123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225 |
- /*
- * case.scad
- *
- * https://github.com/kauzerei/OpensCadaver/blob/main/models/pico_stuff.scad
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2023 Kauzerei (openautolab@kauzerei.de)
- * Copyright (c) 2023 Thomas Buck (thomas@xythobuz.de)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- // prev [bottom,top,button,print,OPT_assembly]
- part = "OPT_assembly"; //[bottom,OPT_assembly]
- wall = 1.5;
- // https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/Pico-LCD-1.3
- lcd_w = 52.0;
- lcd_h = 26.5;
- lcd_d = 1.55;
- // https://www.printables.com/model/210898-raspberry-pi-pico-case
- use <pico_case.scad>
- p_w = 21;
- p_h = 51;
- p_t = 1.0;
- p_usb_h = 2.8;
- usb_cut_w = 8.5;
- usb_cut_h = p_usb_h + 0.4;
- pico_header_h = 2.6;
- lcd_header_h = 9.0;
- pico_slot_w = p_w + 1.2;
- pico_slot_h = p_h + 1.6;
- extra=4; //lip on the lid that presses top pcb down
- thread=3;
- air=0.5;
- bissl=1/100;
- joystick=6;
- $fa=1/1;
- $fs=1/2;
- add_len = 0.7 + 1; // + 2 * wall + thread;
- button = 4;
- button_hole = button + 1.0;
- button_stem = button - 0.4;
- button_cut_side = 0.6;
- header_h = pico_header_h + lcd_header_h;
- length = pico_slot_w; //26.7+2*air;
- width = pico_slot_h; //52.4+1.5+2*air;
- height = p_t + p_usb_h + header_h; //16.8+air+extra;
- total_width = width + 2 * wall;
- total_len = length + 2 * wall;
- pwr_w = 5.0;
- pwr_h = 10.0;
- pwr_gap = 0.3;
- pwr_wg = pwr_w + 2 * pwr_gap;
- pwr_hg = pwr_h + 3 * pwr_gap;
- module lcd() {
- color("blue")
- translate([-lcd_h / 2, -lcd_w / 2, 0])
- cube([lcd_h, lcd_w, lcd_d]);
- }
- module hw() {
- translate([0, 0, header_h])
- lcd();
- translate([p_w / 2, -p_h / 2, 0])
- rotate([0, 180, 0])
- pico();
- }
- module bottom() {
- difference() {
- translate([0, -add_len, 0])
- cube([total_width, total_len + 2 * add_len, height + wall]);
- translate([wall, wall, wall])
- cube([width, length, height + 0.1]);
- // screws
- if (0)
- #for (tr=[[wall+thread/2,wall+thread/2,height/2+wall],
- [wall+thread/2,length+3*wall+1.5*thread,height/2+wall],
- [width+wall-thread/2,wall+thread/2,height/2+wall],
- [width+wall-thread/2,length+3*wall+1.5*thread,height/2+wall]])
- translate(tr) cylinder(h=height/2+bissl,d=thread);
- // usb cutout
- translate([wall / 2, wall + length / 2, usb_cut_h / 2 + wall])
- cube([wall + bissl, usb_cut_w, usb_cut_h], center = true);
- // power button cutout
- translate([-0.1, wall + length / 2 - pwr_wg / 2, wall + usb_cut_h - 0.1])
- cube([wall + 0.2, pwr_wg, pwr_h + 0.1]);
- // bootsel button
- translate([14.475, 16.05, -0.1])
- cylinder(d = 4.5, h = wall + 0.2);
- }
- // power button
- translate([0, wall + length / 2 - pwr_w / 2, wall + usb_cut_h + (pwr_hg - pwr_h)])
- cube([wall, pwr_w, pwr_h + 0.1]);
- // pico screw posts
- translate([total_width / 2, total_len / 2, wall])
- for (x = [-p_h / 2 + 2, p_h / 2 - 2])
- for (y = [-p_w / 2 + 4.8, p_w / 2 - 4.8])
- translate([x, y, 0])
- difference() {
- cylinder(d = 4, h = p_usb_h);
- translate([0, 0, -0.1])
- cylinder(d = 2.2, h = p_usb_h + 0.2);
- }
- }
- module top() {
- difference() {
- cube([total_width, total_len, wall]);
- for (tr=[[wall+thread/2,wall+thread/2,-bissl],
- [wall+thread/2,length+3*wall+1.5*thread,-bissl],
- [width+wall-thread/2,wall+thread/2,-bissl],
- [width+wall-thread/2,length+3*wall+1.5*thread,-bissl]])
- translate(tr)
- cylinder(h=wall+2*bissl,d=thread);
- translate([wall+1.5,2*wall+thread,-bissl])
- for (i = [0 : 3])
- translate([47.7 + air, 5.5 + i * 5.7])
- cylinder(h=wall+2*bissl,d=button);
- translate([wall+1.5+6.7+air,2*wall+thread+13.8+air,-bissl])
- cylinder(h=wall+2*bissl,d=joystick);
- translate([wall+13.5+1.5,2*wall+thread,-bissl])
- cube([31,27,wall+2*bissl]);
- }
- translate([wall+13.5+1.5-1.5,2*wall+thread,-extra])
- cube([1.5,27,extra]);
- translate([wall+13.5+1.5+31,2*wall+thread,-extra])
- cube([1.5,27,extra]);
- }
- module button() {
- difference() {
- cylinder(h = 1, d = button_hole);
- translate([button_hole / 2 * -3 + button_cut_side, -button_hole / 2 - 0.1, -0.1])
- cube([button_hole, button_hole + 0.2, 1.2]);
- }
- cylinder(h = 4, d = button_stem);
- }
- module bottom_assm() {
- %translate([0, 0, wall + p_t + p_usb_h])
- rotate([0, 0, 90])
- hw();
- translate([-total_width / 2, -total_len / 2, 0])
- bottom();
- }
- if (part == "bottom") {
- bottom_assm();
- } else if (part == "top") {
- rotate([180, 0, 0])
- top();
- } else if (part == "button") {
- button();
- } else if (part == "print"){
- translate([0, 10, 0])
- bottom();
- translate([0, -10, wall])
- rotate([180, 0, 0])
- top();
- for (i = [1 : 4])
- translate([-10, -25 + i * 10, 0])
- button();
- } else {
- difference() {
- union() {
- bottom_assm();
- if (0)
- translate([-total_width / 2, -total_len / 2, height + wall])
- top();
- if (0)
- for (i = [0 : 3])
- translate([47.7 + air, 5.5 + i * 5.7])
- translate([wall + 1.5, 2 * wall + thread, -1])
- translate([-total_width / 2, -total_len / 2, height + wall])
- button();
- }
- if (1)
- translate([-total_width / 2 - 1, 0, -2])
- cube([total_width + 2, (total_len + 2 * add_len) / 2 + 2, height + wall + 10]);
- }
- }