'] = array( // required attributes 'name' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'url' => '', // optional attributes 'active' => , 'readonly' => , 'refresh_time' => '', 'preemptive_auth' => <1 or 0>, // attributes that are fixed (i.e., not editable by the user) and // auto-updated for this preset 'fixed' => array( < 0 or more of the other attribute keys > ), // hide this preset from CalDAV preferences section so users can't even // see it 'hide' => , ); */ // All values in angle brackets have to be substituted. // // The meaning of the different parameters is as follows: // // : Unique preset name, must not be '_GLOBAL'. The presetname is // not user visible and only used for an internal mapping between // addressbooks created from a preset and the preset itself. You // should never change this throughout its lifetime. // // The following parameters are REQUIRED and need to be specified for any preset. // // name: User-visible name of the addressbook. If the server provides // an additional display name for the addressbooks found for the // preset, it will be appended in brackets to this name, except // if carddav_name_only is true (see below). // // username: CardDAV username to access the addressbook. Set this setting // to '%u' to use the roundcube username. // // password: CardDAV password to access the addressbook. Set this setting // to '%p' to use the roundcube password. The password will not // be stored in the database when using %p. // // url: URL where to find the CardDAV addressbook(s). If the given URL // refers directly to an addressbook, only this single // addressbook will be added. If the URL points somewhere in the // CardDAV space, but _not_ to the location of a particular // addressbook, the server will be queried for the available // addressbooks and all of them will be added. You can use %u // within the URL as a placeholder for the CardDAV username. // // The following parameters are OPTIONAL and need to be specified only if the default // value is not acceptable. // // active: If this parameter is false, the addressbook is not used by roundcube // unless the user changes this setting. // Default: true // // carddav_name_only: // If this parameter is true, only the server provided displayname // is used for addressbooks created from this preset, except if // the server does not provide a display name. // Default: false // // readonly: If this parameter is true, the addressbook will only be // accessible in read-only mode, i.e., the user will not be able // to add, modify or delete contacts in the addressbook. // Default: false // // refresh_time: Time interval for that cached versions of the addressbook // entries should be used, in hours. After this time interval has // passed since the last pull from the server, it will be // refreshed when the addressbook is accessed the next time. // Default: 01:00:00 // // preemptive_auth: // If this parameter is 1, the authentication headers will be sent // automatically with every request, regardless of the server // requesting them or not. // This must be set for ownCloud to work correctly. // Default: 0 // // fixed: Array of parameter keys that must not be changed by the user. // Note that only fixed parameters will be automatically updated // for existing addressbooks created from presets. Otherwise the // user may already have changed the setting, and his change // would be lost. You can add any of the above keys, but it the // setting only affects parameters that can be changed via the // settings pane (e.g., readonly cannot be changed by the user // anyway). Still only parameters listed as fixed will // automatically updated if the preset is changed. // Default: empty, all settings modifiable by user // // !!! WARNING: Only add 'url' to the list of fixed addressbooks // if it _directly_ points to an address book collection. // Otherwise, the plugin will initially lookup the URLs for the // collections on the server, and at the next login overwrite it // with the fixed value stored here. Therefore, if you change the // URL, you have two options: // 1) If the new URL is a variation of the old one (e.g. hostname // change), you can run an SQL UPDATE query directly in the // database to adopt all addressbooks. // 2) If the new URL is not easily derivable from the old one, // change the key of the preset and change the URL. Addressbooks // belonging to the old preset will be deleted upon the next // login of the user and freshly created. // // hide: Whether this preset should be hidden from the CalDAV listing // on the preferences page. // How Preset Updates work // // Preset addressbooks are created for a user as she logs in. //// ** ADDRESSBOOK PRESETS - EXAMPLE: Two Addressbook Presets //// Preset 1: Personal /* $prefs['Personal'] = array( // required attributes 'name' => 'Personal', // will be substituted for the roundcube username 'username' => '%u', // will be substituted for the roundcube password 'password' => '%p', // %u will be substituted for the CardDAV username 'url' => 'https://ical.example.org/caldav.php/%u/Personal', 'active' => true, 'readonly' => false, 'refresh_time' => '02:00:00', 'fixed' => array( 'username' ), 'hide' => false, ); */ //// Preset 2: Corporate /* $prefs['Work'] = array( 'name' => 'Corporate', 'username' => 'CorpUser', 'password' => 'C0rpPasswo2d', 'url' => 'https://ical.example.org/caldav.php/%u/Corporate', 'fixed' => array( 'name', 'username', 'password' ), 'hide' => true, ); */