<?php /*********************************************** * File : config.php * Project : Z-Push * Descr : Main configuration file * * Created : 01.10.2007 * * Copyright 2007 - 2016 Zarafa Deutschland GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Consult LICENSE file for details ************************************************/ /********************************************************************************** * Default settings */ // Defines the default time zone, change e.g. to "Europe/London" if necessary define('TIMEZONE', '{{ zpush_timezone }}'); // Defines the base path on the server define('BASE_PATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']). '/'); // Try to set unlimited timeout define('SCRIPT_TIMEOUT', 0); // Use a custom header to determinate the remote IP of a client. // By default, the server provided REMOTE_ADDR is used. If the header here set // is available, the provided value will be used, else REMOTE_ADDR is maintained. // set to false to disable this behaviour. // common values: 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP' (casing is ignored) define('USE_CUSTOM_REMOTE_IP_HEADER', false); // When using client certificates, we can check if the login sent matches the owner of the certificate. // This setting specifies the owner parameter in the certificate to look at. define("CERTIFICATE_OWNER_PARAMETER", "SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN"); /* * Whether to use the complete email address as a login name * (e.g. user@company.com) or the username only (user). * This is required for Z-Push to work properly after autodiscover. * Possible values: * false - use the username only. * true - string the mobile sends as username, e.g. full email address (default). */ define('USE_FULLEMAIL_FOR_LOGIN', true); /********************************************************************************** * StateMachine setting * * These StateMachines can be used: * FILE - FileStateMachine (default). Needs STATE_DIR set as well. * SQL - SqlStateMachine has own configuration file. STATE_DIR is ignored. * State migration script is available, more informations: https://wiki.z-hub.io/x/xIAa */ define('STATE_MACHINE', 'FILE'); define('STATE_DIR', '/data/zpush-state/'); /********************************************************************************** * IPC - InterProcessCommunication * * Is either provided by using shared memory on a single host or * using the memcache provider for multi-host environments. * When another implementation should be used, the class can be set here explicitly. * If empty Z-Push will try to use available providers. */ define('IPC_PROVIDER', ''); /********************************************************************************** * Logging settings * * The LOGBACKEND specifies where the logs are sent to. * Either to file ("filelog") or to a "syslog" server or a custom log class in core/log/logclass. * filelog and syslog have several options that can be set below. * For more information about the syslog configuration, see https://wiki.z-hub.io/x/HIAT * Possible LOGLEVEL and LOGUSERLEVEL values are: * LOGLEVEL_OFF - no logging * LOGLEVEL_FATAL - log only critical errors * LOGLEVEL_ERROR - logs events which might require corrective actions * LOGLEVEL_WARN - might lead to an error or require corrective actions in the future * LOGLEVEL_INFO - usually completed actions * LOGLEVEL_DEBUG - debugging information, typically only meaningful to developers * LOGLEVEL_WBXML - also prints the WBXML sent to/from the device * LOGLEVEL_DEVICEID - also prints the device id for every log entry * LOGLEVEL_WBXMLSTACK - also prints the contents of WBXML stack * * The verbosity increases from top to bottom. More verbose levels include less verbose * ones, e.g. setting to LOGLEVEL_DEBUG will also output LOGLEVEL_FATAL, LOGLEVEL_ERROR, * LOGLEVEL_WARN and LOGLEVEL_INFO level entries. * * LOGAUTHFAIL is logged to the LOGBACKEND. */ define('LOGBACKEND', 'filelog'); define('LOGLEVEL', LOGLEVEL_INFO); define('LOGAUTHFAIL', false); // To save e.g. WBXML data only for selected users, add the usernames to the array // The data will be saved into a dedicated file per user in the LOGFILEDIR // Users have to be encapusulated in quotes, several users are comma separated, like: // $specialLogUsers = array('info@domain.com', 'myusername'); define('LOGUSERLEVEL', LOGLEVEL_DEVICEID); $specialLogUsers = array(); // Filelog settings define('LOGFILEDIR', '/var/log/z-push/'); define('LOGFILE', LOGFILEDIR . 'z-push.log'); define('LOGERRORFILE', LOGFILEDIR . 'z-push-error.log'); // Syslog settings // false will log to local syslog, otherwise put the remote syslog IP here define('LOG_SYSLOG_HOST', false); // Syslog port define('LOG_SYSLOG_PORT', 514); // Program showed in the syslog. Useful if you have more than one instance login to the same syslog define('LOG_SYSLOG_PROGRAM', 'z-push'); // Syslog facility - use LOG_USER when running on Windows define('LOG_SYSLOG_FACILITY', LOG_LOCAL0); // Location of the trusted CA, e.g. '/etc/ssl/certs/EmailCA.pem' // Uncomment and modify the following line if the validation of the certificates fails. // define('CAINFO', '/etc/ssl/certs/EmailCA.pem'); /********************************************************************************** * Mobile settings */ // Device Provisioning define('PROVISIONING', true); // This option allows the 'loose enforcement' of the provisioning policies for older // devices which don't support provisioning (like WM 5 and HTC Android Mail) - dw2412 contribution // false (default) - Enforce provisioning for all devices // true - allow older devices, but enforce policies on devices which support it define('LOOSE_PROVISIONING', false); // The file containing the policies' settings. // Set a full path or relative to the z-push main directory define('PROVISIONING_POLICYFILE', 'policies.ini'); // Default conflict preference // Some devices allow to set if the server or PIM (mobile) // should win in case of a synchronization conflict // SYNC_CONFLICT_OVERWRITE_SERVER - Server is overwritten, PIM wins // SYNC_CONFLICT_OVERWRITE_PIM - PIM is overwritten, Server wins (default) define('SYNC_CONFLICT_DEFAULT', SYNC_CONFLICT_OVERWRITE_PIM); // Global limitation of items to be synchronized // The mobile can define a sync back period for calendar and email items // For large stores with many items the time period could be limited to a max value // If the mobile transmits a wider time period, the defined max value is used // Applicable values: // SYNC_FILTERTYPE_ALL (default, no limitation) // SYNC_FILTERTYPE_1DAY, SYNC_FILTERTYPE_3DAYS, SYNC_FILTERTYPE_1WEEK, SYNC_FILTERTYPE_2WEEKS, // SYNC_FILTERTYPE_1MONTH, SYNC_FILTERTYPE_3MONTHS, SYNC_FILTERTYPE_6MONTHS define('SYNC_FILTERTIME_MAX', SYNC_FILTERTYPE_3MONTHS); // Interval in seconds before checking if there are changes on the server when in Ping. // It means the highest time span before a change is pushed to a mobile. Set it to // a higher value if you have a high load on the server. define('PING_INTERVAL', 30); // Set the fileas (save as) order for contacts in the webaccess/webapp/outlook. // It will only affect new/modified contacts on the mobile which then are synced to the server. // Possible values are: // SYNC_FILEAS_FIRSTLAST - fileas will be "Firstname Middlename Lastname" // SYNC_FILEAS_LASTFIRST - fileas will be "Lastname, Firstname Middlename" // SYNC_FILEAS_COMPANYONLY - fileas will be "Company" // SYNC_FILEAS_COMPANYLAST - fileas will be "Company (Lastname, Firstname Middlename)" // SYNC_FILEAS_COMPANYFIRST - fileas will be "Company (Firstname Middlename Lastname)" // SYNC_FILEAS_LASTCOMPANY - fileas will be "Lastname, Firstname Middlename (Company)" // SYNC_FILEAS_FIRSTCOMPANY - fileas will be "Firstname Middlename Lastname (Company)" // The company-fileas will only be set if a contact has a company set. If one of // company-fileas is selected and a contact doesn't have a company set, it will default // to SYNC_FILEAS_FIRSTLAST or SYNC_FILEAS_LASTFIRST (depending on if last or first // option is selected for company). // If SYNC_FILEAS_COMPANYONLY is selected and company of the contact is not set // SYNC_FILEAS_LASTFIRST will be used define('FILEAS_ORDER', SYNC_FILEAS_LASTFIRST); // Maximum amount of items to be synchronized per request. // Normally this value is requested by the mobile. Common values are 5, 25, 50 or 100. // Exporting too much items can cause mobile timeout on busy systems. // Z-Push will use the lowest provided value, either set here or by the mobile. // MS Outlook 2013+ request up to 512 items to accelerate the sync process. // If you detect high load (also on subsystems) you could try a lower setting. // max: 512 - value used if mobile does not limit amount of items define('SYNC_MAX_ITEMS', 512); // The devices usually send a list of supported properties for calendar and contact // items. If a device does not includes such a supported property in Sync request, // it means the property's value will be deleted on the server. // However some devices do not send a list of supported properties. It is then impossible // to tell if a property was deleted or it was not set at all if it does not appear in Sync. // This parameter defines Z-Push behaviour during Sync if a device does not issue a list with // supported properties. // See also https://jira.z-hub.io/browse/ZP-302. // Possible values: // false - do not unset properties which are not sent during Sync (default) // true - unset properties which are not sent during Sync define('UNSET_UNDEFINED_PROPERTIES', false); // ActiveSync specifies that a contact photo may not exceed 48 KB. This value is checked // in the semantic sanity checks and contacts with larger photos are not synchronized. // This limitation is not being followed by the ActiveSync clients which set much bigger // contact photos. You can override the default value of the max photo size. // default: 5242880 - 5 MB default max photo size in bytes define('SYNC_CONTACTS_MAXPICTURESIZE', 5242880); // Over the WebserviceUsers command it is possible to retrieve a list of all // known devices and users on this Z-Push system. The authenticated user needs to have // admin rights and a public folder must exist. // In multicompany environments this enable an admin user of any company to retrieve // this full list, so this feature is disabled by default. Enable with care. define('ALLOW_WEBSERVICE_USERS_ACCESS', false); // Users with many folders can use the 'partial foldersync' feature, where the server // actively stops processing the folder list if it takes too long. Other requests are // then redirected to the FolderSync to synchronize the remaining items. // Device compatibility for this procedure is not fully understood. // NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE WHICH COULD PREVENT YOUR MOBILES FROM SYNCHRONIZING. define('USE_PARTIAL_FOLDERSYNC', false); // The minimum accepted time in second that a ping command should last. // It is strongly advised to keep this config to false. Some device // might not be able to send a higher value than the one specificied here and thus // unable to start a push connection. // If set to false, there will be no lower bound to the ping lifetime. // The minimum accepted value is 1 second. The maximum accepted value is 3540 seconds (59 minutes). define('PING_LOWER_BOUND_LIFETIME', false); // The maximum accepted time in second that a ping command should last. // If set to false, there will be no higher bound to the ping lifetime. // The minimum accepted value is 1 second. The maximum accepted value is 3540 seconds (59 minutes). define('PING_HIGHER_BOUND_LIFETIME', false); // Maximum response time // Mobiles implement different timeouts to their TCP/IP connections. Android devices for example // have a hard timeout of 30 seconds. If the server is not able to answer a request within this timeframe, // the answer will not be recieved and the device will send a new one overloading the server. // There are three categories // - Short timeout - server has up within 30 seconds - is automatically applied for not categorized types // - Medium timeout - server has up to 90 seconds to respond // - Long timeout - server has up to 4 minutes to respond // If a timeout is almost reached the server will break and sent the results it has until this // point. You can add DeviceType strings to the categories. // In general longer timeouts are better, because more data can be streamed at once. define('SYNC_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM_DEVICETYPES', "SAMSUNGGTI"); define('SYNC_TIMEOUT_LONG_DEVICETYPES', "iPod, iPad, iPhone, WP, WindowsOutlook, WindowsMail"); // Time in seconds the device should wait whenever the service is unavailable, // e.g. when a backend service is unavailable. // Z-Push sends a "Retry-After" header in the response with the here defined value. // It is up to the device to respect or not this directive so even if this option is set, // the device might not wait requested time frame. // Number of seconds before retry, to disable set to: false define('RETRY_AFTER_DELAY', 300); /********************************************************************************** * Backend settings */ // the backend data provider define('BACKEND_PROVIDER', 'BackendCombined'); /********************************************************************************** * Search provider settings * * Alternative backend to perform SEARCH requests (GAL search) * By default the main Backend defines the preferred search functionality. * If set, the Search Provider will always be preferred. * Use 'BackendSearchLDAP' to search in a LDAP directory (see backend/searchldap/config.php) */ define('SEARCH_PROVIDER', ''); // Time in seconds for the server search. Setting it too high might result in timeout. // Setting it too low might not return all results. Default is 10. define('SEARCH_WAIT', 10); // The maximum number of results to send to the client. Setting it too high // might result in timeout. Default is 10. define('SEARCH_MAXRESULTS', 10); /********************************************************************************** * Kopano Outlook Extension - Settings * * The Kopano Outlook Extension (KOE) provides MS Outlook 2013 and newer with * functionality not provided by ActiveSync or not implemented by Outlook. * For more information, see: https://wiki.z-hub.io/x/z4Aa */ // Global Address Book functionality define('KOE_CAPABILITY_GAB', true); // Synchronize mail flags from the server to Outlook/KOE define('KOE_CAPABILITY_RECEIVEFLAGS', true); // Encode flags when sending from Outlook/KOE define('KOE_CAPABILITY_SENDFLAGS', true); // Out-of-office support define('KOE_CAPABILITY_OOF', true); // Out-of-office support with start & end times (superseeds KOE_CAPABILITY_OOF) define('KOE_CAPABILITY_OOFTIMES', true); // Notes support define('KOE_CAPABILITY_NOTES', true); // Shared folder support define('KOE_CAPABILITY_SHAREDFOLDER', true); // Send-As support for Outlook/KOE and mobiles define('KOE_CAPABILITY_SENDAS', true); // Secondary Contact folders (own and shared) define('KOE_CAPABILITY_SECONDARYCONTACTS', true); // Copy WebApp signature into KOE define('KOE_CAPABILITY_SIGNATURES', true); // Delivery receipt requests define('KOE_CAPABILITY_RECEIPTS', true); // Impersonate other users define('KOE_CAPABILITY_IMPERSONATE', true); // To synchronize the GAB KOE, the GAB store and folderid need to be specified. // Use the gab-sync script to generate this data. The name needs to // match the config of the gab-sync script. // More information here: https://wiki.z-hub.io/x/z4Aa (GAB Sync Script) define('KOE_GAB_STORE', 'SYSTEM'); define('KOE_GAB_FOLDERID', ''); define('KOE_GAB_NAME', 'Z-Push-KOE-GAB'); /********************************************************************************** * Synchronize additional folders to all mobiles * * With this feature, special folders can be synchronized to all mobiles. * This is useful for e.g. global company contacts. * * This feature is supported only by certain devices, like iPhones. * Check the compatibility list for supported devices: * http://z-push.org/compatibility * * To synchronize a folder, add a section setting all parameters as below: * store: the ressource where the folder is located. * Kopano users use 'SYSTEM' for the 'Public Folder' * folderid: folder id of the folder to be synchronized * name: name to be displayed on the mobile device * type: supported types are: * SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_CONTACT * SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_APPOINTMENT * SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_TASK * SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_MAIL * SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_NOTE * flags: sets additional options on the shared folder. Supported are: * DeviceManager::FLD_FLAGS_NONE * No flags configured, default flag to be set * DeviceManager::FLD_FLAGS_SENDASOWNER * When replying in this folder, automatically do Send-As * DeviceManager::FLD_FLAGS_CALENDARREMINDERS * If set, Outlook shows reminders for these shares with KOE * * Additional notes: * - on Kopano systems use backend/kopano/listfolders.php script to get a list * of available folders * * - all Z-Push users must have at least reading permissions so the configured * folders can be synchronized to the mobile. Else they are ignored. * * - this feature is only partly suitable for multi-tenancy environments, * as ALL users from ALL tenents need access to the configured store & folder. * When configuring a public folder, this will cause problems, as each user has * a different public folder in his tenant, so the folder are not available. * - changing this configuration could cause HIGH LOAD on the system, as all * connected devices will be updated and load the data contained in the * added/modified folders. */ $additionalFolders = array( // demo entry for the synchronization of contacts from the public folder. // uncomment (remove '/*' '*/') and fill in the folderid /* array( 'store' => "SYSTEM", 'folderid' => "", 'name' => "Public Contacts", 'type' => SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_CONTACT, 'flags' => DeviceManager::FLD_FLAGS_NONE, ), */ );