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  1. - name: Create temporary lights-web directory
  2. file: state=directory path=/root/lights-web
  3. - name: Download lights-web source
  4. get_url:
  5. url="{{ lights_web_release }}"
  6. dest=/root/lights-web/lights-web.zip
  7. - name: Remove old lights-web decompressed source
  8. shell: rm -rf /root/lights-web/lights-web
  9. - name: Decompress lights-web release
  10. unarchive: src=/root/lights-web/lights-web.zip
  11. dest=/root/lights-web/ copy=no
  12. creates=/root/lights-web/lights-web
  13. - name: Create lights-web webserver directory
  14. file: state=directory path=/var/www/lights-web
  15. - name: Copy lights-web to webserver directory
  16. shell: cp -R /root/lights-web/lights-web/* /var/www/lights-web
  17. - name: Create config file with lights-web credentials
  18. template:
  19. src=var_www_lights_web_lights_credentials.j2
  20. dest=/var/www/lights-web/lights/credentials.js
  21. owner=root
  22. group=root