# more or less as per http://wiki.znc.in/Running_ZNC_as_a_system_daemon - name: Install znc dependencies apt: pkg=$item state=installed with_items: - build-essential - libssl-dev - openssl - swig - automake - libtool - libsasl2-dev - checkinstall - g++ - pkg-config - python3-dev - libperl-dev - name: Download znc release get_url: url=http://znc.in/releases/znc-${znc_version}.tar.gz dest=/root/znc-${znc_version}.tar.gz - name: Decompress znc source command: tar xzf /root/znc-${znc_version}.tar.gz chdir=/root creates=/root/znc-${znc_version}/configure - name: Build and install znc shell: ./configure --enable-python ; make ; make install executable=/bin/bash chdir=/root/znc-${znc_version} creates=/usr/local/bin/znc - name: Create znc group group: name=znc state=present - name: Create znc user user: name=znc state=present home=/var/lib/znc system=yes group=znc - name: Copy znc init file into place copy: src=etc_init.d_znc dest=/etc/init.d/znc mode=0755 - name: Copy znc combined SSL cert into place copy: src=etc_ssl_znc-combined.pem dest=/etc/ssl/znc-combined.pem owner=znc group=znc # NOTE: you should probably just generate this using the directions above and then edit via the web panel #- name: Copy znc configuration file into place # template: src=var_lib_znc_configs_znc.conf.j2 dest=/var/lib/znc/configs/znc.conf owner=znc group=znc - name: Ensure znc is a system service command: update-rc.d znc defaults notify: restart znc