--- # Installs and configures the Solr full-text-search. - name: Install Solr and related packages apt: name: "{{ packages }}" state: present vars: packages: - dovecot-solr - solr-tomcat tags: - dependencies - name: Work around Debian bug and copy Solr schema file into place copy: src=solr-schema.xml dest=/etc/solr/conf/schema.xml owner=root group=root - name: Copy tweaked Tomcat config file into place copy: src=etc_tomcat8_server.xml dest=/etc/tomcat8/server.xml owner=root group=tomcat8 notify: restart solr when: ansible_distribution_version == '9' - name: Copy tweaked Tomcat config file into place copy: src=etc_tomcat9_server.xml dest=/etc/tomcat9/server.xml owner=root group=tomcat notify: restart solr when: ansible_distribution_version == '10' - name: Copy tweaked Solr config file into place copy: src=etc_solr_conf_solrconfig.xml dest=/etc/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml owner=root group=root notify: restart solr - name: Create Solr index directory file: state=directory path=/data/solr owner=tomcat8 group=tomcat8 notify: restart solr when: ansible_distribution_version == '9' - name: Create Solr index directory file: state=directory path=/data/solr owner=tomcat group=tomcat notify: restart solr when: ansible_distribution_version == '10'