S&B Volcano vaporizer remote control with Pi Pico W
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  1. // https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/Pico-LCD-1.3
  2. lcd_w = 52.0;
  3. lcd_h = 26.5;
  4. lcd_d = 1.0; // todo
  5. // https://www.printables.com/model/210898-raspberry-pi-pico-case
  6. use <pico_case.scad>
  7. p_w = 21;
  8. p_h = 51;
  9. p_t = 1.0;
  10. pico_header_h = 2.0; // todo
  11. lcd_header_h = 10.0; // todo
  12. header_h = pico_header_h + lcd_header_h;
  13. module lcd() {
  14. color("blue")
  15. translate([-lcd_h / 2, -lcd_w / 2, 0])
  16. cube([lcd_h, lcd_w, lcd_d]);
  17. }
  18. module hw() {
  19. translate([0, 0, header_h])
  20. lcd();
  21. translate([p_w / 2, -p_h / 2, 0])
  22. rotate([0, 180, 0])
  23. pico();
  24. }
  25. hw();