255, 0)
  141. self.text.setText("OTA", "bitmap6")
  142. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 0, False)
  143. self.text.fg = (255, 0, 255)
  144. self.text.setText(commit[ 0 : 5], "bitmap6")
  145. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 1, False)
  146. self.text.fg = (0, 255, 255)
  147. self.text.setText("Get", "bitmap6")
  148. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 2, False)
  149. self.text.fg = (0, 255, 0)
  150. self.text.setText(f["path"][0 : 5], "bitmap6")
  151. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 3, False)
  152. self.text.setText(f["path"][5 : ], "bitmap6")
  153. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 4, False)
  154. self.gui.loop_end()
  155. gc.collect()
  156. if hasattr(gc, "mem_free"):
  157. print("Collected Garbage:", gc.mem_free())
  158. # get a file from a commit
  159. r = self.fetch( + "/" + self.repo + "/raw/commit/" + commit + "/" + f["path"]).text
  160. if verbose:
  161. print("Writing " + f["path"] + " to " + self.update_path)
  162. if (self.gui != None) and (self.text != None):
  163. self.gui.loop_start()
  164. self.text.fg = (255, 255, 0)
  165. self.text.setText("OTA", "bitmap6")
  166. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 0, False)
  167. self.text.fg = (255, 0, 255)
  168. self.text.setText(commit[ 0 : 5], "bitmap6")
  169. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 1, False)
  170. self.text.fg = (255, 0, 0)
  171. self.text.setText("Write", "bitmap6")
  172. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 2, False)
  173. self.text.fg = (0, 255, 0)
  174. self.text.setText(f["path"][0 : 5], "bitmap6")
  175. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 3, False)
  176. self.text.setText(f["path"][5 : ], "bitmap6")
  177. self.text.draw(0, 6 * 4, False)
  178. self.gui.loop_end()
  179. # overwrite existing file
  180. fo = open(self.update_path + "/" + f["path"], "w")
  181. fo.write(r)
  182. fo.close()
  183. if f["path"] == self.exe_path:
  184. if verbose:
  185. print("Writing " + f["path"] + " to")
  186. fo = open(self.update_path + "/", "w")
  187. fo.write(r)
  188. fo.close()
  189. # Write new commit id to local file
  190. f = open(self.update_path + "/" + self.version_file, "w")
  191. f.write(commit + "\n")
  192. f.close()
  193. def non_pico_ota_test(ota):
  194. if not os.path.exists("tmp"):
  195. os.makedirs("tmp")
  196. ota.path("tmp")
  197. print("Checking for updates")
  198. newer, commit = ota.check(True)
  199. print()
  200. # Just for testing
  201. previous = ota.get_previous_commit(commit)
  202. print("Previous commit (-1):", previous)
  203. previous = ota.get_previous_commit(previous)
  204. print("Previous commit (-2):", previous)
  205. print()
  206. if newer:
  207. print("Updating")
  208. ota.update_to_commit(commit, True)
  209. else:
  210. print("No update required")
  211. if on_pico:
  212. from pico import PicoText
  213. i = util.getInput()
  214. t = util.getTarget(i)
  215. s = PicoText(t)
  216. def pico_ota_run(ota):
  217. gc.collect()
  218. print("Collected Garbage:", gc.mem_free())
  219. t.loop_start()
  220. s.fg = (255, 255, 0)
  221. s.setText("OTA", "bitmap6")
  222. s.draw(0, 6 * 0, False)
  223. s.fg = (0, 255, 255)
  224. s.setText("Check", "bitmap6")
  225. s.draw(0, 6 * 2, False)
  226. t.loop_end()
  227. gc.collect()
  228. print("Collected Garbage:", gc.mem_free())
  229. print("Checking for updates")
  230. newer, commit = ota.check(True)
  231. gc.collect()
  232. print("Collected Garbage:", gc.mem_free())
  233. if newer:
  234. t.loop_start()
  235. s.fg = (255, 255, 0)
  236. s.setText("OTA", "bitmap6")
  237. s.draw(0, 6 * 0, False)
  238. s.fg = (255, 0, 255)
  239. s.setText(commit[ 0 : 5], "bitmap6")
  240. s.draw(0, 6 * 1, False)
  241. s.setText(commit[ 5 : 10], "bitmap6")
  242. s.draw(0, 6 * 2, False)
  243. s.setText(commit[10 : 15], "bitmap6")
  244. s.draw(0, 6 * 3, False)
  245. s.setText(commit[15 : 20], "bitmap6")
  246. s.draw(0, 6 * 4, False)
  247. t.loop_end()
  248. print("Updating to:", commit)
  249. ota.update_to_commit(commit, True)
  250. print("Resetting")
  251. machine.soft_reset()
  252. else:
  253. t.loop_start()
  254. s.fg = (255, 255, 0)
  255. s.setText("OTA", "bitmap6")
  256. s.draw(0, 6 * 0, False)
  257. s.fg = (0, 255, 0)
  258. s.setText("Done!", "bitmap6")
  259. s.draw(0, 6 * 1, False)
  260. s.fg = (255, 0, 255)
  261. s.setText("Boot", "bitmap6")
  262. s.draw(0, 6 * 2, False)
  263. s.fg = (0, 255, 255)
  264. s.setText(""[0 : 5], "bitmap6")
  265. s.draw(0, 6 * 3, False)
  266. s.setText(""[5 : ], "bitmap6")
  267. s.draw(0, 6 * 4, False)
  268. t.loop_end()
  269. fallback = False
  270. try:
  271. gc.collect()
  272. print("Collected Garbage:", gc.mem_free())
  273. print("Starting Application")
  274. import camp_pico
  275. except Exception as e:
  276. print()
  277. if hasattr(sys, "print_exception"):
  278. sys.print_exception(e)
  279. else:
  280. print(e)
  281. print()
  282. print("Falling back to previous")
  283. fallback = True
  284. # TODO this would immediately cause another update on reboot
  285. # TODO set a flag to prevent updates after fallbacks?
  286. # TODO or better, blacklist failed commit_id!
  287. #if fallback:
  288. # previous = ota.get_previous_commit(commit, True)
  289. # ota.update_to_commit(previous, True)
  290. # machine.soft_reset()
  291. ota = PicoOTA("", "thomas/rgb-matrix-visualizer")
  292. # stuff not needed on Pico
  293. ota.ignore(".gitignore")
  294. ota.ignore("")
  295. ota.ignore("")
  296. ota.ignore("")
  297. ota.ignore("fonts")
  298. ota.ignore("hardware")
  299. ota.ignore("images")
  300. ota.ignore("")
  301. ota.ignore("")
  302. ota.ignore("")
  303. ota.ignore("")
  304. ota.ignore("")
  305. if not on_pico:
  306. non_pico_ota_test(ota)
  307. else:
  308. ota.exe("")
  309. ota.ui(t, s)
  310. pico_ota_run(ota)