123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657 |
- - name: Install Roundcube
- apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- with_items:
- - roundcube
- - roundcube-pgsql
- - roundcube-plugins
- - name: Configure Roundcube database
- template: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} group={{ item.group }} mode={{ item.mode }} owner=root force=yes
- with_items:
- - { src: 'etc_dbconfig-common_roundcube.conf.j2', dest: '/etc/dbconfig-common/roundcube.conf', group: 'root', mode: 600 }
- - { src: 'etc_roundcube_debian-db.php.j2', dest: '/etc/roundcube/debian-db.php', group: 'www-data', mode: 640 }
- notify: set roundcube password
- - name: Download carddav plugin release
- get_url:
- url=https://github.com/blind-coder/rcmcarddav/archive/carddav_{{ carddav_version }}.tar.gz
- dest=/root/carddav_{{ carddav_version }}.tar.gz
- - name: Decompress carddav plugin source
- command: tar xzf carddav_{{ carddav_version }}.tar.gz chdir=/root creates=/root/rcmcarddav-carddav_{{ carddav_version }}
- - name: Move carddav plugin files to /usr/share/roundcube/plugins/carddav
- command: mv rcmcarddav-carddav_{{ carddav_version }} /usr/share/roundcube/plugins/carddav chdir=/root creates=/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/carddav
- - name: Download Google Authenticator roundcube plugin
- git: repo=https://github.com/alexandregz/twofactor_gauthenticator.git
- dest=/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/twofactor_gauthenticator
- accept_hostkey=yes
- - name: Link plugins into /var/lib/roundcube/plugins
- file: state=link src=/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/{{ item }} dest=/var/lib/roundcube/plugins/{{ item }} force=yes
- with_items:
- - carddav
- - twofactor_gauthenticator
- - name: Rename existing Apache roundcube virtualhost
- command: mv /etc/apache2/sites-available/roundcube /etc/apache2/sites-available/roundcube.conf removes=/etc/apache2/sites-available/roundcube
- - name: Remove old sites-enabled/roundcube symlink (new one will be created by a2ensite)
- command: rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/roundcube removes=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/roundcube
- - name: Configure the Apache HTTP server for roundcube
- template: src=etc_apache2_sites-available_roundcube.j2 dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/roundcube.conf group=root owner=root force=yes
- - name: Configure roundcube
- copy: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} group=www-data owner=root mode=640 force=yes
- with_items:
- - { src: 'etc_roundcube_global.sieve', dest: '/etc/roundcube/global.sieve' }
- - { src: 'etc_roundcube_main.inc.php', dest: '/etc/roundcube/main.inc.php' }
- - { src: 'usr_share_roundcube_plugins_carddav_config.inc.php', dest: '/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/carddav/config.inc.php' }
- - { src: 'usr_share_roundcube_plugins_managesieve_config.inc.php', dest: '/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/managesieve/config.inc.php' }
- - { src: 'usr_share_roundcube_plugins_twofactor_gauthenticator_config.inc.php', dest: '/usr/share/roundcube/plugins/twofactor_gauthenticator/config.inc.php' }
- - name: Enable roundcube site
- command: a2ensite roundcube.conf creates=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/roundcube.conf
- notify: restart apache