- name: Create temporary commento directories file: state=directory path={{ item }} with_items: - /root/commento - /root/commento/commento-{{ commento_version }} - name: Download commento {{ commento_version }} release get_url: url="{{ commento_release }}" dest=/root/commento/commento-{{ commento_version }}.tar.gz - name: Decompress commento release unarchive: src=/root/commento/commento-{{ commento_version }}.tar.gz dest=/root/commento/commento-{{ commento_version }} copy=no creates=/root/commento/commento-{{ commento_version }}/commento - name: Create commento working directory file: state=directory path=/home/{{ main_user_name }}/commento - name: Stop old commento instance service: name=commento state=stopped ignore_errors: True - name: Copy commento data to working directory shell: cp -r commento/commento-{{ commento_version }}/* /home/{{ main_user_name }}/commento/ chdir=/root - name: Setup permissions for commento file: path=/home/{{ main_user_name }}/commento owner={{ main_user_name }} group=www-data recurse=yes - name: Add commento postgres user postgresql_user: login_host=localhost login_user={{ db_admin_username }} login_password="{{ db_admin_password }}" name={{ commento_db_username }} password="{{ commento_db_password }}" encrypted=yes state=present - name: Create commento database postgresql_db: login_host=localhost login_user={{ db_admin_username }} login_password="{{ db_admin_password }}" name={{ commento_db_database }} state=present owner={{ commento_db_username }} - name: Add systemd service to start commento automatically template: src=etc_systemd_system_commento.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/commento.service owner=root group=root - name: Register new commento service systemd: name=commento daemon_reload=yes enabled=yes - name: Start new commento instance service: name=commento state=started - name: Create the Apache Commento sites config files template: src=etc_apache2_sites-available_commento.j2 dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/commento_{{ item.name }}.conf owner=root group=root notify: restart apache with_items: "{{ virtual_domains }}" - name: Enable Apache sites (creates new sites-enabled symlinks) command: a2ensite commento_{{ item }}.conf creates=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/commento_{{ item }}.conf notify: restart apache with_items: "{{ virtual_domains | json_query('[*].name') }}"